Tag Archives: transportation

Cut A Rug: Cleveland Cavs Baller Kyrie Irving Busts A Move For The Kids During UNICEF Trip To S. Africa [Video]

We see Dancing With The Stars in Kyrie’s future… Kyrie Irving Of The Cleveland Cavaliers Dances For School Children In Africa Via FTWUSAToday Kyrie Irving, the reigning NBA rookie of the year, of course has moves on the court. And off the court? As he demonstrated in this recently-uploaded video filmed during his trip through South Africa, he has some foot skills too. The video was filmed during Irving’s trip to South Africa with UNICEF last month. He visited schools and participated in educational activities with students in primary and secondary school. “Even with the challenges they face, it was inspiring to see how much the kids want to learn and how hard the teachers are working,” he said in a statement. “I saw first-hand how early childhood education and school sports activities are making a difference in these kids’ lives.” Nothin’ wrong with bringin’ a smile to kids faces, way to go Kyrie. Image via YouTube

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Cut A Rug: Cleveland Cavs Baller Kyrie Irving Busts A Move For The Kids During UNICEF Trip To S. Africa [Video]

Dirty Pigs: Mississippi Cop Calls Sikh Man “Terrorist,” Then Judge Refers To His Turban As “That Rag”!

Can we all agree that Mississippi is the epitome of the land that got left behind ? Via NY Daily News reports : Jagjeet Singh, 49, a trucker from California, was driving through the Magnolia State when he was pulled over for driving with a flat tire in Pike County on Jan. 16, according to a complaint filed by the American Civil Liberties Union. Singh was taken to a weigh station operated by the state’s Department of Transportation, where he says cops ordered him to turn over his “kirpan,” a 3-inch ceremonial blade that all Sikh men traditionally carry in their waistbands, the ACLU said. “Contending, wrongly, that his kirpan was illegal, the DOT officer demanded that Mr. Singh turn it over,” the ACLU wrote in the complaint filed Wednesday. The letter said that Singh tried to explain that the blade was a sacred talisman, and even showed the officers videos on his phone that explained the Sikh faith. “In response, however, the officers laughed at him and mocked his religious beliefs,” the letter read. “One officer declared that all Sikhs are depraved and ‘terrorists.’” Singh was arrested for refusing to obey a command, because he would not turn over the kirpan. “The officers’ shameful treatment of Mr. Singh was an abuse of their authority and a betrayal of the public’s trust that law enforcement officials will carry out their duties free from prejudice,” said Bear Atwood, a lawyer for the Mississippi office of the ACLU. “The fact that officers may be unfamiliar with Sikhism or other minority relitions does not give them license to harass and degrade members of th public who follow these faiths.” It gets worse though. When Singh made a court appearance in March over the charge the judge was just as IGNORANT as the backwards azz onetime officers. As he waited for his attorney in the back of the courtroom, four officers approached him and told him that Judge Aubrey Rimes had ordered them to kick him out if he did not remove his turban, Atwood said. “Moreover, they told Mr. Singh that Judge Rimes would punish him if he failed to remove the headdress,” Atwood wrote in a statement. Singh’s attorney went to the judge’s chambers, where his orders were allegedly repeated. “He further stated that Mr. Singh would not be allowed to re-enter the courtroom unless he removed ‘that rag’ from his head and threatened to call Mr. Singh last on the docket if he continued to wear the religious headdress,” Atwood said. Because Singh refused to remove the turban and violate his religious beliefs, he was forced to wait several hours before he was allowed in the courtroom to plead guilty and agree to pay a fine. Jared Ravencraft, a DOT spokesman, confirmed the arrest, but would not comment any further on the alleged incident. The ACLU said it wanted to see action taken on behalf of the state’s DOT and the Mississippi Judicial Commission, which investigates complaints of ethics violations by jurists. We’re gonna need the good ole boys of Mississippi to catch up with modern times. Ignorance is not acceptable. Photo Courtesy ACLU

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Dirty Pigs: Mississippi Cop Calls Sikh Man “Terrorist,” Then Judge Refers To His Turban As “That Rag”!

