This is how a real pimp rolls. Once the cameras grow weary of your attempts to remain in the news by thrusting your daughter in the spotlight , you must adjust. How does a dedicated, shameless attention-getter change things up? By exploiting his deceased child’s mother, right, Larry Birkhead? The former lover of Anna Nicole Smith was spotted out in attire that bears her face this week. Larry Birkhead : Anne Nicole Smith t-shirts, and dignity, for sale! [Photos:] A former celebrity gossip photographer, Birkhead knows what sells. That’s why he’s seen here in a shirt that honors Anna Nicole Smith in the most appropriate way possible: by milking her likeness for fame and fortune. It’s really not a question of how much Birkhead made for posing with this top on. It’s a question of how he sleeps at night.
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Larry Birkhead: The Latest Cry for Attention