Tag Archives: before-the-end

Amber Rose Shows Off Baby Bump, Readies for All-Natural Birth

Amber Rose, her baby bump and her fiance are all featured in the latest issue of XXL . The model and Wiz Khalifa are expecting their first child some time before the end of the year, and the ex-girlfriend of Kanye West says she’s very ready to be a mother. “I’m going all-natural,” Rose tells the magazine. “I’ve decided that I’m going to have an all-natural water birth. No medicine. I want those bragging rights! The next time Wiz has a stomachache or anything, I’ll say, ‘I popped out a baby all-natural.’” What attracted Amber to her man? “[H]e’s just a genuine sweet guy,” she says. “And I just said, “You know what, I don’t care if he’s a rapper.” I don’t care if people say, “Oh, you’re a gold-digger.” I don’t care if people say, “Oh, you went from one rapper to another,” or whatever. “I love him. I don’t look at him as a rapper. I look at him as Cameron Thomaz, not even Wiz Khalifa. I just fell so deeply in love with him, I didn’t care what anyone says.” That’s actually very sweet. We say: Good luck you two! The October/November issue of XXL hits newsstands on October 9.

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Amber Rose Shows Off Baby Bump, Readies for All-Natural Birth

Shady Azz Four-Star General William Ward Under Investigation For Spending “Hundreds Of Thousands” On Lavish Travel

Four Star General Under Investigation Over Inappropriate Spending Guess those Secret Service agents who got popped with them hoes in Colombia aren’t the only gov’t cats feeling the isht hitting the fan right now. Gen. William “Kip” Ward has been under investigation for about 17 months, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is expected to make a final decision on the matter before the end of the month, according to several defense officials. The defense officials said Ward is facing numerous allegations that he spent several hundred thousand dollars allowing unauthorized people, including family members, to fly on government planes, and spent excessive amounts of money on hotel rooms, transportation and other expenses when he traveled as head of Africa Command. A four-star general is the highest rank in the Army. While the exact amount of alleged misspending was not disclosed, the estimated total raises comparisons with the $823,000 allegedly spent by dozens of employees of the General Services Administration, who were accused of lavish spending during an October 2010 conference at a Las Vegas resort. Officials described the investigation to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because it is a personnel matter and the report on the investigation has not been released publicly. The Defense Department inspector general has completed its investigation into Ward’s activities, and the issue is under legal review. Dang, they think this guy spent close to a milli! No wonder the country is in debt… And apparently because of government laws he might not suffer much more than a demotion. SMH! Source

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Shady Azz Four-Star General William Ward Under Investigation For Spending “Hundreds Of Thousands” On Lavish Travel

George Zimmerman Accused of Sexual Molestation by Family Friend

George Zimmerman has been accused of a new heinous crime. In just-released audio tapes related to the Trayvon Martin shooting , a family friend – who simply goes by the moniker “Witness9” – tells authorities that Zimmerman sexually molested her many times between the ages of 6 and 16. “He would reach under the blankets and try to do things,” the woman says, adding that the incidents mostly took place at Zimmerman’s parents’ house. “I would try to push him off, but he was bigger, stronger and older.” The unidentified female was contacted by prosecutors about a month after the Martin shooting, with these tapes recorded on March 20. She told investigators she finally came forward with the allegations because it marked the first time in her life she was “not afraid” of Zimmerman. The woman said she has no knowledge of the shooting in question, but verified that Zimmerman made disparaging remarks about African-Americans when the two were young. Zimmerman was eight years old and the woman six when the alleged molestations began. She added that she was not his only victim. “He was very charming and personable with everybody in the family. But he was different behind closed doors with me… He was very intimidating.” The final incident took place when the woman was 16, she said, explaining that Zimmerman massaged her neck and kissed her until she ran out of the room. He was supposedly confronted about the actions by the woman and her parents in 2005, quickly apologized and walked away. Zimmerman remains in jail at the moment as a judge decides whether to reinstate his bail.

