Lil Wayne is off to prison . But first, dude needs to get his grill fixed. After giving the judge in his weapons possession case a mouthful (har har), Weezy won a temporary reprieve from prison, where he was supposed to be sent today. His one-year-term was to begin at today’s sentencing, but it didn’t. That’s because Lil Wayne has to go to the dentist to fix all the bull$h!t going on in his mouth. The judge won’t throw him in the can until his surgery is complete. GRILLED : The judge in Lil Wayne’s weapons case gave him a temporary reprieve . But this will be the rapper’s last oral (har har!) argument. The judge said no more excuses on March 2, when Wayne shows up for sentencing … for real this time. The frequent baby daddy was already planning a T.I.-like farewell, having sent one final message to his fans via his Ustream page : “Don’t forget about me!” On what was to be his final night of freedom for a year (he’s now got 20 more), he told his online supporters simply: “I really, really, really, really love you.”
Lil Wayne: Off to the Dentist, Prison
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged dentist, grill, having-sent, Hollywood, Lil Wayne, online, possession-case, rapper, time, TMZ, ustream, wayne, weapons