New Jersey Cracks Down On Cheesy Smiles In Driver’s License Photos

Better not even think about “putting a smile on your face”… The Garden State doesn’t want any more grins from citizens on their Driver’s License mugs…even if they are happy to be living in Jersey. According to the Daily News: “Your picture means a lot; it’s who you are,” said McNeil, 38, of Sicklerville, N.J. So, when the manager of the Motor Vehicle Commission office in Cherry Hill told her Tuesday that she wasn’t allowed to smile for her driver’s-license picture, she balked – and left, saying that the office’s staff couldn’t adequately explain the smile ban. “Why should we all look like androids, looking mopey? I know there are some people who don’t have good driver’s licenses, but I actually keep all mine,” said McNeil, whose pleasantly smiling image adorns old licenses from the six states in which she’s lived, as well as her debit and credit cards. Turns out, the state really does prefer that its six million drivers scowl rather than smile for the camera. Cue the New Jersey jokes. In January, New Jersey launched new face-recognition software that forbids license applicants from smiling widely or making other exaggerated facial expressions that might confuse the computer. The goal is to catch fraudsters. If a new photo, for example, matches an old one that carries a different name, a red flag goes up, and investigators step in. “That could be someone trying to steal someone else’s identity to get insurance benefits, or someone trying to get out of a DUI by getting a license under another name,” said Mike Horan, spokesman for the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. “This helps us weed out fraud.” If facial expressions vary greatly in photos of the same person, the software could incorrectly signal a problem, Horan said. Slight smiles are OK. “Hey-I-won-the-lottery-type smiles” are not, Horan said. “To get an accurate photo, you don’t want an excessively expressive face in the photo.” Pennsylvania and Delaware use the software, too. But “smile/no-smile is not a problem,” said Jan McKnight, a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spokeswoman. “You can smile in Pennsylvania.” Most states use the face-recognition technology – and some even require fingerprints, according to the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. We all know how difficult it is to get a decent pic on your license and this seems like it may be even harder now. Image via twitter

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New Jersey Cracks Down On Cheesy Smiles In Driver’s License Photos

T-SPLOST Transportation Referendum Soundly Defeated [VIDEO]

Metro Atlanta has spoken, and they do not want the T-SPLOST. On Tuesday, voters rejected the $7.2 billion transportation referendum that was intended to help…

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T-SPLOST Transportation Referendum Soundly Defeated [VIDEO]

Mayor Kasim Reed & Sen. Vincent Fort Have Heated Debate On T-Splost Transportation Referendum [EXCLUSIVE]

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Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and state Senator Vincent Fort stopped by our stations today and engaged in a heated debate over the T-Splost transportation referendum.…

Mayor Kasim Reed & Sen. Vincent Fort Have Heated Debate On T-Splost Transportation Referendum [EXCLUSIVE]

Mayor Kasim Reed, Senator Vincent Fort To Discuss Transportation (T-Splost) Bill Thursday At Noon

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Hot 107.9 reminds you that on July 31st, voters in the 10 county Atlanta metro area will make a historic choice on transportation. Hot 107.9…

Mayor Kasim Reed, Senator Vincent Fort To Discuss Transportation (T-Splost) Bill Thursday At Noon

Georgia DOT Rejects KKK Application To Adopt Highway [VIDEO]

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The Ku Klux Klan can forget about adopting a highway in north Georgia’s Union County. The Georgia Department of Transportation has rejected an Adopt-A-Highway application…

Georgia DOT Rejects KKK Application To Adopt Highway [VIDEO]

Gun-shy TSA gets critic booted from Congressional panel


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Bruce Schneier, the security expert who coined the term “security theater” to describe the Transportation Security Agency’s airport screening procedures, was uninvited from speaking on a Monday Congressional panel at the insistence of the TSA. In a blog post , Schneier reports that he had been officially scheduled to appear at a hearing sponsored by the House Committee on Oversight and Government… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Ars Technica Discovery Date : 26/03/2012 20:42 Number of articles : 2

Gun-shy TSA gets critic booted from Congressional panel

Rand Paul: “I Certainly Felt Like I Was Detained”


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After the incident in Nashville this morning, Senator Rand Paul made it back to D.C. on a later flight and talked to The Daily Caller’s Matthew Boyle: Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul told The Daily Caller that being “detained” by the Transportation Security Administration at the Nashville airport Monday was a major ordeal that underscores Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Outside the Beltway Discovery Date : 23/01/2012 19:51 Number of articles : 2

Rand Paul: “I Certainly Felt Like I Was Detained”

Video of the Day: Dog in Cars


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Filed under: Photo of the Day , Transportation , Video of the Week If you have dogs, you know that car rides can be an adventure. Whether you’re on a road trip, running errands or just taking your pups to the vet, time in the car with dogs is always interesting. I have two dogs and they couldn’t be more different in the car. We take our dogs camping, on hikes and to family gatherings. Our little guy… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Gadling Discovery Date : 13/12/2011 00:33 Number of articles : 3

Video of the Day: Dog in Cars