Tag Archives: best-friends

Kitten Irritates Tired Dog with Attempt at Friendship

Hey there. What are you doing? Trying to sleep? How’s that going for you? Wanna hang out instead? That pretty much sums up the following video, which features an adorable kitten trying very hard to befriend a very sleepy dog. But it’s safe to say the canine isn’t very interested at the moment this is filmed. That poor cat. He should go find a deer to lie with instead… Kitten Bothers Tired Dog It goes both ways, of course. In this video, a Saint Bernard tries to make friends with a small feline. But it goes equally poorly. Fortunately, many animal friendships do work out in the end. To wit: 15 Animal Friendships We Did NOT See Coming 1. Cat and Lynx Well, this is adorable. Check out a photo of a cat and a lynx who have become best friends at the zoo in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Kitten Irritates Tired Dog with Attempt at Friendship

Cat and Horse Nuzzle Up, Are Total Best Friends

Cats are very popular with other animals these days. This Saint Bernard really wants to be pals with this kitten… this feline is happy to be licked to adorable death by a deer… and the following cat is in heaven because he’s hanging out with his best friend. Who just happens to be a horse. Posted by Alexandra Meulemans, the footage features some serious nuzzling from two seriously unexpected pals. But who are we to judge?!? They sure do look happy, don’t they? Horse and Cat Snuggle And the same can be said for the following animals. The cat and the horse featured above are just taking after the relationships seen below: 14 Animal Friendships We Did NOT See Coming 1. Cat and Lynx Well, this is adorable. Check out a photo of a cat and a lynx who have become best friends at the zoo in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Cat and Horse Nuzzle Up, Are Total Best Friends

Robin Thicke and Paula Patton call it quits – Hollywood.TV


Robin Thicke and actress Paula Patton have separated. “We will always love each other and be best friends, however, we have mutually decided to separate at t…

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Robin Thicke and Paula Patton call it quits – Hollywood.TV

Biggest Loser Winner’s Trainer Dolvett Quince: “We’re Gonna Get Her Healthy” [VIDEO]

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As we previously reported, Rachael Frederickson lost an alarming amount of weight in her efforts to become “The Biggest Loser” and it shook the viewing…

Biggest Loser Winner’s Trainer Dolvett Quince: “We’re Gonna Get Her Healthy” [VIDEO]

Robin Thicke’s Alleged Post VMA’s Hookup Chick Is Already Talking To Media

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According to TMZ  shortly after Paula Patton and husband Robin Thicke released a statement saying, “We will always love each other and be best friends, however,…

Robin Thicke’s Alleged Post VMA’s Hookup Chick Is Already Talking To Media

Emily Shaw Is Delicious!

I don’t know much about Emily Shaw , but after seeing these pictures, I do know that I’d do just about anything for a few minutes with her. (I’d say a few hours, but who am I kidding?) Anyway, after a little research, I’m pretty sure that Emily here is yet another hot British nobody, which explains what she’s doing lounging around in lingerie. But a girl this hot shouldn’t have to feed herself strawberries. That’s what bloggers and busty best friends are for.

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Emily Shaw Is Delicious!

Emily Shaw Is Delicious!

I don’t know much about Emily Shaw , but after seeing these pictures, I do know that I’d do just about anything for a few minutes with her. (I’d say a few hours, but who am I kidding?) Anyway, after a little research, I’m pretty sure that Emily here is yet another hot British nobody, which explains what she’s doing lounging around in lingerie. But a girl this hot shouldn’t have to feed herself strawberries. That’s what bloggers and busty best friends are for.

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Emily Shaw Is Delicious!

Sofia Vergara Is One Sexy Mother

In case some of you don’t already know this, Latina hottie Sofia Vergara has a son who’s like twenty years old or something like that. I know! Here she is walking down the street with him while she sexily sucks on a cherry. Seriously, this guy has got to be one of the unluckiest kids around. I mean, I wouldn’t want to walk around with my mom if she looked like this, everybody would be staring at her and hitting on her. Mom! You’re embarrassing me. I would however like to be best friends with that kid. Call me when you’re having a family pool party.

Kesha Peeing in the Street Twitpic for Attention of the Day

Kesha…who goes by the name Ke$ha…but who should go by the name “Too Fat to Be Famous” ….posted a faceless pic of her or really anyone peeing in public… This cry for attention….which can just be added to the rest of Kesha’s cries for attention that are pretty much the only reason she has a bit of a career…I mean other than being best friends with Katy Perry, who pretty much said “OMG, Look how easy it is to sell records and make millions, I’ll bring you up with me, but not let you be as big as me, cuz I sucked more dick strategically to get here, while you were just sucking everyone’s dick to suck dick”….. But being the bottom feeding cunt she is….always second rate….her peening in publics…has nothing on Jaime Pressly when she was peeing in public in 2009. Here’s Kesha’s shit attempt….


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Kesha Peeing in the Street Twitpic for Attention of the Day

Dogs Welcome Soldier Home From Iraq

Man and man’s best friends, reunited after a year. There’s nothing particularly noteworthy about this video of a solider returning from Iraq and the reception he got from his dogs. Perhaps that’s what makes it so enjoyable. It’s a scene no doubt enjoyed by tens of thousands of families (and pets) who are fortunate enough to have their loved ones return unharmed. What a blessing. Watch the excitement shared by this brave patriot’s four-legged friends: Dog Reunites With Soldier

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Dogs Welcome Soldier Home From Iraq