Tag Archives: the-conclusion

American Idol Results: Who Got Booted?

They all chose singles by their personal idols this week, but for one member of the American Idol top 9, that role model proved to be unlucky tonight. Whose name was called at the conclusion of the latest results show? Did the judges use the power of their save to keep this individual around? You’re seconds away from the answer… Following performances by Nicki Minaj and Scotty McCreery, Hollie Cavanagh, Sklyar Laine and Heejan Han stood in the bottom three. Hollie was the first to be told she was safe, leading to the announcement moments later that Han would be going home . He once again belted out ” A Song For You ” in an attempt to be rescued by the panel, but – despite tears from Jennifer Lopez – it was not meant to be. Only eight finalists remain. Did Han deserve to go home this week?

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American Idol Results: Who Got Booted?

8 People Who Swear They Can Sing But Really Can’t

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With the increased popularity of electronic crutches like Autotune, a lot of people are being allowed to have musical careers without being able to sing very well. We’ve all thought it but very few have come out and said it. Well, the folks at Madamenoire.com went there and some folks are about to get their feelings hurt. Do you agree with their picks? Jennifer Lopez Lopez is definitely a woman that has worn many hats. While that is commendable, I must say that carrying a note is something she should give up on. She’s a great entertainer otherwise, but we all should have been real with her after “If You Had My Love.” Pharrell Williams I love this guy, and I even bought his solo album , In My Mind where he both sings and raps. But it took me a few years to come to the conclusion that if he really thinks he can sing, he’s got to be playing crazy. His vocals can sound okay one second and then piercing the next. READ THE FULL LIST AT MADAMENOIRE.COM

8 People Who Swear They Can Sing But Really Can’t

Can Rob Kardashian WIN Dancing With the Stars?!

“It’s my time to peak.” – Rob Kardashian. All but written off by many (including THG) at the onset of the season, Dancing With the Stars’ dark horse looks like a virtual

Could This Kickstarter Project About Chris Crocker Yield the Definitive Doc of the YouTube-Era?

In 2007, a 19-year-old from Tennessee named Chris Crocker used YouTube to defend a mildly disturbed pop star named Britney Spears. His efforts didn’t quite sway her detractors, but the gargantuan amount of attention he received for yelling, “Leave Britney Alone” proved that YouTube was a startup starmaker — and you only needed a camera and a computer to plug yourself into its intergalactic Jumbotron. Now, a new documentary called Me At the Zoo about the platinum-topped viral phenom needs Kickstarter cash to finish production. Could your investment be worth it?

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Could This Kickstarter Project About Chris Crocker Yield the Definitive Doc of the YouTube-Era?

REVIEW: Final Destination 5 Combines Wit and Morbid Excess, and Somehow It Works

In his 1998 article about the crash of ValuJet Flight 592 into the Florida Everglades, William Langwiesche explains the concept of the “normal accident.” When 105 people die, the public wants answers — a story to make sense of what happened and determine who is to blame. The piece’s ultimate point is that allowances must be made, particularly in a world with as many working parts as ours, for disasters that are not only unforeseen but unavoidable. Laying out the complicated sequence of events that led to an oxygen tank explosion in the plane’s cargo hold, Langwiesche arrives at the conclusion that it may be more dangerous to take extreme measures to avoid what amounts to a series of benign human oversights combined with circumstance than to accept that the universe will occasionally and very casually line up against you. It’s a beautifully wrought and supremely rational argument whose logic might be a source of comfort if it weren’t so horrifying.

Excerpt from:
REVIEW: Final Destination 5 Combines Wit and Morbid Excess, and Somehow It Works

Lady Gaga’s Horrible See Through Dress of the Day

I’m pretty much ready for Gaga to go on tour with Winehouse, you know have her Lupus get the best of her…cuz I know a guy who died of Lupus, and after much reflection, have come to the conclusion, that the disease would have been better off taking this clown of a person….She’s totally full of shit. Her act is a fucking lie. People bye into it and that’s why I think she should die…. See Winehouse was innovative, legitimate and had fucking soul…She could have taken the whole fame thing to the next level, but instead was cool about shit, and not some dying for attention, holding on as hard as she can, trying to get noticed, popstar joke who is ugly as fucking shit, and should get arrested for indecent exposure for her wardrobe for attention choices she makes, but I’d be much more satisfied if it was her who died. She’s fucking garbage….and if she was actually fucking garbage…maybe I’d be more into this bullshit…cuz you can’t expect a girl who fucks garbage to be hot…you kinda take them how they come…but instead Gaga is just the garbage….you know stuffing your panties with a cock, so controversial. Fuck you.

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Lady Gaga’s Horrible See Through Dress of the Day

Van Ness Wu new album "C’est La ‘V’"

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Van Ness Wu new album "C’est La ‘V’"

Christopher Columbus Says Goodbye to Harry Potter

He’s not as well known as Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson, but he’s played as critical a role in the Harry Potter franchise as anyone. So, how does Christopher Columbus – the director of the first two installments, and producer of the third – feel about the conclusion of this series, which officially gets underway with the Friday release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ? It’s “surreal,” Columbus told our friends at Movie Fanatic. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Clip “People say, well did you know when you were casting these kids that it would be such a success? No,” he says. “We had no idea and we never knew that they would age so well. There’s certain younger actors, who after the second or third film, you would never want to put them in another film. In this Harry Potter world, for some reason, we had this incredibly blessed cast of all these young kids who became great actors and who maintain some kind of movie star charisma.” Read the full interview now at Movie Fanatic!

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Christopher Columbus Says Goodbye to Harry Potter

Stefano Langone Leaves American Idol

“I#39;ve been on this road before,” he told Ryan just before the vote was announced. But he said he#39;d done his best. And he never stopped smiling – unlike James Durbin, who was shown with his face down in his hands, and later crying. Then Stefano sang “Lately,” at the conclusion of which James came out and lifted him up in a hug. Ryan Seacrest correctly referred to Wednesday night#39;s American Idol as “a colorful show” – Casey Abrams kissed Jennifer Lopez, Steven swore like a sailor, and Ry

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Stefano Langone Leaves American Idol

Two and a Half Men Creator Challenges Charlie Sheen to a Live-Off

At the conclusion of last night’s Two and a Half Men episode, the final installment filmed prior to Charlie Sheen’s quasi trip to rehab, creator Chuck Lorre posted a message that ran in the show’s credits. Likely in response to the actor’s hilarious threat that CBS better let him work or else he’ll go back to boozing, Lorre made a reference to Sheen dying young. The on-screen card read: What do you think? Is Chuck Lorre calling out Charlie Sheen in such a public, personal matter fair or foul? UPDATE: In response, Sheen says: “Chuck, I will outlive you. I will piss you off… I miss you, man.”

Excerpt from:
Two and a Half Men Creator Challenges Charlie Sheen to a Live-Off