Tag Archives: trains

The Harrowing Tale of an Amtrak Train Stuck on the Rails for 10 Hours [Scary]

A train from Baltimore to Philadelphia stalled on the tracks for ten hours last night. With doors locked and electricity waning, passengers cried and fought for emergency rations. A local news reporter happened to be on board, and tweeted it. More

If We Build High Speed Rail, Will People Use It?

Photo Credit: Adam E. Moreira Is high-speed rail a good investment for Americans? That is what most leaders, political figures and advocates try to answer the majority of the time. Yet, that may be the wrong question. A better question is: would people use super fast public transit if it were built? According to A… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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If We Build High Speed Rail, Will People Use It?

Chris Pine Rode With His Idols For ‘Unstoppable’

The ‘Star Trek’ captain describes becoming a train operator for the Denzel Washington/ Tony Scott film. By Kara Warner Chris Pine in “Unstoppable” Photo: 20th Century Fox Any time Tony Scott and Denzel Washington team up on a film, moviegoers can count on blockbuster-scale action sequences, serious acting and a thrilling plot. Their latest effort, and fourth film together overall, is “Unstoppable,” and with “Star Trek” star Chris Pine thrown into the mix, the film has all the makings of a box-office hit when it opens on November 12. The story, which is loosely based on real events, revolves around seasoned train engineer Frank Barnes (Washington) and newly hired operator Will Colson (Pine). While out doing a training run, they hear a warning of an out-of-control train full of hazardous chemicals careening down the rails on a path toward massive destruction. Barnes and Colson set out on a suicide mission to stop the train before it’s too late. When MTV News caught up with Pine, we talked about the technicalities and dangers of train operation, his out-of-body experience during his first meeting with Scott and Washington, and the inevitable “Speed” comparisons. MTV : What kind of training did you get with regard to operating actual trains? Chris Pine : There’s a little railroad yard in L.A. that — essentially there are different classes of railroad, and this is, I think, maybe a third-level railroad. So we went to that yard and got a chance to hop on the trains, learn what it was like to be in the cab, and what all the various assorted technical jargon was all about. It was a lot of fun. It was like being a kid. MTV : What does it feel like to operate the trains? Can you feel the power behind the machines? Pine : Well, the one thing they keep telling you, and it’s so true, is that especially the trains in the yards, they’re very quiet, and obviously the trains are thousands and thousands and thousands of pounds, tons of weight. The guys would tell stories about guys who weren’t paying attention on the tracks, with their backs turned, and very silently a train would creep up, whether it was working on the yard, or whatever was happening at the time, and would crush someone. And there’s no way to stop a train once it’s going. If a train’s going, a train will not stop on a dime. And pretty much to a T, every single one of the conductors or engineers had stories about hitting someone or maiming someone, and each yard has a therapist in place to deal with that. And more often than not, it’s not their fault. People are committing suicide or people are screwed up and accidently left their cars on the tracks. But it can be a pretty grim business. MTV : Yikes. What was the stunt work like on the film? Pine : The stunt work was pretty hairy stuff. Again, you’re working with actual trains, obviously, so there’s no CG, there’s nothing fake about it. You know there’s trains going really fast, and you have to hang off trains or jump on the train, and thank god we had a wonderful stunt team behind us. And I had a great stunt double. You know, I would try to do everything I could within reason, but once it got really hairy, that’s when I stepped back and went to video village, got my seat, got my drink, and watched the action unfold with everybody else. MTV : What was your most impressive feat, stunt-wise? Pine : Well, if I were to tell you that, I think I’d give away some of the movie, [but] suffice it to say, most of it’s me. If it gets really scary, you can pretty much guarantee it was my wonderful stunt double. MTV : What was your experience like with Mr. Washington and Mr. Scott? Pine : Well, I grew up watching their movies. One of the first movies I ever fell in love with was “Top Gun,” and I’ve been watching Denzel since “Glory,” and on and on and on down the line. So, to work with two of my idols was just a dream come true, and I remember a point early on in the process when we all met in Tony’s office in L.A. It was me and Denzel and Tony and we’re kind of shooting the sh– and talking about life, and seeing if our schedules were going to work out to be able to do this movie. And then afterwards, I kind of had this out-of-body experience thing — “I just had a conversation with two of my idols, one of the best actors of all time, one of the best directors of all time. We were talking about maybe doing a film together if our schedules worked out!” [That was] one of those times when you really remember just how lucky you are and how grateful you are to be able to be in the position. MTV : And for audiences who know you from “Star Trek,” what are they going to get out of this film? Pine : It’s a lot of fun. Like “Star Trek,” it has the genetic code of the summer tentpole movie. It’s fun. It’s action-packed, and it’s got some really interesting, complex characters to kind of anchor the whole thing. And Tony always talked about how the movie was like a train. You know, once it gets going, it just does not stop, and Tony doesn’t give you much time to rest or settle in your seat before something happens. MTV : What do you think about the inevitable “Speed” comparisons? Pine : Well, it’s very much like “Speed” in the sense that … you have two vehicles that are moving, and they’re both capable of inflicting large-scale damage, and it’s up to two people to stop it who are initially at odds. Obviously, Denzel and I don’t fall in love in this one, but there’s a lot of love there for sure. From the saucy Jessica Alba in “Little Fockers” to James Franco’s grueling journey in “127 Hours,” the MTV Movies team is delving into the hottest flicks of fall 2010. Check back daily for exclusive clips, photos and interviews with the films’ biggest stars. Check out everything we’ve got on “Unstoppable.”

