Tag Archives: bahamas

Woodstock 50 Gets CANCELED at the Last Minute: Was It All a Con Like Fyre Fest?!

Well, it looks like we’re about to enter the summer of peace, love, and tumultuous investor relations. Yes, times have certainly changed since 1969, and if you’re in need of a grim reminder of just how much more profit-driven our society has become, look no further than the cancelation of Woodstock 50. To be clear, we’re not bemoaning the loss of the three-day concert that was scheduled to take place in Upstate New York in August. No, despite the big names attached to the festival, Woodstock 50 was considered something of a bust from the beginning. Many felt that organizers tried too hard to attract multiple generations and wound up with a lineup that satisfied no one. And just about everyone felt that the $450 price of admission was outlandish. Still, while the end result almost certainly would have been a colossal mess — perhaps on par with earlier attempts to recreate the original Woodstock — fans and insiders alike are stunned by the decision to cancel the concert. After all, Woodstock remains an iconic brand, and there will never be another opportunity to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the legendary gathering at Max Yasgur’s farm. So what happened? Well, not surprisingly, the debacle is drawing comparisons to the Fyre Festival , the event that drew thousands to the Bahamas for a concert that never happened. Fyre turned out to be an elaborate con that spawned multiple documentaries and resulted in jail time for promoter Billy McFarland. But despite the comparisons in the press — and the many, many memes drawing parallels between the two situations — sources insist that unlike Fyre Fest, Woodstock 50 was no con. The big name acts — ranging from Jay Z to Carlos Santana — were booked and ready to perform. But as with Fyre, the production showed signs of trouble early on, as organizers missed important deadlines with regard to permits, infrastructure, and financing. Of particular concern were the delays regarding sanitation and concessions. At one point, organizers expected a turnout of over 100,000 — and the inability to provide clean bathrooms and sufficient food and water for all those concert-goers would have resulted in a nightmare scenario. As the official Woodstock Twitter account continued to deny that the festival had been canceled, on Monday Amplifi Live — one of several companies involved with organizing the event — issued the following statement: “It’s a dream for agencies to work with iconic brands and to be associated with meaningful movements. “We have a strong history of producing experiences that bring people together around common interests and causes which is why we chose to be a part of the Woodstock 50th Anniversary Festival. “But despite our tremendous investment of time, effort and commitment, we don’t believe the production of the festival can be executed as an event worthy of the Woodstock Brand name while also ensuring the health and safety of the artists, partners and attendees.” One of the most surprising things about the cancelation is the apparent lack of disappointment among fans and performers. Looks like Fyre Fest taught everyone that it’s better to have no concert at all than an organizational nightmare.

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Woodstock 50 Gets CANCELED at the Last Minute: Was It All a Con Like Fyre Fest?!

Farrah Abraham: My Daughter is Gonna Be a Giant TV Star!

Farrah Abraham doesn’t mind getting bent over and simply railed by some guy in front of a camera. It’s how the former Teen Mom star has made her living in the past. But Abraham opens up in a new interview about something she does mind, something that does bother her on a near-daily basis and something she wishes she could change: How frequently she must be away from her daughter, Sophia. “The biggest challenge of being a single mom right now is doing all of these companies and projects … and balancing being there a lot for my daughter,” Abraham explained to Us Weekly at a skincare launch event a couple days ago. She added, in a bit more detail: “Throughout the year, I’m probably gone, like, two months out of the year away from her, if not more. “Even though we’re always together it seems, I still wish I could spend more time with her, and I think quality time is good right now.” This is a fair and understandable complaint from Farrah’s point of view. It’s unclear exactly what she does for work these days, but Abraham still somehow gets invited to random openings and premiere events where she’s paid to stand on a red carpet — which does mean flying around the country without her 10-year old child. Critics, however, might say this is a net positive for young Sophia. Farrah has never come across as the best role model or parent for the little girl, sometimes posing naked right in front of her and pretty much always exploiting Sophia on social media in some way, shape or form. Yes, a daughter needs her mother. But only if she’s a responsible mother, right? While she’s away, Abraham says her daughter stays with her grandparents, a situation for which Farrah is grateful. “There are many issues with babysitters and privacy, so before it takes off, I’d rather have her with family,” she told Us Weekly in this chat. The MTV personality (she’s gone from Teen Mom, but still appears on Ex on the Beach) welcomed Sophia in 2009, conceiving her with then-boyfriend, Derek Underwood… died in a car crash before his daughter was born. “She is really focused on finishing up her school work right now, so I am very excited and proud of her,” Abraham offered as an update on the 10-year old, adding: “She’s been cooking. She has been doing little scripted stuff in between her activities.” Wait… what? She’s been doing scripted stuff ?!? Yes, Farrah says, although she doesn’t supply many details beyond the above description. The single mother simply says her child is going to be “a much bigger star” than she is. We REALLY hope she means as a non-adult movie actress. Sorry. We hate to even go there with this subject. It’s just Farrah Abraham, you know? You can never be exactly sure what she has in mind — or what the heck she’s talking about . View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham to Teen Mom: I’m Here if Y’all Need Me! Just Give Me a Call! [Crickets]

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Farrah Abraham: My Daughter is Gonna Be a Giant TV Star!

