Tag Archives: because-it-isn

Lindsay Lohan’s Deflated Tits of the Day

I’ve been a fan of Lindsay Lohan’s tits for a long time. They have carried both her and me through some dark times…not that actually care that much about tits…but through it all, even her anorexia and drug use, when she was a walking skeleton, she still carried her solid fucking tear drop shaped implants like a fucking star…implants that I guess got popped along with her spirits now that she’s forced to do reality TV that is less successful than Jersey Shore, when girl is a big actor, with so much potential, who just got eaten up and spat out…which would be sad, if she had a soul, sincerity or compassion in anything she does, but rather she’s just a miserable human being, who will die a premature death, like her tits, and who will never achieve the level of greatness she probably could have before her psychosis got int he fucking way… I would say it was too bad, but this girl has zero empathy for anyone…I guess the saddest thing is that now, without her tits, she’s really got zero purpose or value to me… She can keep crying for attention, and having train wrecks, but sometimes horrible people deserve that… I don’t care if her mom and dad made her this way, she’s a grown up and can take charge of herself. I have no respect for victims…especially when they don’t have nice tits anymore. Maybe this anger just stems from me mourning what was…The good news is that there are so many more Lindsay Lohan replacements now…she’s obsolete. The Atari or VHS player of childstars… Lindsay Lohan’s Deflated Boobs are Freaking me Out TO See More CLICK HERE

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Lindsay Lohan’s Deflated Tits of the Day

Miley Cyrus Nipple Flash for Instagram of the Day

Miley Cyrus is back on track, recovering from the recreational drug use overdose, posting weird dance videos on instagram that include a nipple flash, because she’s not a Disney Princess anymore, she’s urban and hip and that whole new generation that don’t think showing nipple is bad, because it isn’t bad… Maybe she’s just seeing if she’s as relevant as Rihanna, you know to get Instagram to delete her, only to get them to re-instate her because they aren’t idiots…. Maybe I’ve read into this too much…yes…I’ve read into this too much. Here’s a close up of her pubic hair: TO SEE HER CONCERT PICS CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus Nipple Flash for Instagram of the Day

Hilda Dias Pimentel for Fizzy Mag of the Day

The name Hilda…has never been so hot…but in the name Hilda’s defence, it has never been hot…if you know what I mean… Her name is unfortunately Hilda, the kind of name you would strategically change if you had good management, because it isn’t all that marketable or exciting…but luckily for her, she is… From Brazil, built like a tall hipster…posing like a tall hipster…in what is semi-erotic and even soft core porn, if we were still in the 80s….cuz thanks to the internet, the only think we consider soft core is when they use condoms…or they edit out the pop shot…

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Hilda Dias Pimentel for Fizzy Mag of the Day

Harrison Ford: Expendables 3 and Indiana Jones 5? All In a Day’s Work!

Harrison Ford may not be fulfilling our dreams of taking over the  Star Wars VII movie single handily but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been making waves here lately. Earlier in the day, Ford made the entertainment headlines by saying he’d be on board for an  Indiana Jones 5 despite being 71 years old. “To me, what was interesting about the character was that he prevailed, that he had courage, that he had wit, that he had intelligence, that he was frightened, and that he still managed to survive. That I can do.” You know what Mr. Ford? I believe you. I’ll go right along with the idea of another  Indiana Jones movie. If it can be worked out that Schwarzenegger is Conan once again, surely we can bring back the fedora. However, the second news story of the day is a little less exciting. Maybe it’s because I’m a female. Maybe it’s because it isn’t something legendary like  Indiana Jones . Or maybe it’s simply because I’m burnt out over the “a new sequel each year” model Hollywood seems to be following of late. But this news that Harrison Ford has signed on for  The Expendables 3 does absolutely nothing for me but cause eye rolling.  Sylvester Stallone tweeted earlier (Stallone tweets?) that “WILLIS OUT… HARRISON FORD IN!!!! GREAT NEWS !!!!! Been waiting for this!!!!” Am I wrong or did Sylvester Stallone just go fangirl on us? Either way, it appears as if Bruce Willis is leaving the movie and Harrison Ford is stepping in his place.  Perhaps Willis saw the writing on the wall and it looked very similar to that of  Red 2 and he’s the smarter man here? We’ll have to see. The Expendables 3 has a planned release on April 15 of next year.

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Harrison Ford: Expendables 3 and Indiana Jones 5? All In a Day’s Work!

Abbey Clancy is Hot in Lingerie for Frank White of the Day

Abbey Clancy is some re-branded UK cokehead who dates footballers and who was a lingerie model who went by the name ABIGAIL CLANCY but I guess that was too classy, or maybe she dragged it through the mud, or maybe too mature and not playful enough and whatever the reason….who the fuck cares…cuz she’s still a lingerie model….modeling lingerie….but I prefer when she’s fucking topless …..but I guess this mom body is alright to look at too….because it isn’t fat.

