Tag Archives: been-suffering

US Marshals Finally Arrest Real Birmingham Mall Shooter After Alabama Police Killed Innocent Man

Source: Hill Street Studios LLC / Getty Real Birmingham Mall Shooter Finally Arrested In Georgia After a week of shady and shoddy police work by the men and women in blue down in Birmingham, Alabama, U.S. Marshals finally arrested the shooter who injured 2 children at Riverchase Mall. According to CNN , Erron Martez Dequan Brown was apprehended at a relative’s house not far from Atlanta. The problem is, before catching Erron Martez Dequan Brown, Hoover Police killed Emantic Bradford Jr. in a highly suspicious and likely racist case of “mistaken identity”. Bradford’s funeral will be we held on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham. City officials and protesters are currently putting pressure on the Alabama state’s police to release “limited information” about the shooting that might provide some clarity about how and why Emantic was killed. In their response, the ALEA makes it clear they don’t wanna say a damn thing about it: “It is highly likely that prematurely releasing information, including video evidence, would have hampered the investigation’s progress thus far, even to the point of deterring key witnesses,” ALEA said in a statement. “As other witnesses continue to come forward, it is imperative for the integrity of the investigation that SBI (the State Bureau of Investigation) continue to keep confidential information Agents obtain.” As for Erron Martez Dequan Brown, he’s facing attempted murder charges for shooting 18-year-old Brian Xavier and an unidentified 12-year-old girl. We hope and pray that Ematic Bradford’s family gets justice and whatever inadequate form of restitution that they can. Sadly, not even justice and legal award can make this right.

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US Marshals Finally Arrest Real Birmingham Mall Shooter After Alabama Police Killed Innocent Man

George H.W. Bush Passes Away At Age 94

Source: Leslie Plaza Johnson/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images / Getty George H.W. Bush Passes Away At Age 94 George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States and father to the 43rd president George W. Bush, has passed away at age 94. According to TMZ , the former president had been suffering failing health off and on for the past few years, marked by occasional hospitalizations . His death comes hot on the heels of his wife of 73 years, Barbara Bush’s passing this past April at the age of 92. He is survived by 5 children, 17 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren, in addition to one daughter, Robin, who passed away from leukemia at the age of 3. R.I.P. Leslie Plaza Johnson/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

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George H.W. Bush Passes Away At Age 94

Ian McKellen Has Prostate Cancer

Sir Ian McKellen has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The 73-year-old star of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit told the Daily Mirror (UK) he’s been suffering from it for the last 6-7 YEARS, but has not had any treatment. “When you have got it, you monitor it, and you have to be careful it doesn’t spread,” he said. “But if it is contained in the prostate, which it is it’s no big deal.” “I am examined regularly and it’s contained, it’s not spreading,” said the silver screen legend. “I’ve not had any treatment.” We trust that he would if need be. The Hobbit will be released Friday. It looks awesome. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Ian McKellen Has Prostate Cancer

What’s On: So You Think You Can Compete?

Watch. This. Show. So You Think You Can Dance may seem like a treat for rarefied reality-watchers who know their pirouettes from their pas de bourres , but this is so much better than other summer fare. Four episodes in, we’re reaching the thrilling semifinal auditions where even the most primed prima has to sharpen her skills to make the Top 20. Come on, you’ve been suffering leotard withdrawal ever since Nastia Liukin left Beijing.

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What’s On: So You Think You Can Compete?

Dennis Hopper Dies

Filed under: Dennis Hopper , R.I.P. Dennis Hopper died at his home in Venice, CA today. He was 74. We’re told his family was by his side when he passed. Hopper had recently been suffering from prostate cancer. Hopper is best known for starring in the 1969 classic ” Easy Rider .” Story… Read more

Dennis Hopper Dies

Marie Osmond’s Son Attemped 3 Suicides

Filed under: Marie Osmond Marie Osmond ‘s son had been suffering from depression due to “bad school grades and a recent visit from a former girlfriend,” this according to witness statements in the L.A. County Coroner ‘s report on Michael Bryan’s suicide. Ruthann Clawson — a… Read more

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Marie Osmond’s Son Attemped 3 Suicides

Bret Michaels Hospitalized For Emergency Surgery

Poison frontman underwent an emergency appendectomy early Monday morning and remains in the hospital. By Kelley L. Carter Bret Michaels Photo: George Napolitano/ Getty Images Bret Michaels didn’t get a chance to rock out on Sunday night. Instead of being on a stage in San Antonio, Texas, the former Poison frontman and current “Celebrity Apprentice” contestant headed to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, People reported. Michaels, at the insistence of doctors, skipped the show and discovered that the stomachaches he’d been suffering from all day were due to acute appendicitis and not the flu. The 47-year-old was rushed into emergency surgery at 1 a.m. Monday morning (April 12), and according to Us Weekly, his rep said “according to doctors, Michaels, who remains in the hospital, is doing well and beginning the recovery process.” The rep also added, “Michaels, who has been known to perform under extreme conditions that would make most performers cancel, will unfortunately have no choice but to reschedule some of his April tour dates.” The singer’s health trials and tribulations have most recently been documented on “The Celebrity Apprentice.” The NBC show is his latest bout with reality TV, his first being his “Rock of Love” series for VH1. Michaels, a diabetic, is taking part in the Donald Trump reality competition for a juvenile diabetes charity, an ailment he was diagnosed with as a child. He often has talked about being frequently hospitalized, and on the show, he gives himself daily insulin shots. The makeup concert dates will be posted on his Web site in the next several days. Leave your well-wishes for the rocker and reality star in the comments below. Related Artists Bret Michaels

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Bret Michaels Hospitalized For Emergency Surgery

Senator Edward Kennedy Dies at Age 77

The last of the Kennedy brothers had been suffering with a brain tumor

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Senator Edward Kennedy Dies at Age 77