Chris Pine Rode With His Idols For ‘Unstoppable’

Are Planners Socialists for Trying to Encourage "Livability"?

Ray LaHood’s vision of how we will get to work That is the title at Planetizen that Tim Halbur writes, that sums up a discussion about whether initiatives to get people out of their cars and to create more walkable cities are socialist plots. George Will recently called Ray LaHood “Secretary of Behavior Modification.” Will writes in Newsweek: … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Are Planners Socialists for Trying to Encourage "Livability"?

A Guide to Subway Safety [Field Guide]

In the last six months, three New Yorkers have died after hopping down onto the subway tracks to retrieve something they dropped. Subways are not funhouse playlands! Are you being unsafe underground? This easy guide should help. More

Gretchen Rossi Pulling Some Balloon Boy Dad Stunts of the Day

Writing about celebrities I don’t care about is depressing enough for me, but every once in a while there comes a cunt who really makes me realize that I need to pack this shit up, Hollywood’s a joke, and get a job working shoveling shit at a barn outside of town, as it will be more fulfilling an experience and today that cunt in Gretchen Rossi.

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Gretchen Rossi Pulling Some Balloon Boy Dad Stunts of the Day

Sad Day for Train Zealots

I received this e-mail from representative Tom Kovach today, who works with OnTrac to promote commuter rail in Oklahoma: All: It was reported to us yesterday that construction crews have commenced work on removing the old passenger platforms at Union Station as part of the final phase of the new Crosstown Expressway. Clearly, this marks the beginning of the demolition and excavation work that will eliminate Union Station’s railyard. We are deeply saddened by the avoidable and regrettable loss of this invaluable, one-of-a-kind facility. It is a sorrowful commentary on where are as a state with regard to transportation and rail transit. At a time when our peer cities and states are well on their way to developing 21st century transportation systems, we can only hope this loss also marks the end of Oklahoma’s ambivalence and disregard for the importance of rail transit. If we wish to remain economically competitive and to provide our citizens the job and transportation opportunities they deserve for a better quality of life, its imperative that we all work together even harder now if we hope to make rail transit a reality for Oklahoma.

Sad Day for Train Zealots

Olbermann Plays the Bereaved Son Card in the Richard Wolffe Fiasco

Tonight Keith Olbermann explained why he was ignorant of the fact that one of Countdown ‘s regular political analysts/guest hosts is a working lobbyist — he’s been too distracted grieving his mother’s death. Boy, doesn’t that sound familiar ?! As you may recall, back in May Keith Olbermann lashed out at Cityfile , Wonkette and Gawker for reporting that he’d angrily walked out on MSNBC after losing a Ben Affleck booking to Rachel Maddow

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Olbermann Plays the Bereaved Son Card in the Richard Wolffe Fiasco

NBC Lays Off Promo Staffers Nationwide; Makes Reporters Flack Their Stories

We’re getting tips that NBC Universal is laying off the creative services staffs—the people that make those awful “news at 11” promo spots—at all of its stations nationwide, and will start producing all promos out of New York. NBC owns ten stations across the country, and each has its own crew of people to produce promo spots. But a tipster writes: Starting September 18th the layoffs will begin, and go through all the NBC stations, with a new group being dropped every two weeks

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NBC Lays Off Promo Staffers Nationwide; Makes Reporters Flack Their Stories

How Insulting John Hughes, And Maybe His Family, Made Me a Writer

Richard Rushfield is still on vacation before joining Gawker, but he couldn’t resist weighing in with another dispatch, involving dearly-departed director John Hughes , an LA-area deli, and some serious trash talk. It was somewhere around 1985’ish…Sometime post- The Breakfast Club , but pre- Planes, Trains and Automobiles

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How Insulting John Hughes, And Maybe His Family, Made Me a Writer