Source: manoa / Getty Penn State Player Sent Racist Letter About His Locs A racist douchebag named David Petersen who graduated from Penn State in 1966 is currently being fire-roasted over 280-characters or less for an incredibly racist letter that he wrote to footballer Jonathan Sutherland that was tweeted out by his teammate Antonio Shelton. One of my teammates got this. Explain to me how this isn’t racist. — Antonio Shelton (@_groovy55) October 7, 2019 A reporter at the Tribune-Democrat contacted Petersen who offered the weakest explanation of his cracker-y correspondence. Reached by phone on Tuesday, Petersen said making a racial or cultural statement “was not the intent at all. I would just like to see the coaches get the guys cleaned up and not looking like Florida State and Miami guys.” Penn State’s Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics, Sandy Barbour, released her own statement in support of Jonathan. I stand with our Penn State student athletes and appreciate how they represent PSU in competition, in the classroom and in the community. Their dress, tattoos, or hairstyle has no impact on my support, nor does their gender, skin color, sexuality or religion! #WeAre #ONETEAM — Sandy Barbour (@SandyB_PSUAD) October 8, 2019 To give further context about who the f**k David Petersen is, the Tribute-Democrat details the many alt-right-ish op-eds that he’s written in the past about topics like welfare, “violent offenders, and Islam. He asked: “Does the Tribune have no awareness of or regard for the families of those who died on 9/11? … The Tribune’s disclaimer as a paean to ‘diversity’ is invalid. This was an appalling display of poor judgment, an insult to all Americans, and dishonors all who have died and continue to die fighting the war on terrorism.” Safe to say that this a$$-clown is probably a MAGA, “blue lives matter”, Republican deplorable. After all the “disgusting” scandals that Penn State has had involving rape, sex abuse, and kidnapping this mayo-splattered bigot has the nerve to chastise Black hair. We hope he’s banned from Penn State for life.
View original post here:
STFU, Soup Cookie: WASP-y Racist Writes Angry Letter To Penn State Football Player With “Disgusting Dreadlocks”