Donald Trump is like a bottomless pit of WTF?! Whenever he does something like characterize an entire nation of people as thieves and rapists , or call a woman a “fat pig” during a televised debate, you can’t help but feel that he’s reached rock bottom. But the Donald can always find a way to sink even lower. Today, for example, Trump held a press conference where he was asked the actions of Scott and Steve Leader – two Boston men who allegedly urinated on the face of a sleeping homeless man, then savagely beat him with a metal pole when he awoke. The victim was Hispanic, and the Leader brothers’ attack was reportedly motivated by Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric. Scott Leader reportedly told the arresting officer, “Donald Trump was right. All these illegals need to be deported.” When asked about this sort of thing, you might assume that Trump would condemn it as the most horrific kind of racism. But that would mean you just don’t know the Donald. “People who are following me are very passionate,” Trump told a reporter who asked about the attack. “They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.” Yup. There you have it. On the upside, Trump pissed off Ronda Rousey today, so maybe she’ll beat his ass on behalf of the nation. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President
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Donald Trump Defends Boston Brothers Who Beat, Urinated on Homeless Man