Just how far will Little Fockers co-star Dustin Hoffman go to not talk about his critically detested new project during the New York junket for said film? The Oscar-winner found himself discussing everything from arranged marriages to how he slept with his present wife on their first date. “This was going to be her first movie star, her first older man, her first ex — someone who had broken up with their wife — and the first date, and she did all four. And then she said I ruined it by calling the next day.” When the conversation devolved into a debate about whether you should “give away the milk” before “buying the cow,” Owen Wilson deduced that “it’s more likely if you love the milk, you’re going to buy the cow.” So there you have it: Don’t go see Little Fockers . [ HuffPo ]
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Dustin Hoffman Uses Little Fockers Press Tour to Talk About Anything But Little Fockers