Tag Archives: years-earlier

Bettie Page Reveals All & More: Nudeworthy on Netflix 6.25.14 [PICS]

4 films from 2013 and one Oscar winning film from ten years earlier are featured in this week’s edition of Nudeworthy on Netflix! Hit the jump for more pics and info…

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Bettie Page Reveals All & More: Nudeworthy on Netflix 6.25.14 [PICS]

Taylor Swift Threatens To Sue Celebrity Site Over Alleged "Topless" Pic [PICS]

If a celebrity topless pic falls in the woods and no one thinks it’s her, does it still make a lawsuit? That’s certainly the case with country cutie Taylor Swift , who is now threatening to sue celebrity gossip site CelebJihad.com for (quite sarcastically) implying a blonde woman posing topless on a bed is her. Even if you don’t think the woman in the picture is Taylor (and, for the record, Skin Central doesn’t) the very allegation that she would take topless pictures of herself was enough to send Swift to her lawyers. They sent a letter to the site saying it contained “false pornographic images and false ‘news” about the singer, whose squeaky-clean image could be severely damaged by a nude pic scandal. The letter demanded that the images be removed immediately or legal action would be taken against the site, but as of this writing the Celeb Jihad page is still up. Unlike the backwoods babe in the photo, they’re not taking this lying down. See the now-skinfamous “Taylor Swift” photo after the jump!

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Taylor Swift Threatens To Sue Celebrity Site Over Alleged "Topless" Pic [PICS]

Did "Slutty Pumpkin" Katie Holmes Slip a Nip On How I Met Your Mother? [PIC]

If you’re a longtime fan of How I Met Your Mother , you already know that the “slutty pumpkin” is The One That Got Away, a woman Ted ( Josh Radnor ) met at a Halloween party ten years earlier and has been searching for ever since. If you’re not, well, we just explained it to you. Anyway, it was a big deal when Katie Holmes signed on to play the sleazy squash on the successful sitcom, and it’s an even BIGGER deal now that we have, courtesy of our friends at Egotastic! , some potential nippage from the elusive Mrs. Cruise. We’re sending the pic in to the Skin Labs for further skinspection, but what’s your take, Skin fans? Is that Katie’s knob peeking out on her right hand side, or is (t)it merely a shadow? See the full sized pic after the jump!

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Did "Slutty Pumpkin" Katie Holmes Slip a Nip On How I Met Your Mother? [PIC]

Media’s Double Standard Continues When Reporting Child Sex Abuse

Here are two stories from this past week: 1. “A [newly released] General Accountability Office (GAO) investigation has found that people with histories of sexual misconduct are still getting hired by school systems across the [United States] … The biggest problem may be 'passing the trash.' These were cases GAO found in which school systems just let suspected sexual offenders resign, and even wrote them glowing letters of recommendation, so they could find teaching jobs elsewhere.” 2. “The Dublin (Ireland) Archdiocese should have taken action years earlier against Tony Walsh , probably the most notorious child sexual abuser among its priests, according to [a] commission investigating clerical child sex allegations in the archdiocese.” The Church laicized Walsh (removed him as a priest) in 1995. read more

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Media’s Double Standard Continues When Reporting Child Sex Abuse

Why Irvin Kershner Mattered

Irvin Kershner has died at the age of 87. He leaves behind some recognizable films ( The Flim Flam Man with George C. Scott; Eyes of Laura Mars with Faye Dunaway) and several sequels of various prominence ( The Return of a Man Called Horse , Robocop II and the renegade James Bond film Never Say Never Again ), never afraid to explore and extend the story of someone else’s work. So, really, it’s not a huge surprise in hindsight that he accepted the challenge of The Empire Strikes Back , the 1980 effort continuing the story that George Lucas started three years earlier with Star Wars . But could anybody have expected Kershner to knock this particular sequel out of the f*cking park?

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Why Irvin Kershner Mattered

Eva Longoria is Bent Over in a Little Skirt of the Day

I don’t know how long this Desperate Housewives shit is going to go on for, but I do know that the ladies are starting to age in a pretty major way and that they should consider changing the name to Desperate Retirees. Lookin at these pictures of Eva Longoria, I can tell they had to strap this Mexican trying so hard to be white ditch pig up so tight that her ravaged married and sloppy ass still had the youthful perk. I’m talking the industrial sized SPANX to shape her in a way that wouldn’t make the average man forced to watch this shit because he is poor and only has one TV or is totally fucking owned by his wife and who does what she tells him because he traded in his balls for the married life years earlier, think to himself “she she really is a desperate housewife and now the one thing that was decent about this show and that allowed me to put up with watching the show has turned to shit like their tired fucking storyline”….. and here are the pics. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Eva Longoria is Bent Over in a Little Skirt of the Day

Olivia Munn in Her Underwear on Greek of the Day

It turns out that Olivia Munn isn’t just an annoying host of some shitty TV show designed for virgin losers who feel they can relate to her and that she understands their inner workings and their interests, when in reality she’s like every other cunt, who only pretends to care because she gets paid, and because she knows who her audience is, but I guess she’s also an aspiring actress, and here she is on some show called Greek where she had the challenging task of standing around in her underwear, showin’ off her decent-at-best ass, someone get this whore an Emmy. And here’s the clip of her small tits in a bra from showcasing her depth as an actress….again…get this whore an Emmy….


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Olivia Munn in Her Underwear on Greek of the Day

Britney Spears and her Hot Booty in a Bikini of the Day

Britney Spears has one of those amazing round asses and it amazes me when I see that her boyfriend isn’t black. Sure, she had K-Fred for a while who thought he was black, but was really just a joke, the kind of wigger who proved hip hop entering the mainstream was a disaster because white trash everyone tried to bootleg the shit on a budget, while still being the racist hicks they always were, so it made for a really weird yet funny vibe when dudes who would have been dragging a black kid behind their pick-up trucks 10 years earlier, were trying to imitate them, dress like them and rap badly in efforts to be like them, sometimes even dating black girls and knocking them up to feel like the rappers they idolize, so he doesn’t count as an honorary black guy, he was a white trash Wal Mart version of a black dude at best, but he did do one thing right and that was make his bitch pay his motherfuckin’ way while he sat around playing video games and you can’t hate a brother for that…

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Britney Spears and her Hot Booty in a Bikini of the Day