Tag Archives: because-unlike

Rihanna’s Black Slave on New Years Eve of the Day

Rihanna celebrated New Years, as people do, and she took the opportunity to show the world she, like Denver Colorado, likes weed…because unlike McDonald’s and all the other shit in our food, weed doesn’t kill people…but more importantly, used it as an opportunity to show the world her Black Slave, because as a black girl, you only really know you’ve made it, when you can hire yourself a slave to work your 14 million dollar New York apartment, even though it’d be more exciting if that slave was white, you know as revenge to all the plantation owners in the Islands who fucked with her people, but I guess she’s more into being a plantation owner than seeking redemption…but I already knew that, I know people who live in Barbados and the locals hate Rihanna because she treats them more like hired help than the tourists that are there that they are actually hired to help…she’s a cunt like that, but I like her lingerie business suit shit, there’s a fetish somewhere in whatever is going on here.

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Rihanna’s Black Slave on New Years Eve of the Day

Maggi Caruthers Lingerie Pictures Will Blow Your Mind!

Since you guys enjoyed those Maggi Caruthers lingerie pictures so much last time , you’re in luck, because I’ve got even more for you again today. Just be careful where you drool over them though, because unlike yours truly, you probably don’t get paid to look at hotties in their lingerie all day. I mean, I didn’t get that Masters degree in Celebrity Blogging and T&A Jokes for nothing. » view all 50 photos

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Maggi Caruthers Lingerie Pictures Will Blow Your Mind!

Kelly Rowland for Shape Magazine of the Day

While Beyonce was getting ripped off stage by some crazed fan who was trying to bring her home to meet his mom, or maybe his gay friends who couldn’t make it to the concert, but who he wanted to bring the concert to, because the gay who brings Beyonce to the party, is that Gay who is probably walking away HIV Positive thanks to all the unprotected appreciation…they’re given… Kelly Rowaland was in Shape Magazine, showing the world that when you buy yourself tits, and do sit-ups, you can come across as a lean bitch, who doesn’t look all that much like a dude….because of the cleavage… Shape is notorious for photoshopping the shit out of everything, so it’s safe to say, the shit has been photoshopped out of this…and no, that wasn’t a racist joke…because unlike you redneck trash, I like black girls, they are so exotic and remind me of masturbation in the 80s…thanks to National Geographic…we’ve gone over this before, stop making me repeat myself.

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Kelly Rowland for Shape Magazine of the Day

Selena Gomez Crotch Shot in Panties on Tour of the Day

It is safe to assume that Justin Beiber wasn’t into fucking Selena Gomez, because she’s not Usher Raymond, back when she was child molesting him…She was over 18 and he wasn’t…that pervert…in fact when guys do it, they go to jail. I saw that episode of Jerry Springing. You know, because Beiber is gay, even if he doesn’t know it, and only does the gay thing because of contracts he and his mom signed back when taking him from Youtube to international sensation… So it’s also safe to say that he never really looked at Selena Gomez in her panties ….because he was too busy wearing her panties… I guess that gave her a complex, because she’s decided to show them to the world, in concert, like she was Gaga or the other pantsless popstars, out there trying to make it on her own and by on her own I mean with many investors behind her tour, cuz she’s got a huge fan base….and she’s Selena Gomez… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Selena Gomez Crotch Shot in Panties on Tour of the Day

