Earlier in the week Microsoft partner Maarten Visser published some pictures of a Microsoft roadmap document after he didn’t realize that the unprotected document on a public Web server was intended to be covered under a non-disclosure agreement. Though the roadmap leaves many questions unanswered, it did pin down a couple of release dates: it said that Office 15—and all the related products, such… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Ars Technica Discovery Date : 13/04/2012 00:25 Number of articles : 2
Earlier in the week Microsoft partner Maarten Visser published some pictures of a Microsoft roadmap document after he didn’t realize that the unprotected document on a public Web server was intended to be covered under a non-disclosure agreement. Though the roadmap leaves many questions unanswered, it did pin down a couple of release dates: it said that Office 15—and all the related products, such… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Ars Technica Discovery Date : 13/04/2012 00:25 Number of articles : 2
This movie was released in Spain in October….but it’s only hitting America on March 30th, so here are some pre-theater titties in a movie… Carie van Houten is some 35 year old Dutch actor…who chose not to live in Hollywood but stay in Europe because she, like me love the Dutch…from legal drugs, to legal prostitution….to a country that doesn’t occupy kitchen garbage like the Kardashians….the Netherlands is the way to go…… More importantly, you haven’t lived until you’ve had a dutch speaking chick whisper “stick it in my ass you worthless, poor, piece of shit my husband would hate knowing I’ve let inside me, but that I did anyway cuz I was drunk and he’s an asshole, and you happened to be in the right place and the right time”….while fucking her unprotected. It’s a life changing exprience you may like so much you want to tattoo it on your face like it is tattooed on your brain.
This movie was released in Spain in October….but it’s only hitting America on March 30th, so here are some pre-theater titties in a movie… Carie van Houten is some 35 year old Dutch actor…who chose not to live in Hollywood but stay in Europe because she, like me love the Dutch…from legal drugs, to legal prostitution….to a country that doesn’t occupy kitchen garbage like the Kardashians….the Netherlands is the way to go…… More importantly, you haven’t lived until you’ve had a dutch speaking chick whisper “stick it in my ass you worthless, poor, piece of shit my husband would hate knowing I’ve let inside me, but that I did anyway cuz I was drunk and he’s an asshole, and you happened to be in the right place and the right time”….while fucking her unprotected. It’s a life changing exprience you may like so much you want to tattoo it on your face like it is tattooed on your brain.
You know what I like about Zippora Seven, besides her hippie fucking name, that is cartoon-ish and fun, but for some reason makes me want to grown out my bush and roll around in mud while hugging a fucking tree and eating organic vegan food like her parents…it’s just that exciting a name… I like that she gets naked for fashion or more importantly for money to put herself out there on the international scene, but even more importantly, she was getting naked for fashion or more importantly for money when she was fucking 16 in 2008 , because like all good sheep herders from New Zealand, her nudist parents embraced her tight teen titties as much as I wish I could…. That was 4 years ago, but she’s still up to her old tricks, this time at 20 and in some Ukrainian edition of a fashion mag….she started at it young, nice and experienced and still young. I dig it.
I think Kate Moss is probably one of the best models of all time….only because she lives the fucking rockstar life….going to all the best parties, fucking all the unprotected rockstar and A-List celebrity cock she can get her pussy around. She’s not fat, in fact hated for being too skinny in the 90s, she’s aged amazing like all that hard living has kept her pickled and preserved… but most importantly throughout most of this, she’s been a fucking mom to a kid I doubt sees that much….which is exciting me since I am an aspiring deadbeat parent….it can be done in the classiest of fucking ways…..I also like that she doesn’t give a fuck, you know part of being a millionaire for being hot, with top grade millionaires throwing their semen at her….and in being as punk as she is…she always gets topless or naked, when paid or unpaid, cuz why bother not being naked… That said, I’m not sure why her pants are undone. But I’m glad they are…. Maybe she’s airing out her well traveled, tired, dirty twat I wish I could taste…. Maybe I should stop focusing on that…because this is the kid of shit that can motivate me to try to convince mom’s in the park to undo their pants…and that’s the kind of shit that gets me arrested…or hurt…. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK
Beiber is 18. She is no longer a sex offender…..but it’s safe to say Selena Gomez was getting an AIDS test in these pics, because like all sex offenders, she’s a little dirt bag… I’m thinking she doesn’t know what she’s let inside her unprotected this past 6 weeks….and since Beiber is 18 and they are now ready to fuck…she has to make sure she’s clean as to not taint him with her Disney historical sex partners that helped make her famous…. Or maybe it’s just hard out there for a girl who has to pretend to fuck a homosexual teen….and who sometimes fucks a homosexual….who was fucked by an older, blacker homosexual….before she ever got into the mix….you just never know who from the bath house of Usher’s life will re-surface in Bieber’s semen dripping out of Gomez. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Every once in a while I feeel dirty….you know too dirty to go on…maybe it has to do with my lack of a shower in a few days…or really a lack of any personal hygiene….or maybe it has to do with the fact that I can smell my own asshole while sitting because I don’t change pants or underwear pretty much ever….or maybe it’s all the unprotected sex I have…cuz condoms are for pussies…or maybe it is more poor diet, no exercise, hard drinking and occassional chain smoking…..but I know whenever I’m feeling my worst in terms of health…all it takes is a glance at perpetual chronic party girl Tara Reid and realize I’m not that bad…cuz I have a few more college spring breaks in me…while Tara Reid and her non-existent career is gonna’ Britney Murphy…just wait and see…. Now that I feel better about me….even though my life isn’t as luxurious as hers…..we can focus on what is important…like the hard truth that she’s not showing off her fucking implants like she’s supposed to…it’s the whole point of getting implants you bikini rockin’ keg standing trash. Get it together woman.
After being tarnished by Lady Gaga’s nude picture for Vanity Fair…I was happy to see my favorite celebrity vagina….one I call the new Lohan…who I would stalk call and hang out with in Hotel rooms while she danced around to her unreleased album in heels and pajama pant like I was reliving my Lohan days…if only I had her number…Amanda Seyfried….is poking her ass out in a way I want to rip those pants off and shove my unprotected pathetic dick inside her with no mercy while singing love songs….I’m romantic like that. To See The Rest of the PIcs Follow THis Link
I’ve been tracking Kate Moss’ trip in St Tropez for the last 10 minutes, you know cuz I’m the worst fucking celebrity website on the internet, cuz I don’t really give a fuck about celebrity gossip, I just am too lazy to try and coordinate original content…. So when I first got wind of her trip…I figured we’d be seeing her nipples…cuz Kate Moss is all Euro and an ex-model who doesn’t give a fuck about who sees her tits….cuz we’ve all seen her tits….or cuz that’s just how reckless her unprotected sex with HIV from fucking needle sharing rockers cunt is…but was only given pics of her walking around showing a little ass cheek…. But since history repeats itself…and I was too lazy to post…it was only a matter of time before these pics of her topless swimming dropped…sure the nipples are stars and they are hard to make out…but just use google…or the search bar on this site cuz it looks like every other time she’s done this hustle before….I am a fan…think I might actually love her. To See The Rest of these Unfortunate Pics Follow This LInk