Tag Archives: weekend-update

Tanning Mom on SNL Parody: Hysterical!

Give Patricia Krentcil credit where due. The New Jersey woman, now known as Tanning Mom after her arrest for (allegedly) letting her six-year-old go tanning with her, knows how to take a joke. Kristen Wiig’s impersonation of her on Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update news segment this weekend was “well done,” she told the New York Post . Tanning Mom conceded, “The whole thing was hysterical.” Tanning Mom Saturday Night Live Parody During the sketch, a charred-looking Wiig likened Patricia Krentcil to a Slim Jim, and later “Wile E. Coyote right after something’s blown up in his face.” The 44-year-old Krentcil, who pleaded not guilty to felony child endangerment charges last week, was not nearly amused after Snooki called her crazy .

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Tanning Mom on SNL Parody: Hysterical!

Gingich and Hitchens Debate 9/11


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(Kennedy Smith’s primary vote never counts. Hear him lament the Fred Thompson campaign @TheKennedy Smith) Some deep conversation from 2002, via our good friends at Ricochet. Peter Robinson, former Reagan speechwriter (“Tear down this wall!”), emcees the event. He himself … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 17/12/2011 12:47 Number of articles : 2

Gingich and Hitchens Debate 9/11

Tim Tebow Saturday Night Live Skit


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Last night’s Saturday Night Live wasn’t billed as a reunion show, but it sort of was. Jimmy Fallon hosted and brought his former cast mates Tiny Fey, Tracy Morgan, Horatio Sanz, Amy Poehler, Chris Kattan and Rachel Dratch back for the night. And we got to see every “Weekend Update” anchor since 2000 behind the Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Hollywood Backwash Discovery Date : 18/12/2011 07:08 Number of articles : 2

Tim Tebow Saturday Night Live Skit

Tim Tebow Saturday Night Live Skit



Last night’s Saturday Night Live wasn’t billed as a reunion show, but it sort of was. Jimmy Fallon hosted and brought his former cast mates Tiny Fey, Tracy Morgan, Horatio Sanz, Amy Poehler, Chris Kattan and Rachel Dratch back for the night. And we got to see every “Weekend Update” anchor since 2000 behind the Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Hollywood Backwash Discovery Date : 18/12/2011 07:08 Number of articles : 2

Tim Tebow Saturday Night Live Skit

SNL: Dana Carvey as well as Pals Come to Rescue, and Justin Bieber (Hmmmm)…

Dana Carvey (a wish to see) brought a demure as well as kind of icy Mike Myers with him, plus Jon Lovitz , to try as well as save “Saturday Night Live” from its torpor. I’m not sure it worked, or anything can. this deteriorate has been a disaster, as well as it only gets worse as well as worse. the the single more expel members, whose names no the single knows or cares about, have been only terrible. the “vets”– Andy Samberg, Jason Sudeikis, Bill Hader, Kristin Wiig, Kenan Thompson –are over it, as they say. the mount out sequence, toward the end, was the “Regis” parody–dead on, essentially as well as really funny. “Wayne’s World” returned with Carvey as well as Myers, who riffed upon the pretension of “Winter’s Bone” for the Oscars. Oy. the best impulse in the total uncover comes at 1:31 upon your DVR, at the really end, when Myers folds him arms as well as stands way to the left of the screen. Jon Lovitz tries in vain to rivet him. Myers mouths “how have been you?” then backs away. then the single of the latest expel members tries to verbalise to him, as well as Myers signals which he can’t speak, as if he has laryngitis. Two more things about SNL: Justin Bieber , not as big than Dana Carvey’s teenager sons, as well as wearing girl’s red sleet boots with in. tall platforms. He did not sing upon the show. even in his “Church Lady” stage with Carvey, he didn’t even hum. we regularly say, singers want to sing. look at Steven Tyler upon “American Idol.” He’s ready to break out in to strain at any moment. ( Jennifer Lopez is not.) we goal Bieber’s film makes him a lot of money, as well as which he manages to save as well as deposit it. the time is ticking. And the James Franco bit upon “Weekend Update” was essentially flattering funny. “I similar to having jobs!” the man says, as he handles the evidence cards as well as cleans the desk. Whoever played Franco got it. PS Linkin Park : good timing, 6 months after their manuscript came out. Talk about marketing. http:// www.hulu.com/watch/213306/saturday-night-live-church-chat SNL: Dana Carvey as well as Pals Come to Rescue, as well as Justin Bieber (Hmmmm)… Possibly associated posts: (automatically generated) Related posts upon kristin wiig Diaper Changing Table « Frontline Plus Pet It Doesn’t Take the Psychic to Know Not to Drink as well as Drive « Tv Time 101 Bridesmaids trailer « Trailer Tracker Related posts upon oy Boys Vampire Costumes | review prices internet American advertisements « The H2: Celebrating President Reagan’s … 2/7-2/11 « Weinrich Walk of Fame Related posts upon pleasure Wilding! Self- Pleasure as well as Venturing Out Alone | goldilockshares funk condense i only need to bleed. « pleasure as well as pain

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SNL: Dana Carvey as well as Pals Come to Rescue, and Justin Bieber (Hmmmm)…

Kardashian Sisters Spoofed on SNL: Watch Now!

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian krashed Saturday Night Live this week. Sort of. As played by cast members Abby Elliott, Nasim Pedrad, and Vanessa Baye, the sisters appeared with Seth Myers on Weekend Update and explained what happened with their prepaid credit card debacle . They also apologized for other canceled, family-sponsored products, such as the Kardashian birth control pill and temporary back tattoo. The funny segment, posted below, is a spot-on spoof, with one exception: Where’s the talk about rubbing mayo on your vagina ? Kardashian Sisters on SNL

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Kardashian Sisters Spoofed on SNL: Watch Now!

Weekend Update Charades

Tina Fey was on Jimmy Fallon's show last night, so Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler showed up to do a little Weekend Update Team Charades. Major charm offensive ahead. Also some fair to middling charades. The Best Links: Watch Part 2 via Videogum, which I’m surprised is even functioning today given how people who went to their party look (not naming names) View

Late Night Highlights: An SNL Reunion, Tiger Woods-Young Frankenstein Mashup and the Taiwanese Whitney

It has been a long promotional ride for Tina Fey, whose Date Night duties took her from the Ed Sullivan Theater (where she shared stories about Tracy Morgan on-set ) to the UK (where she revealed a ConanGate-esque plot twist ahead on 30 Rock ), to Chicago (where she taped an episode of Oprah ) and then back to New York City again to prepare for this weekend’s Saturday Night Live . After the jump, watch Fey unwind from her travels with Amy Poehler as well as the other highlights you missed last night while updating your Twitter feed about a lazy serial killer , after the jump.

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Late Night Highlights: An SNL Reunion, Tiger Woods-Young Frankenstein Mashup and the Taiwanese Whitney

Jersey Shore’s Snooki Comes to SNL

Snooki, a.k.a. Nicole Polizzi from Jersey Shore , stopped by the Weekend Update desk on Saturday Night Live last night to share her insight on various topics. The Princess of Poughkeepsie talked about this week’s episode , which featured her getting knocked the f*%k out, as well as the traits she looks for in a guido

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Jersey Shore’s Snooki Comes to SNL

A Salute to Every Hilarious Kristen Wiig Character — Except Gilly

Kristen Wiig is a comic genius. So our hearts went pitter-patter when we learned she was getting an entire Saturday Night Live primetime Christmas special. But then: of course the NBC suits picked her most annoying, only unfunny character.

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A Salute to Every Hilarious Kristen Wiig Character — Except Gilly