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George Zimmerman Accused of Sexual Molestation by Family Friend

Justin Bieber Hits 25 Million Twitter Followers

Okay, we finally admit it: Justin Bieber is more popular than we are. The artist achieved a long-awaited goal last week, 25 million Twitter followers, actually blowing past the mark by a few thousand and thanking his fans in the process. “25 sittin on 25 mill #drakelyrics #motto,” Biebs said to his Beliebers. Justin, of course, remains insanely popular even in the face of a few recent hiccups. He placed other motorists in danger earlier this month when he pushed down on the gas pedal during a paparazzi chase , and he was also sued by a woman who claims his concert effects were too loud. The next milestone for Biebers? 30 million! Can he hit it before the end of 2012? Stay tuned and find out, folks!

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Justin Bieber Hits 25 Million Twitter Followers

Kim Kardashian Accused of Bogus Skechers Promotion

According to the Federal Trade Commission, Kim Kardashian recently used her body to endorse a product that doesn’t work as advertised. Raise your hand if you’re surprised. The Skechers shoes Kim Kardashian tried to convince you to buy don’t work, according to the federal government, which concluded that Skechers made unfounded claims about its Shape-Ups shoes, promoted by the shameless spokeswoman. Kim Kardashian Super Bowl Commercial According to the FTC, Skechers lied about clinical studies which they said proved the shoes help lose weight and strengthen muscles in the ass, legs and stomach. Skechers has already agreed to pay $45 million in settlement costs, and anyone who bought the shoes will be eligible for a refund. Busted. Skechers is reportedly disputing the FTC decision, and plans to conduct more research on the effects of the shoe … good luck with that guys. For her part, Kim she says Skechers worked for her – she was a devoted Shape-Ups user and felt they helped her tone the back of her legs and her giant ass(et) – and that’s why she became the company’s pitch person. Kim says as soon as research showed the shoe didn’t work, she stopped promoting it all together, even before the end of her one-year contract. After getting paid for her Super Bowl commercial , of course. Kim says she wouldn’t endorse the shoe now, given the FTC’s ruling, but she’s not in the wrong and is not even throwing her Shape-Ups out. She’s nothing if not loyal, right Kris Humphries ?

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Kim Kardashian Accused of Bogus Skechers Promotion

Lisa Lampanelli Under Fire For Using Racial Slur Against Dayana Mendoza

Celebrity Apprentice star and beauty queen Dayana Mendoza is firing back at co-star Lisa Lampanelli for a racial insult she allegedly used during a radio interview. It all went down last month when Lampanelli appeared on Sirius XM, saying: “I actually would love to see [Dayana] giving birth. She’s a sp*c! She’s going to do it f**king soon, anyway. She’ll be knocked up before the end of the week.” Lampanelli is no stranger to using that slur in particular. Here’s a portion of a routine she did a few years back in which she says that and much worse: Lisa Lampanelli Makes Racist Comments Dayana tells the Huffington Post , “I understand that it’s Lisa’s job to make fun of people for a living. If poking fun at me can help her sell tickets, no problem.” “I am happy to help her put food on her table. However, when she uses racial slurs, she is not only targeting myself but degrading an entire Hispanic culture.”

Cee Lo Green Stirs Controversy Over “Religion” By Changing “Imagine” Lyrics


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Cee Lo Green caused a controversy just seconds before the end of 2011 while performing on “NBC’s New Year’s Eve with Carson Daly .” The singer performed John Lennon ’s “Imagine,” and injected a little “religion” into the song, angering fans of the late singer and atheists as well. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gossip Cop Discovery Date : 01/01/2012 07:02 Number of articles : 2