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Abbey Clancy is Hot in Lingerie for Frank White of the Day

Ashley Greene Boring in Nylon of the Day

Ashley Greene is boring in Nylon….because she’s fucking boring…and anyone who thinks this boxy as fuck, useless, badly dressed cunt is anything but fucking boring, is just a victim of marketing, or someone who is way too into Twilight that your opinion doesn’t matter, cuz people way too into Twilight are trash….and so is Ashley Greene, and not just because she’s from Florida, but because she’s leaked nude pics, fucked her way into a big blockbuster, even though she has no talent, and from that blockbuster decided to stay in the media targeted at to the youth, so she fucked a Jonas Brother…..and I can assume whoever else she’s had inside her has been strategic and thus explains why she keeps getting booked….because it isn’t her looks or her skill….unless we’re talking about the looks she gives when sucking a producer dick with skill that comes from experience…cuz that’s the only thing that makes sense…..Whore.

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Ashley Greene Boring in Nylon of the Day

Katie Holmes Legs at the Beach of the Day

Slutty Scientologist. I mean she must not be taking her religion very seriously, maybe because it isn’t an actual religion, but a cult for Rich people who believe in a scam created by a sci-fi writer, or maybe because all of hollywood are just full of shit… Cuz the religious people I know, or see on the street, or come knocking on my door with notices of how man is killing the world, from Jesus people, to Jews, to Arabs, they’d never be this exposed, even on the beach, not that they’d ever be on the beach, because they’re free time is sprent preaching the word of the lord or some shit… Here are some reliously imprisioned legs on the beach cuz they are not allowed to wear a bikini cuz alien vengeance from their alien god would strike down from above…but maybe she should push the limits like a teenage girl girl rebelling against their uptight upbringing, cuz I always love watching the ex-catholic school girls masturbating with crucifixes out of spite, it’s erotic.

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Katie Holmes Legs at the Beach of the Day

Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez’s Relationship Isn’t Just Controversial, It’s Actually Illegal

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have the most buzzed about relationship in town. Rumors that the two are dating took flight when photos of the pair canoodling in swimsuits hit the web, at which point crazed Bieber fans began aggressively threatening Selena on Twitter and across the web. Then today, Selena’s Facebook and Twitter profiles were hacked. The perpetrator, who goes by “PkinJ0r,” sent messages like “Justin Bieber sucks” from Selena’s handle. Justin and Selena have yet to publicly admit to their relationship, however — and perhaps that’s because it isn’t just controversial, it’s actually illegal. Selena is 18, making her an adult in the eyes of the law, and Justin’s 16, which means he’s a minor. If the two have sex, Selena would be guilty of statutory rape. According to the California Penal Code, “Any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor.” Hypothetically, this means that if Justin (or his parents) were to press charges against Selena, she’d be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined up to $2,000. If she were one year older or he one year younger, she could face a felony conviction and possible jail time. Yikes! Is the whole illegality thing the reason Justin and Selena haven’t come clean about their romance? Who knows, Bieber could be returning to CSI more than just one more time. Post from: Crushable Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez’s Relationship Isn’t Just Controversial, It’s Actually Illegal

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Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez’s Relationship Isn’t Just Controversial, It’s Actually Illegal

Miley Cyrus See Thru Top of the Day

You gotta give Miley’s hustle some credit. She knows exactly what the public wants. She knows exactly how to give them just enough so that they don’t think they are breaking laws that will get them arrested and she plays it off like it isn’t a big deal…because it isn’t really a big deal. She actually probably gets off to the fact that people get off to her and is just fucking with them knowing that with an outfit like this comes a ton of attention. I’m not sold on her cuz she looks inbred and despite that making backwoods rape on a road trip with a man and his daughter in the 80s an experience to remember…I’m not sure if Miley’s one of those teenage pussies who will go on to be remembered when a new one steps in, sucks the right Disney Exec off and takes over….or if she will just be forgotten…but I am sure a lot of young girls are looking at these pics on their favorite Miley fan site begging their mom’s for sheer shirts and that’s gonna make things messy…especially for you, you pervert. To See the Rest of her Pictures – Follow This Link GO

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Miley Cyrus See Thru Top of the Day

Bilderberg 2010: What We Learned

A huge agenda of global issues was crammed into four days of 'secret' meetings by a mysterious group of power brokers. But who elected them and why are we paying for them? Check out the agenda for Bilderberg 2010: “Financial reform, security, cyber technology, energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, world food problem, global cooling, social networking, medical science, EU-US relations.” That list is a window into your future. Don't think for one minute that it isn't. And don't ignore it, because it isn't ignoring you. more at link…Please research the Bilderberg Group and the NWO…it may save your life. www.current.com/groups/conspiracy-films added by: rodstradamus