Loni Love Swears By These Plus-Size Fashion Lines: Eloquii, Ashley Stewart & ASOS

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Source: Leon Bennett / Getty Plus-size fashion has come a long way, according to Loni Love. The Emmy award-winning host opened up about her fashion journey over the years and some of her favorite curvy girl clothing lines. “It has changed tremendously,” Loni said about the plus-size fashion game. “When I first started doing The Real, fashion for plus-size women was like at an all time low. It was just duvet covers and a belt,” she explained. “Now it’s so much better. I get sent stuff all the time from all over the world.” Loni learned how to dress for her body size, which helped her tremendously. “My waist is getting a little thinner, I have a really big butt, so I accentuate. I wear straight skirts instead of a-line skirts. Understand your body type and then you can dress appropriately.” Another key to Loni’s rising fashion sense. “Alter things,” she said confidently. As for her favorite brands, Loni swears by Eloquii and Ashley Stewart, who she says is “getting much better.” La La has a really good line.” And, like the rest of us, loves Asos. “Asos is doing a plus size line and it’s affordable. I like to, to pitch stuff that’s affordable to women. Maybe $60 is a bit, but if you save your money and you know, you can spend $60 and look good. I don’t usually wear anything on his show over $100 bucks. I try to stay under, yeah. Under a hundred bucks.” See more of Loni’s fashion looks, below: Loni Love: Sisters, You Don’t Have To Settle For ‘Struggle’ Love Loni And Her Love James Welch Are In The Bahamas  

Loni Love Swears By These Plus-Size Fashion Lines: Eloquii, Ashley Stewart & ASOS

Modern-Day Jesus With "Strong Sperm" Travels Country Impregnating Women

A man is being praised as a “modern-day Jesus” for performing one service, free of charge, for those who want it. He is donating his “strong sperm” to help women across the country get pregnant. And he wants to make his act international. The man reveals that he has a special recipe to keep his sperm high-quality and 100% organic. About five years ago, L.A. native Kyle Gordy advertised on Craigslist that he was willing to donate sperm to help someone become pregnant. Within two weeks, a woman accepted, and became pregnant via in vitro fertilization. “I was going to apply to a sperm bank, but the whole thing just felt so cold and clinical,” Kyle tells Caters News . “My sperm is much better than what is in a sperm bank,” he claims. Kyle explains: “as it’s strong and fresh during the donation, while I also do it all for free.” He says that he asks those receiving his “donations” to cover his travel, but gives the actual sperm for free. How does Kyle say that he keeps his sperm so healthy? With organic food combined with 18 different herbs and supplements — each and every day. “I need to keep myself healthy, so I have the best sperm,” Kyle shares. “I have no idea why a woman would want to use a sperm bank when she could just use me,” he says. “The specimens at a bank could be sitting there for years,” Kyle suggests. “You don’t really know what you’re getting.” So, what's this stuff about him being Jesus-like? “People have called me a modern-day Jesus,” Kyle acknowledges. “And I have to agree with that.” As he explains, he has precisely the qualifications of a Christ-like figure. “I’m very generous and giving,” Kyle says. “And the fact that I’m Jewish while Jesus was also Jewish.” That's … actually a pretty good point. Though 27-year-old Kyle has fathered 18 children and has another 5 on the way, he's not interested in fatherhood. “Kids are a huge responsibility, and I think that is too much for me to handle,” Kyle explains. “So now,” he continues. “I can have kids and help women at the same time.” He says that, more often than not, he just ends up donating fresh sperm which is then used for in vitro fertilization. He does this for single women but also for couples. However, he says that about 25% of the time, recipients opt for a different donation method. Kyle Gordy even has a website where he gives people advice on how to be as fertile as possible. “Some women don’t want to do artificial insemination as they don’t want to waste time,” Kyle says. He continues: “and they feel it will be most effective if we do it the old-fashioned way.” “They will ask if we can just have sex,” Kyle claims. “And I’ll tell them I’m up for it and we exchange STD tests.” “Obviously, I’m a guy,” he notes. “So it is fun to do it that way if we both like each other.” Sure.

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Modern-Day Jesus With "Strong Sperm" Travels Country Impregnating Women

Jessica Canseco: I Never Boned Alex Rodriguez!

