According to source, Charlie Sheen is leaving CBS’s hit sitcom Two and a Half Men. After seven seasons, the show will be down one man right after the taping in April 9. Charlie is through with the show, and he is silently saying his friends that he’s not coming back. The network was hoping that the actor would sign for a new contract for an eight season of Two and a Half Men, but Sheen had recently rejected the offer. His friend, also an actor, said that Sheen wants to move on after he has fulfilled his contract after his taping for the 22nd episode of this season. According to Stan Rosenfield, Sheen’s rep, the actor’s deal is only through this current season. Carlos Irwin Esevez is well known as Charlie Sheen. He is an American actor. On television, he is known for his roles on two sitcoms: as Charlie Crawford on Spin City and as Charlie Harper on Two and a Half Men Charlie Sheen Wants Out of “Two and a Half Men” is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading →