Remember The Client List , the new Lifetime series based on their movie of the same name starring Jennifer Love Hugetits- er, Jennifer Love Hewitt – as a “working girl” in Odessa, Texas? Well, production on the series has begun in earnest, and this week Jennifer stirred up some interest in the series (in our pants, that is) by tweeting this tasty lingerie photo of herself on set. That’s great, Jennifer, but you want to know how to really get all eyes on two- sorry, you? Tweet that same picture without the bra, and we guarantee your ratings will go through the boobs- uh, we mean, roof! Catch up with the breast of Jennifer Love Hewitt right here at!

See the original post here:
Jennifer Love Hewitt Seeks "Clients" with Sexy Twitter Pic [PIC]
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged based-on-their, Celebrity News, herself-on-set, Hollywood, jennifer love hewitt, jennifer-love, tasty-lingerie, texas, TMZ, Twitter, working-girl