Remember Adnan? While Tiger Woods resurfaced in public for the first time in nearly three months yesterday, Britney Spears’ ex-beau did so with much less fanfare across the country. In court. No, not for the hit-and-run either. For something a little bit more vanilla … if anything about Adnan Ghalib could be considered vanilla. Dude is a shady individual. It appears Britney Spears isn’t the only California resident that the photographer has stiffed … if you know what we mean! Dude owes thousands in back taxes! In the past few years, Adnan Ghalib apparently screwed the entire California population by not paying on time. Basically, he’s like Octomom. Eh, no, not that bad. Still, Adnan Ghalib didn’t pay $7,565.97, more than $3,000 of which is late fees. The moral of the story? Pay up. And don’t date shady celebrity gossip photogs.
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Adnan Ghalib Resurfaces … in Court