Tag Archives: 2012-election

Surprise!! Mittens Got ZERO Votes In 59 Voting Districts In Philly!

This is raising a lot of eyebrows and analysts are questioning how not one single vote was made for Romney . According to The Grio : U.S. cities are usually bursting with Democrats. Politically homogeneous, most big cities have 75 to 80 percent of its residents identifying with President Barack Obama’s party. Still, what happened in some Philadelphia districts on Election Day was incredible. Fifty-nine of the city’s voting districts came up with results that if proven to be without fault, are outstanding. They reported that not a single person voted for GOP candidate Mitt Romney. Zero. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports the unofficial vote tallies for President Obama at 19,605 to Mitt Romney’s nil. “We have always had these dense urban corridors that are extremely Democratic,” said Stanford University political science professor Jonathan Rodden told Philly.com, “It’s kind of an urban fact, and you are looking at the extreme end of it in Philadelphia.” The unanimous support for Obama was clustered in the predominantly black neighborhoods of West and North Philadelphia. Though a big win, the result can be used as fodder for voter fraud conspiracy theorists. Steve Miskin, a spokesman for Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives brought up his party’s voter ID initiative when he heard about the results. “We believe we need to continue ensuring the integrity of the ballot,” he said. “I’d be surprised if there weren’t a handful of precincts that didn’t cast a vote for Romney, but the number of zero precincts in Philadelphia deserves examination.” said Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia who has studied African-American precincts. “Not a single vote for Romney or even an error? That’s worth looking into,” he said. In many of the wards, not only were votes for Romney missing, but Republicans were generally AWOL. The City Board of Elections claimed some registered voters were Republicans. But when asked by the Inquirer, they said they were Democrats. James Norris, 19, is listed as a Republican, but claims to be a Democrat. Another voter, Eric Sapp, 42, was surprised to hear that the city listed him as a Republican. Both voted for President Obama. “I got to check on that,” Sapp told the Inquirer. This result isn’t the first time that the Democrat candidate has won so overwhelmingly in a Philadelphia precinct. George W. Bush came out with no votes in five divisions in 2004, and in 2008, McCain didn’t get a single vote in 57 divisions. Do you think it’s all a coincidence?? Images via WENN

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Surprise!! Mittens Got ZERO Votes In 59 Voting Districts In Philly!

Victoria Jackson on Obama Reelection: Evil FTW!

SNL alum and Tea Party member Victoria Jackson will see Donald Trump’s rant and raise you an extra dose of post-President Obama reelection bitterness. “America died,” she tweeted last night. “I can’t stop crying. America died.” Apparently displeased with the 2012 election results , she went on: “The Democrat party who voted God out of their platform and adopted Romans 1 as their platform won. In the Good vs. Evil Battle, today… evil won.” Jackson, a devout Christian, then did the Christian thing and ripped Christians. “Thanks a lot Christians, for not showing up. You disgust me,” she wrote. Amen?

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Victoria Jackson on Obama Reelection: Evil FTW!

Real Life Baller Wives: Khloe Kardashian Gets Courtside Candid With Jada Crawley And Andrea Butler

Real Life Basketball Wives Hang Out At The Game While the psuedo basketball wives that have planted themselves on our television screens can’t seem to be in a room with each other for more than 15 minutes without getting slappy happy, it seems that most of the real-life baller wives get along just fine. Khloe Kardashian-Odom recently got her court-side camera swag on with fellow NBA wives Jada Crawley (married to Chris Paul) and Andrea Butler (married to Caron Butler) at the Clipper/Lakers game during NBA pre-season last month. Check out a few more pics from the first ladies of NBA ball below. Twitter> /em>

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Real Life Baller Wives: Khloe Kardashian Gets Courtside Candid With Jada Crawley And Andrea Butler

We’re Just Sayin…Look Back On Mitt Romney’s 10 Biggest Eff Ups

Mitt Romney’s Biggest Fails Hey. You. Yeah, you. Did you know that today is Election day? Well, guess what, it is! That means you have a clear choice between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney (or third party choices we guess). But before you cast your ballot, let’s take a moment to reminisce on Mitt Romney’s worst gaffes since he’s run for president. Trust us, it was tough to limit it to 10.

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We’re Just Sayin…Look Back On Mitt Romney’s 10 Biggest Eff Ups

Kathryn Bigelow’s Bin Laden Thriller Moves Out of Controversial Pre-Election Slot

Kathryn Bigelow ‘s upcoming movie about the team of Navy SEAL s who killed Osama bin Laden was originally set to debut right before election day 2012, prompting U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-NY) to call for an investigation of the extent of the Obama administration’s assistance to the project. Now, that point seems moot; Sony has rejiggered its release schedule so that the Mark Boal-penned picture will debut after the Presidential election, and possibly not until 2013. Then again, with today’s news of Muammar Gaddafi’s death , Obama might not need as much help raising the victory flag, pre-election. [ NYT ]

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Kathryn Bigelow’s Bin Laden Thriller Moves Out of Controversial Pre-Election Slot

Shots Fired: VP Biden Says ‘If You Vote Republican … You’re On Your Own Jack’ [Video]

Joe Biden may be a VP of few words but whenever he opens his mouth, shots are fired! Well, he tells no lies with this statement. We need to see more of him from time to time – he and Obama make a good team. Source

See the original post here:
Shots Fired: VP Biden Says ‘If You Vote Republican … You’re On Your Own Jack’ [Video]

N.Y. Times Highlighted Yale Prediction: Obama Wins 2012 Race In a ‘Landslide’

In his “Strategies” column in The New York Times , Jeff Sommer is touting how things are looking up for Barack Obama. Try this: Based on the facts at hand right now, Mr. Obama is likely to win the 2012 election in a landslide. That, at least, is the prediction of Ray C. Fair, a Yale economist and an expert on econometrics and on the relationship of economics and politics. What’s the basis of this forecast? In a nutshell: “It’s the economy, stupid.” read more

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N.Y. Times Highlighted Yale Prediction: Obama Wins 2012 Race In a ‘Landslide’