Cee Lo Green Stirs Controversy Over “Religion” By Changing “Imagine” Lyrics

Paramore Announce ‘Singles Club,’ New Album In 2012

Band will make new songs available to fans strictly on their website and say new music is on the horizon. By James Montgomery Paramore’s Hayley Williams Photo: MTV You’ve got to hand it to Paramore : They keep their promises. After kicking off 2011 by telling MTV News they’d “definitely” release new music in spite of the departure of Josh and Zac Farro, they spent the ensuing months teasing fans with demo clips and live versions of those songs (not to mention one brand-new single, “Monster,” ). Now Paramore have finally announced plans to release the tunes … via a good old-fashioned “Singles Club.” “For months now, we’ve promised that we’d be releasing some new songs before the end of the year. Well, here is where we finally make good on all that,” the band wrote in a statement on their official site . “We are very happy to announce the ‘Paramore Singles Club’ that will be happening throughout the rest of the year. This club is our way of getting these songs directly to the Paramore family.” The band is making three new songs available — “In the Mourning,” “Renegades” and a brand-new, previously unreleased track called “Hello Cold World” — to fans in a variety of specially priced packages. Everything from a bare-bones download ($2.99) to a deluxe download/ T-shirt bundle that also comes with a limited-edition 7″ box set due for release at the end of the year (the latter option will run you $54.99). In a few weeks, Paramore will drop one new song, “Renegades,” which the band premiered live at last month’s Fueled by Ramen 15th-anniversary celebration in New York, is the first out of the gate. And though the new tunes will no doubt satiate fans, Paramore also let it be known that there’s even more music coming in the near future … because they plan to hit the studio soon to begin work on the follow-up to 2009’s Brand New Eyes. “We really wanted to do something special for all of you around the holidays to thank you for making 2011 so amazing and sticking with us as we go into 2012 and start working on a new album,” they wrote. “So, without making this any longer than it already is, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in us.” Related Videos Paramore: The Complete Interview Related Artists Paramore

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Paramore Announce ‘Singles Club,’ New Album In 2012

Alexandria Daddario and Tania Raymonde to be Chainsaw Fodder in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D [PICS]

Following in the frightening footsteps of Halloween , Friday the 13th , and A Nightmare on Elm Street , Tobe Hooper ’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) is the newest horror franchise that studio heads are hoping to bring back from the dead. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D will hit theaters next year with a new and (maybe) improved spin on the classic B-movie tale of chainsaws and the cannibal rednecks who love them. The main course on this diabolical menu is Alexandra Daddario , who flashed a sexy peek at her panties in Hall Pass (2011). Alexandria will play Heather, a young woman who is summoned to a small Texas town to collect the inheritance left to her by a distant relative. When she arrives, Heather finds out the estate includes a live item…her cousin Leatherface . Tania Raymonde , who bared lip-smacking seat meat in Elsewhere (2009) and Wild Cherry (2009), co-stars as Heather’s BFF, who almost certainly will be Texas Chainsaw Massacred before the end credits roll. Gas up your power tool with sexy pics of Alexandria Daddario and Tania Raymonde after the jump!

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Alexandria Daddario and Tania Raymonde to be Chainsaw Fodder in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D [PICS]

Jason Bateman Calls ‘Arrested Development’ Movie Plot ‘Incredible’

‘It’s everything you would want it to be and more,’ actor tells MTV News. By Eric Ditzian, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Jason Bateman Photo: Jason Merritt/ Getty Images Despite David Cross’ hilariously pessimistic outlook on the possibility of an “Arrested Development” movie, exec producer Ron Howard wasn’t kidding when he told MTV News that an adaptation of the TV series is “a real priority” for creator Mitch Hurwitz. How do we know? Well, aside from just really, really hoping he wasn’t kidding, Jason Bateman recently tossed us some info that indicates Hurwitz is very much plowing forward with a script — five years after the show’s cancellation. “For the very first time, [Hurwitz] sat me down last week to talk about what he’s got and where he’s going and what do I think,” Bateman told us while promoting his upcoming comedy “Paul.” “As a fan of the show, I was vibrating with excitement that he was pulling me behind the curtain.” Mind you, Bateman still hasn’t seen a single page of a script, but the mere fact that he had a meeting about the project was enough to encourage the actor that, at long last, an “Arrested” movie will actually become a reality. “I can confirm what his update was, which was that he is very deep into the work on it,” Bateman said. “The odds of him getting it done before the end of the year, as he says he wants to, are good.” So, um, what did Hurwitz actually dish about the story line? Bateman didn’t let any details slip out other than to say the concept is “incredible.” “It’s everything you would want it to be and more,” he added. “I really hope he finishes soon so we have a shot at doing it before the end of the year.” Check out everything we’ve got on “Paul.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com . Related Videos MTV News Rough Cut: ‘Paul’

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Jason Bateman Calls ‘Arrested Development’ Movie Plot ‘Incredible’