Alex Rodriguez may have slammed 696 home runs throughout his controversial Major League Baseball career, but Jessica Canseco wants to make one thing clear: He never rounded the bases with her! Not once! Not ever! “Those false accusations Jose [Canseco] is making are not true,” Jessica has now Tweeted, in referenced to what her famous ex-husband himself Tweeted this past weekend. She added: “I have known Alex for many years and haven’t even seen him for over 5. I certainly did not sleep with him. I am friendly with both him and Jennifer. As for Jose he can keep playing with his Alien friends.” There’s a lot to unpack there, huh? But let’s begin here… … Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez got engaged on Saturday night. The former got down on one knee and proposed to the latter with a multi-million dollar rign while on vacation in the Bahamas. Not long after this exciting news went viral, however, Jose Canseco spoke out and sullied the kind of good name of his fellow former slugger and steroid user. “Watching World of Dance watching J.Lo text Alex Rodriguez little does she know that he is cheating on her with my ex-wife Jessica poor girl she has no idea who he really is,” Canseco wrote, adding that the affair has been on going. “I was there a few months back with her when he called her on her phone.” To be clear, this second part may be true. Jessica freely admits she is friends with Alex and he really may have given her a call while she was in the presence of her ex — and Jose may have interpreted this contact as meaning the two were sleeping together. Wait a minute: Why are we defending Jose Canseco?!? This is the same disgraced ex-athlete who concluded his supposedly revelatory Tweet as follows: “Alex Rodriguez I challenge you to a boxing match or an MMA match anytime you want.” Might he simply have been seeking publicity and some sort of payday via his accusatory Tweet? Rodriguez has also been accused of cheating on Lopez by a fitness model named Lauren Hunter. This is an old accusation that resurfaced this week in wake of the engagement, as quotes Hunter gave to the National Enquirer about the package A-Rod is packing and the raunchy texts he used to send her went public a couple days ago. “He told me he loved me, and he’s loved me for a long time,” Hunter told the Enquirer, alleging her affair with Rodriguez overlapped the first few months of his J-Lo romance back in early 2017. This claim hasn’t impacted the Rodriguez-Lopez love story, however. Just hours after it made the rounds again, Jennifer shared the photos above and below of Rodriguez proposing to her on the beach. The superstars seem awfully smitten with each other. Lopez has “heard the cheating rumors in the past and has never let it bother her,” a source tells Us Weekly, adding: “She trusts [Rodriguez] and his love. They are inseparable and together almost all of the time. Jose Canseco has an ax to grind, but she doesn’t hear the noise.” And it must help when Rodriguez writes very romantic words on his Instagram story. To wit: “There aren’t many words to share with you, only feelings. Gratitude. Excitement. And just … joy,” he said on Tuesday, concluding: “We know there is work to do to keep building a family and future we can be proud of, and we can’t do it without all of you. “We are so thankful for all your messages of love and congratulations.” AWWWWW!

The rest is here:
Jessica Canseco: I Never Boned Alex Rodriguez!

Farrah Abraham Accused of Animal Cruelty, Bestiality After Sharing Troubling Photo

Look, we all know that Farrah Abraham isn't the most likable person. And we also all know that that's 100% her fault. She's rude, aggressive, dumb, and just all sorts of bad things. But every once in a while, she does something that still manages to shock us, even after all these years. This is one of those times. 1. What’s Up, Girl? Farrah Abraham has been done with Teen Mom OG for over a year now … so what has she been doing to fill her days? 2. IDK Honestly, we’re not really sure. 3. Career Moves She had that little stint on Ex on the Beach, another MTV reality show, we know that. 4. Uh … She also tried charging people an outrageous amount for therapy on a cam girl site, because that makes sense. 5. Hmmm But other than that, she hasn’t really been doing much that we can tell. 6. ALL the Vacations Well, besides going on vacations at various resorts all over the world with Sophia, who she’s supposed to be homeschooling. View Slideshow

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Farrah Abraham Accused of Animal Cruelty, Bestiality After Sharing Troubling Photo

Ghetto Instagram Model Michelle Lewin Gets Bit By Her Brother of the Day

I haven’t heard of booty model from Miami named Michelle Lewin from Miami, who is from Miami…did I mention she is from Miami…she is probably not even from Miami…but I am running with it… She got big on Instagram….early on due to her fitness and butt shots…then was forgotten until now…when she staged a pig biting her that went viral…even though the pig in Bahamas is already a played out thing..but when you’re a Booty model and you get your Booty bitten the fans go nuts…because I guess she’s got fans thanks to social media – you perverts. So shit went viral a few days ago in this era of nothing going viral…magical…four days late. The post Ghetto Instagram Model Michelle Lewin Gets Bit By Her Brother of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ghetto Instagram Model Michelle Lewin Gets Bit By Her Brother of the Day

