Director Jon Turteltaub let his star take him to ‘some wild places,’ but not all of them actually worked. By Eric Ditzian, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Nicolas Cage Photo: MTV News Oh, Nicolas Cage, you wonderfully wacky man! Who else has to tell a group of reporters that he honestly never hired a voodoo priestess to break a hex on a movie set? Who can start a conversation about irascible filmmaker Werner Herzog’s directorial style by saying, “Werner doesn’t really know a lot about jazz”? Who else could tell David Letterman a story about taking mushrooms with a cat named Louis? What would Hollywood (and those of us who write about it) do without Nic Cage? The town would be a much less compelling place, that’s for certain. Yet there is a flip side to the actor’s madcap worldview. As “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” director Jon Turteltaub told MTV News, a great majority of the ideas Cage brings to a set are simply too nutso to consider. “What’s a big percentage, 60? 70?” Turteltaub laughed. “Here’s the thing with Nic: Sometimes the ideas are completely insane and off-the-wall, but you still do them, because you can be wrong, and in the context of the film, you never know when it might actually be brilliant. “Nic made me promise before this movie that I would just let him lead me on a crazy adventure through this character,” added Turteltaub, who has also directed Cage in two “National Treasure” movies. “And I said, ‘OK, I’ll go there.’ He brought me to some wild places.” But one improvisatory moment in particular was just too weird to include in the final cut of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” in which Cage stars as immortal magician Balthazar Blake, who does mystical battle against archenemy Maxim Horvath (Alfred Molina). The incident took place during a scene in which Balthazar and Horvath converge in an NYU public bathroom for a plasma-bolt-filled throwdown. “At one point, Nic went into a whole Bruce Lee routine,” Turteltaub said. “We were like, ‘Oh, that’s great. Do that more.’ Cut, cut. … It won’t be on the DVD!” Check out everything we’ve got on “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit . Related Videos MTV Rough Cut: ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’

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Nicolas Cage’s Bruce Lee Homage Cut From ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice’