Tag Archives: black-friday

10 Places Black People Shop On Black Friday [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]

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Special K was supposed to give Black Friday tips. Instead he talked about Black people’s troubling experiences on Black Friday. Listen to the hilarious audio…

10 Places Black People Shop On Black Friday [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]

People Already Camping Outside Best Buy, Are Aware Black Friday is Next Week

Thanksgiving is still a week away, but anxious shoppers in Akron, Ohio, DO NOT want to miss out on the potential sales that big box stores are offering. So determined are they to be first in line when the door to Best Buy opens that they are camping out with tents, heaters, televisions and air mattresses. Already. Yes, they’re aware Black Friday is next week, not tomorrow. WOIO-TV talked to Jonas, who wants to buy a nice television as a gift for his family … and apparently has nothing to do between now and Black Friday. We’re all for saving money and everything, but are securing Best Buy and Walmart Black Friday 2013 sales really worth giving up a week of your life? Ask these people below and you may be surprised: People Already Camping Outside Best Buy

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People Already Camping Outside Best Buy, Are Aware Black Friday is Next Week

Sony KDL60EX645 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ Internet Slim LED HDTV reviews

Introduction: We#39;ve had a Sony Trinitron SDTV for many years, using a HDTV tuner converter box since the switch to HD broadcasting. I have been waiting for an LED-backlit TV with at least a true 120Hz refresh rate to come down to a decent price. On this past Black Friday weekend I tried the Samsung UN46ES6100 and this Sony KDL46EX645, which were both priced at $799. Below are my thoughts on these two TVs. Picture Quality: After having the Samsung TV and trying to tweak the picture settings t

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Sony KDL60EX645 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ Internet Slim LED HDTV reviews

Holiday Recession Special: Walmart To Slash Prices For iPhone And iPad

And yes, it’s actually a decent discount this time.. Walmart To Cut Prices For iPhone And iPad During The Holiday Season If you were hoping to get your hands on an iphone or ipad sometime soom without making it rain with your rent money, you just might be in luck. Walmart recently announced plans to sell the gotta-have gadgets at a discounted price during the holiday season. via CNN Money If you’re looking for the cheapest iPhone or iPad that isn’t used, Wal-Mart is the first place you should turn this holiday season. The retail giant announced plans Friday to offer the 16 GB iPhone 5 for $127 (normally $189.97) and the 16GB iPhone 4S for $47 (normally $87.97), along with a two-year contract. They’ll also sell the third-generation iPad for $399. While it was reported elsewhere that Wal-Mart is discounting the recently announced fourth-generation iPad, a Wal-Mart spokesperson confirmed with CNNMoney that it is, in fact, the third-generation model, which has a less powerful CPU. See? You really DIDN’T have to join the Black Friday stampede of animalistic people thirsting for discounted goods.

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Holiday Recession Special: Walmart To Slash Prices For iPhone And iPad

Spears Sister Shopping Trip

Stars, they really are just like us! The Spears sisters were spotted shopping together at a Target in Los Angeles this past Sunday. Britney and Jamie Lynn were accompanied by Britney’s two sons Preston,7 and Jayden, 6. The X Factor judge and her younger sis looked relaxed and happy as they exited with a cart full of purchases. Do you think they scored any good Black Friday deals?

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Spears Sister Shopping Trip

Nicole Bahls Nipple on the Beach of the Day

I don’t know anything about this Nicole Bahls character…but she’s apparently a model from Brazil…who is also on Reality shows…and who reminds me of the Brazilian Snooki…which is not a good thing to be….even if it is better than being the actual Snooki…cuz the actual Snooki is the fucking devil….but I do know she was on the beach in thong and a bikini the other day and her nipple popped out…which is a huge surprise considering her choices on bathing suits….you know she wears the kind that make you wonder why she’s wearing a bikini all…a questionable character who thinks the world needs to see her half naked…and I guess I’m ok with that….cuz I’m ok with all things half naked…even traumatic things… Nicole Bahls is Hilarious in her Thong on the Beach GO

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Nicole Bahls Nipple on the Beach of the Day

Kate Upton’s Pornographic and Offensive Instagram Picture of the Day

This is a totally expected picture posted to social media by Kate Upton…you know because she’s a fat chick in training who has already got too much attention for being skinny enough with massive hanger tits…that no one seems to realize or care will end up on the body of a fat monster like so many big tits on a skinny girl before her…so no cleavage or as…strictly what girl’s into…food… The end is near and it smells like pancakes…

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Kate Upton’s Pornographic and Offensive Instagram Picture of the Day

Kitty Lea in a Assless Dress for Black Friday of the Day

Kitty Lea is some Glamour Model from the UK who I have never heard of….but know her hustle…cuz it is like so many other Glamour models before her…dress and act like a stripper….get paid better than a stripper…garner more fame than a stripper…win at life…and retire without ever having to give a lap dance…. I’m just posting her fun picture from twitter the other day…cuz I figure she’s wearing something you should all buy this Black Friday…cuz assless pants, dresses, snow suits, fucking anything…are the future….

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Kitty Lea in a Assless Dress for Black Friday of the Day

Old Navy Presents: Cheermageddon (Sponsored Post)

Old Navy is launching Cheermageddon – the most epically friendly Black Friday ever. On November 23 at midnight, everything goes on sale. Don’t believe us? Then watch this video featuring George Takei singing his rendition of “I Don’t Want to Miss a Deal.” Visit http://www.cheermageddon.com for all the details.

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Old Navy Presents: Cheermageddon (Sponsored Post)

Walmart walkout in Black Friday 2012

Walmart Workers are walking off jobs at the big box retailer in droves this week in the first wave of 1000 protests set to culminate on national shopping holiday, Black Friday. According to press reports, the walkout was organized by store employees without help from outside organizations, including union-backed watchdog groups. Reportedly, two department managers, Guillermo Vasquez and Rosie Larosa, though personally unaffected by the new policies, decided that the company had gone too far, an

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Walmart walkout in Black Friday 2012