Fyre Festival’s Andy King Doesn’t Want To Be Known As The “Blowjob King Of The World” [Video]

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Andy King has seen all of your FYRE Fest memes — and he loves them! pic.twitter.com/mCNgDoHpjW — Netflix US (@netflix) January 29, 2019 If you watched Netflix’s Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened there were definitely some key moments that stuck out. Andy King , for instance, was thisclose to giving a custom official a blowjob in exchange for drinking water…at the behest of fraudulent Fyre founder Billy McFarland . Going viral in what are some of the most hilarious memes to ever hit the internet, King says he’s seen all the commentary and doesn’t want to be known as the “blowjob king of the world” — but would like to use all the attention to somehow help the local Bahamians who were cheated out of tons of cash. “I just don’t want to be necessarily known as the blowjob king of the world,” he informed Netflix in a follow-up interview, adding “I’m blown away with the response of the documentary. Completely blown away. I’m now a noun, a verb, an adjective. It’s mind-boggling.” Hilariously, King didn’t even know what it meant when someone reached out to tell him he was “trending.” “One of our biggest goals” he continued, “is paying back everybody in the Bahamas…if I can drive positive influences and a lot of positive energy towards social and environmental impact, which is what I base my business on, then I think I can utilize this moment to do a lot of good.” Watch the quick clip up top.

Fyre Festival’s Andy King Doesn’t Want To Be Known As The “Blowjob King Of The World” [Video]

Fyre Festival’s Andy King Doesn’t Want To Be Known As The “Blowjob King Of The World” [Video]

Original post:

Andy King has seen all of your FYRE Fest memes — and he loves them! pic.twitter.com/mCNgDoHpjW — Netflix US (@netflix) January 29, 2019 If you watched Netflix’s Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened there were definitely some key moments that stuck out. Andy King , for instance, was thisclose to giving a custom official a blowjob in exchange for drinking water…at the behest of fraudulent Fyre founder Billy McFarland . Going viral in what are some of the most hilarious memes to ever hit the internet, King says he’s seen all the commentary and doesn’t want to be known as the “blowjob king of the world” — but would like to use all the attention to somehow help the local Bahamians who were cheated out of tons of cash. “I just don’t want to be necessarily known as the blowjob king of the world,” he informed Netflix in a follow-up interview, adding “I’m blown away with the response of the documentary. Completely blown away. I’m now a noun, a verb, an adjective. It’s mind-boggling.” Hilariously, King didn’t even know what it meant when someone reached out to tell him he was “trending.” “One of our biggest goals” he continued, “is paying back everybody in the Bahamas…if I can drive positive influences and a lot of positive energy towards social and environmental impact, which is what I base my business on, then I think I can utilize this moment to do a lot of good.” Watch the quick clip up top.

Fyre Festival’s Andy King Doesn’t Want To Be Known As The “Blowjob King Of The World” [Video]

IRS Don’t Lie: Shakira Is Reportedly Facing Charges For Millions In Tax Fraud

Source: LUIS CHARRIS / Getty Sharika Could Be Facing Some Charges For Tax Fraud After a year-long investigation, the Spanish government is now claiming that  Shakira  will be facing criminal tax fraud charges, according to reports from Spanish newspaper  El Pais . The singer was the subject of a probe that looked into whether she lived in Spain between the years of 2011 and 2014 or not; Spanish law stipulates that if you spent a minimum of 183 days in Spain, you are to be considered a fiscal resident of the country and must pay taxes on your global income–which is the case made against Shakira. According to the same report, this year-long investigation came to the conclusion that Shakira owes upwards of 14.5 million euros to the government. The 41-year-old filed her taxes for those years as if she spent most of her time in the Bahamas, as opposed to living with her partner Gerard Pique in Barcelona. The couple lived together from 2011 onwards, and Shakira even gave birth to her first son in a Barcelona hospital in 2013. Shakira’s defense team said that she wasn’t in the country for most of the time during those years, with the majority of her income coming from her work abroad. She is saying now that she never attempted to hide any of her income, allegedly calling it a matter of “a difference in criteria.” “Shakira has at all times fulfilled her tax obligations and owes no money to the Spanish Treasury,” a  statement from Shakira’s team reads.  It continues, “As soon as she was made aware of the amount that according to the Tax Agency she owed, as a gesture of good faith, she made the payment in full, and, therefore, there are currently no monies owed.” The Colombian singer’s name appeared in the “Paradise Papers” back in 2017, which detailed which celebrities and politicians had offshore financial dealings to avoid tax. Earlier in 2018, Shakira paid 20 million euros to the Spanish government in back taxes.

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IRS Don’t Lie: Shakira Is Reportedly Facing Charges For Millions In Tax Fraud