Tag Archives: blood-prince

‘Harry Potter’ Author J.K. Rowling Writing A ‘Political Fairy Tale’

‘No one knows anything about it,’ writer happily reports, following years of high expectations.

See the original post here:
‘Harry Potter’ Author J.K. Rowling Writing A ‘Political Fairy Tale’

Tom Felton: Draco Malfoy Is A ‘Pain In The Neck’

Tom Felton’s not a pain in the neck…he just plays one on the big screen.

Ashley Greene Shines in NYC

Twilight star Ashley Greene shines in NYC on her way to MTV studios.

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Ashley Greene Shines in NYC

Emma Watson Doesn’t Have Time To Go "Off The Rails"

Don’t look for Emma Watson in the tabloids. The 19-year-old actress says she’s not about follow in the unfortunate footsteps of other child stars.

VIDEO: Jackson Fire Video Gives Clues To Life Of A Troubled Man

VIDEO: Jackson Fire Video Gives Clues To Life Of A Troubled Man

Rupert Grint…A Real Life Romeo

The ladies love Rupert Grint. Just ask co-star Jessie Cave. The 22-year-old actress–who plays Ron Weasley’s girlfriend in the just released Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince–had quite the crush before landing her breakout role

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Rupert Grint…A Real Life Romeo

Emma Watson’s Brush With Fame

Emma Watson gushed about her recent run-in with our nation’s finest.

‘Harry Potter’ earns $22 million from midnight screenings breaking the record set by ‘Dark Knight’

Harry Potter has conjured up a record-breaking witching hour. The latest adventure of the teen wizard, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” took in $22.2 million domestically from midnight screenings, distributor Warner Bros. said Wednesday

Originally posted here:
‘Harry Potter’ earns $22 million from midnight screenings breaking the record set by ‘Dark Knight’

Those Cute Kids of Yesteryear Are Now Getting Drunk in Capes

Are twenty-somethings fueling drunken Potter-mania out of genuine love of magic or just for the ironic Facebook updates?

Here is the original post:
Those Cute Kids of Yesteryear Are Now Getting Drunk in Capes

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Opens: Expectations High

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince officially opens at midnight July 15th and fans have already started lining up for the much anticipated sixth installment of the famous Harry Potter frandchise by J.K. Rowling. ..

Go here to read the rest:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Opens: Expectations High