Tag Archives: white-cherub

Stacey Abrams Is Not Done With Brian Kemp And His Jim Crow Tactics

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S tacey Abrams  may have acknowledged that  Brian Kemp  won the election for governor of Georgia, but she is not giving up on fighting for every vote to be counted. Several lawsuits have been filed against Kemp, and now Abrams is reportedly filing another one. See Also: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison For Sexual Assault Conviction Abrams told Chris Hayes on MSNBC, “It was not a free and fair election. Brian Kemp oversaw — for eight years — the systemic dismantling of our democracy and that meant there could not be free and fair elections in Georgia this year.” However,  Abrams is doing something about it. She explained, “We have started an organization called Fair Fight Georgia. We are going to file a federal lawsuit — next week — that will allege the gross mismanagement that we have seen and that we have been able to document.” She continued, “In fact, we thought we were going to go forward with the case today or this week, but we have gotten so many more — so much more information from voters, so many more calls, that we’re continuing to gather affidavits and we’re going to push it to next week, given the holidays,” Abrams explained. Watch below: Kemp allegedly (and more than likely, fraudulently — considering he is legendary for voter suppression ) received 50.2 percent of the vote and he would have needed to be under 50 percent for there to be a runoff. Weeks before the election, former President Jimmy Carter called on Kemp to resign . He refused and waited until two days after the election to offer his resignation, arguably, after his corruption had already been done. Keep on fighting, Stacey Abrams! SEE ALSO: All The Ways Cops Are Still Trying To Cover Up LaQuan McDonald’s Execution Outrageous! Figurines Of White Cherub Crushing Head Of Black Angel Removed From Dollar Store Meet Jogger Joe, The Man Who Took Racist Cue From BBQ Becky In Tossing Homeless Man’s Clothes [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3828001″ overlay=”true”]

Stacey Abrams Is Not Done With Brian Kemp And His Jim Crow Tactics

Trump Plans To Use An Executive Order To Suspend The 14th Amendment

R emember the days when Republicans worshiped the Constitution? Well, those days are over with as   President Trump said he will use an executive order to suspend the 14th Amendment. See Also: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison For Sexual Assault Conviction In an interview with Axios , Trump said, “We’re the only country in the world where a person comes in, has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years with all of those benefits. It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous. And it has to end.” Actually, this is not true. There are several countries that have birthright citizenship : Brazil, Jamaica, Argentina, Canada, among others. Trump continued: “It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don’t. You can definitely do it with an Act of Congress. But now they’re saying I can do it just with an executive order.” He added, “It’s in the process. It’ll happen with an executive order.” Trump also claimed he’s consulted with the White House counsel. The 14th Amendment has its roots in slavery. Adopted in 1868, it’s considered one of the Reconstruction Amendments and granted citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws to former slaves. In short, under the 14th Amendment, citizenship is awarded to children born in the U.S., or in U.S. territories, to parents who immigrated into the country. Some people were claiming Trump could not suspend the 14th Amendment and he is just trying to stir up his base for the midterm elections. But we should not doubt the hate of this man. What’s even scarier is that even if he decides to sign an “executive order,” there is no branch of government to stop him. Every branch of government is owned by the Republicans who faithfully and blindly defend him. SEE ALSO: All The Ways Cops Are Still Trying To Cover Up LaQuan McDonald’s Execution Outrageous! Figurines Of White Cherub Crushing Head Of Black Angel Removed From Dollar Store Meet Jogger Joe, The Man Who Took Racist Cue From BBQ Becky In Tossing Homeless Man’s Clothes [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3828001″ overlay=”true”]

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Trump Plans To Use An Executive Order To Suspend The 14th Amendment

Jesse Williams Is Now A Director And His New Film Is Seriously Relevant For 2018

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J esse Williams is a noted actor and activist, but he can now add director to his many titles. The 37-year-old is directing a new film that will tackle one of America’s ugliest moments in history. See Also: Ben Carson Tells A Black Woman To Escape Poverty She Needs To Get Married According to Deadline.com , Williams is set to direct a movie on the aftermath of the lynching of 14-year-old  Emmett Louis Till in 1955 Mississippi. The film focuses on the journey of Till’s mother,  Mamie Mobley Till , who became a civil rights icon after her son’s murder. Titled “Till,” the screenplay will be adapted from the 2005 documentary “The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till” and written by  Michael Reilly and civil rights filmmaker  Keith A. Beauchamp . The Till family supports the film and production will begin in summer 2019. Williams told Deadline.com, “I’m honored to be directing the story of Mamie & Emmett, a tale of revolutionary defiance in the face of tremendous personal and public devastation. An exploration of power and pulling back the curtain on cultural violence; of boyhood and maternity challenging America’s reflex to hide from itself; underdogs refusing to pretend that terror is freedom.” Emmett Till was accused of whistling at a white woman in Mississippi in 1955. He was murdered, his body and face mutilated, and it became an international story. The white woman who said Till whistled at her, Carolyn Bryant, would later admit she fabricated the entire story. The white men who murdered Till were never indicted. Mamie Till passed away in 2003. Considering the stories of so many unarmed Black boys and men who are wrongfully killed, from Trayvon Martin to Botham Jean , this film is seriously relevant and necessary. SEE ALSO: Outrageous! Figurines Of White Cherub Crushing Head Of Black Angel Removed From Dollar Store Meet Jogger Joe, The Man Who Took Racist Cue From BBQ Becky In Tossing Homeless Man’s Clothes Top Political Statements Made At The 2018 BET Awards [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3649591″ overlay=”true”]

Jesse Williams Is Now A Director And His New Film Is Seriously Relevant For 2018