Tag Archives: awards-speech

Chris Soules Pregnancy Test Drama: Did New Bachelor Knock Someone Up in the Fantasy Suite?!

Last week, ABC released a promo for The Bachelor that played up the show’s unintentionally comedic aspects, while teasing a few The Bachelor spoilers . Today, the network shared a teaser that focuses on the soap opera-caliber drama that’s made the cutthroat romantic competition series such an addictive reality TV staple over the years. The Bachelor Pregnancy Test Promo it’s an understatement to say there’s a lot going on in this trailer: We get our first extended look at Chris Soules as The Bachelor ; we learn producers have brought in more wannabe-fiancees than ever before…But the real surprise comes at the very end: As the show’s signature, schlocky voice-over promises a season “pregnant with possibility,” the camera closes in on a discarded home pregnancy test… The results screen has been blurred out, so it’s totally possible that one of the ladies simply experienced a false alarm, but the dramatic tease certainly has the Internet abuzz with speculation.  The new promo has raised a number of questions about this upcoming season: Would the show go on if one of the ladies got knocked up? Will the female fans who fell in love with Chris after he got dumped by Andi Dorfman  feel the same way if he gets some rando pregnant? Doesn’t ABC stock that damn Fantasy Suite with condoms?! Hopefully all these questions and more will be answered in the show’s 19th (!) season. In the meantime, watch The Bachelor online to relive every sleazy the Fantasy Suite has to offer. Chris Soules Photos: The Bachelor 2015! 1. Chris Soules is The Bachelor 2015 Chris Soules is The Bachelor 2015. Here he is, leaving no doubts about it.

Chris Soules Pregnancy Test Drama: Did New Bachelor Knock Someone Up in the Fantasy Suite?!

Johnny Depp on Life, Career: I Just Don’t Give a F–k!

It’s official: Johnny Depp has zero f–ks to give. You might think a man who sports so many scarves would at least have a passion for neckwear, but no. According to his recent interview with Details magazine, Captain Jack couldn’t lend you a f–k if you offered to pay him back with interest: “What is really satisfying is, like Marlon [Brando], getting to that place where he just didn’t give a f–k,” Depp says. “You get to the point where you care so f–king much it gets g-ddamn beleaguering, you know? But then a great thing happens. Suddenly you care enough not to give a f–k, because not giving a f–k, that’s the total liberation. You’re game to try anything.” Well, that would certainly explain Depp’s drunk speech at the Hollywood Film Awards. Apparently, he felt liberated enough to get completely hammered. Or maybe he needed to get fully soused before he took the stage because he’s just so shy, man: Johnny Depp: Hollywood Film Awards Speech “I’m f–kin’ shy, man,” Depp says. “I don’t like to be in social situations – t’s fine for me in a weird way, having to run and hide.” Lately, there have been rumors circulating that Depp is boozing harder than ever and the combination of shyness and newfound apathy might account for that.  Of course, there have also been reports that Johnny’s drinking is driving his fiancee Amber Heard away , so he might ant to find a a way to star giving at least a minor f–k. Amber Heard Photos: Through the Years 1. Amber Heard Bikini Picture Have U Heard how hot Amber is?? Check out this bikini picture and see for yourself.

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Johnny Depp on Life, Career: I Just Don’t Give a F–k!

Johnny Depp: Drunk Speech is Only Highlight of Hollywood Film Awards! Watch Now!

The Hollywood Film Awards were held last night, and if you’ve never heard of the event, don’t worry – neither has anyone else. It was the first time the awards were televised. A-listers from Ben Affleck to producer James L. Brooks publicly dismissed the HFAs as a joke. But the best indicator of just how seriously Hollywood takes the Hollywood Film Awards was Johnny Depp’s BAC, which apparently peaked right around the time he took the stage: Johnny Depp: Hollywood Film Awards Speech Yes, it seems Depp employed the Captain Jack Sparrow method for coping with pre-show jitters and downed a barrel of rum backstage. Hey, Johnny might be in he’s 50s, but he’s engaged to Amber Heard , who’s only 28. Maybe he figures if she’s not gonna take full advantage of her youth, then he’ll party hard enough for both of them. The sight of Depp slurring and stumbling his way through what should have been a 30 second speech makes us nostalgic for the days of his booze-and-coke-fueled relationship with Kate Moss . Ah, memories. In case you can’t tell, Johnny is presenting an award to Shep Gordon – subject of the new documentary Supermensch – because apparently the HFAs are the kind of show that honors people for being the subject of a documentary. (And for showing up.) Sounds like the kind of night that requires a drink or 12 in order to make it tolerable. Hunter S. Thompson would approve. 33 Drunk People Who Will Make You Glad You’re Not Them 1. Flavor Flav It’s all fun and games until someone strips down to play beer pong dressed as Flavor Flav dressed as a curtain rod.

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Johnny Depp: Drunk Speech is Only Highlight of Hollywood Film Awards! Watch Now!

Cate Blanchett Accepts SAG Award, Gets to Third Base with Trophy

Cate Blanchett won the 2014 SAG Award for Lead Actress on Saturday night. And then the fun really began! First, Blanchett threw a bit of shade at Matthew McConaughey, who won the award for Lead Actor prior to Blanchett and who rambled on about Neptune, among other topics. Watch her funny, gracious acceptance speech here: Cate Blanchett SAG Awards Speech Then, well, the Blue Jasmine actress got especially tight with the trophy itself. How tight? Let’s just say these two may wanna get a room… In other hilarious (less X-rated) news from the SAG Awards, check out Emma Thompson’s amazing photobomb now!

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Cate Blanchett Accepts SAG Award, Gets to Third Base with Trophy