The highlight of my Lily Allen career was from back when I was a lot meaner and I saw her as some fat chick who was over-hyped thanks to nepotism. She had announced that she was pregnant with some dude she was going to marry, then they broke up, and a week later she had a miscarriage. So I ran with that little bit of gossip and called her out on having an abortion. Which turns out is something feminists, girls who have had abortions, which is pretty much every girl, and girls who have miscarriages don’t like…especially when they are Lily Allen fans…even though it was funny content… I mean I didn’t trick Lily Allen into making millions of dollars being famous, I didn’t push her into being a fat public figure with an audience. I didn’t set her up to be made fun of. Because not everything the media shove down our throat is good and not everything they shove down our throat deserves to be celebrated…Sometimes they are shitty people, with shitty content, doing shitty things, that deserve to be shit on… ANyway, she ended up having kids, clearly her abortion wasn’t destructive enough to stop her from reproducing, and for some reason she looks better than she did before she had kids. Maybe because she realized she was a dumpy pile of shit..up on some Lena Dunham Shit…who needed to get her act together if ever she wanted to be a popstar…that she obviously wanted to be. Otherwise she would have worked behind the scenes. Now she’s on some kick, where she mocks popstars, the girls she wants to be. A lot like I mocked her abortion, proving that Lily Allen is as horrible a person as me…so what I was doing to her was no different than what she does to Miley…as she simulates the twerk on stage…her teasing is part of her stage show… Like laughing at her sloppy ass, even after all the working out and trying to be fit…while wearing a bikini…is part of my stage show…this stage show…. Here are the pics of this garbage….looking like garbage…cuz she’s too old for this bikini business even if she’s in better shape than she’s ever been…which if you know Lily Allen…isn’t saying much. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Lily Allen Takes a Swim Less Fat with Hard Nipples of the Day