Miley Cyrus in Some White Shorts of the Day

Here are some pics of Miley Cyrus rocking a pair of not so period friendly shorts…I’m talking the kind of shorts you wouldn’t want to wear to school if you were a 12 year old girl who hasn’t got her period yet…the kind of shorts that lead to countless nightmares of being humiliated in front of everyone thanks to puberty and fertility… I like what I see, because unlike what most of you haters think, she’s not a little boy, she just got short hair…and last time I checked, a bitch cutting her hair short hair didn’t mean she grew a set of balls, and really even if she did grow a set of balls, or had a vagina that looked like a deflated set of balls, it’d be hard to turn sucking her off down, because she’s Miley Cyrus and I’ve already visualized sex with her so much, it would be gay not to go through with it… SHe’s tight bodied…lean…and I like her rap game hustle, keeping things all racy while tweaking her little white ass all the way to the bank I’d like to marry and knock up like I was k-fed. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS SHOT BY THE PAPARAZZI CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus in Some White Shorts of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Showing Some Bra of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is showing off some of her bra….pretty tame for a slut trying to get ahead for being a slut. A slut who made headlines for leaking nude pics of herself that were apparently for some boyfriend at the time but who we all know were for the press. A set of nude pics her people said were shot pre-18, making sites scared of being charged with kiddie porn, when really she shoulda been the one charged for kiddie porn for producing it. More importantly she should have shaved her fucking bush in the shit, because unlike me, the general public hates bush, and in trying to market yourself properly as a slut, you need to adapt to their needs and what it all comes down to is that Vanessa Hudgens is a fucking disappointment. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Vanessa Hudgens Showing Some Bra of the Day

Ali Landry is in a Bikini of the Day

Ali Landry is some 40 year old who was Miss USA in 1996, is best known for being in People Magazines 50 Most Beautiful People issue in 1998, but I remember her for being the Doritos girl….a place I’d like to leave her…because unlike most married men, who like the security of growin old with a bitch, and the trade off for that is being stuck sleeping with an old bitch while thinking of of her in her 20s, because that’s gotta be the only way a mother fucker can cum looking at that loose skin mess of a human….I guess that’s the importance of photography and camera technology, to keep a bitch from aging for masturbation purposes, even if she is a fit 40 year old, she’s still a 40 year old….in a bikini…ok fine…she has a rockin’ body…but come on…that’s the one thing she has to do in life. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ali Landry is in a Bikini of the Day

Candice Swanepoel’s Awesome Fitness for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is pretty perfect….except for the AIDS shit that annoy all South Africans when I bring it up…because unlike Candice Swanepoel, they didn’t get the fuck out the first chance they had….but instead they stuck around risking HIV transmission every time they dance too close to someone, share a drink, get sneezed on, hold hands, or sniff dirty panties/bike seats…..She’s fit, she’s rich, she’s hot as fuck and even when posing in boring catalog shots…I want to get her pregnant….and I hate babies, pregnancy, but appreciate hot pussy and K-Fed’s work ethic….and sometimes that overpowers all…. Boring pics, hot women….get up on it.

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Candice Swanepoel’s Awesome Fitness for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Nicole Trunfio and Julia Oleynik Titties for Fashion of the Day

I have no idea why this video of Nicole Trunfio and Julia Oleynik just dropped yesterday….because I POSTED THE TOPLESS PIC ON D-DAY back in June…that is clearly from this photoshoot…. But I don’t really care…because Nicole Trunfio is one of these models who should be a Victoria’s Secret girl, because unlike Swanepoel and Aldridge, this bitch actually has some tits….and most importantly a willingness to get naked for fashion… She is Australian and I have POSTED HER TITS AND HOT PHOTOSHOOTS BEFORE ….because I think she’s spectacular….now watch the video..

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Nicole Trunfio and Julia Oleynik Titties for Fashion of the Day

Some Britney Sprears Concert Pics of the Day

Here are some Britney in a recent concert performing half naked, because unlike Michael Jackson, she hasn’t died yet, even though she’s been close…her handlers put a stop to that amazing crazy from a few years ago, got her on meds, and threw her into slutty costumes where she does her dancing monkey act as her puppet masters profit from her….leading to another meltdown, but for now she’s showered, thick mom body half naked and clean…so take it in, cuz I’m sure it is temporary..obesity and real crazy is just around the corner…at least I hope cuz that’s when I liked her best…all white trash, crazy and coverted in cheeto dust…or as I like to call it – at her best… Now all I can fantasize about is sniffing her outfits before they are burned or washed by her staff in that small window between end of show and cleaning up the show…all sweaty and tainted…. Oh well. Here are the pics..of her thickness…

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Some Britney Sprears Concert Pics of the Day