Tag Archives: Bristol

Sunny Johnston: Levi’s Wife BLASTS Bristol Palin Over Teen Mom OG Comments!

At this point, we think it’s safe to say that the addition of Bristol Palin to the cast of Teen Mom OG hasn’t panned out quite way producers expected. Bristol was supposed to be a massive ratings magnet, a fact that’s evidenced by the fact that despite being a newcomer, she already gets paid more than any of the other moms . But thus far, audiences have proven mostly indifferent to Palin. There are many theories as to why this might be: Perhaps too much of the show’s target demographic is too young to recall Bristol’s rise to fame during the 2012 presidential election. Or perhaps they simply don’t care. Maybe those who said there was no need to tinker with the cast or replace the fired Farrah Abraham were right all along. Or maybe the show has simply run its course and it’s time to call it quits. Whatever the case, producers are still hoping that the choice to add Bristol to the cast will eventually pan out — and they’re doing everything they can to make that happen. On this week’s episode, viewers were re-introduced to Palin’s first infamous baby daddy, Levi Johnston, and drama ensued immediately. If you’ve been watching the show, you know that Bristol has talked a mountain of trash about Levi in her first few episodes. Bristol has described her relationship with Levi as “rocky” and accused her ex of not being a “solid” father figure in the life of their 9-year-old son, Tripp. She even claimed that Levi never watched Tripp overnight until the boy was 4 years old. Now, Levi’s current wife, Sunny Johnston, is coming to her husband’s defense in a major way. Johnston says that while Bristol is technically correct in her claim that Tripp never spent the night in his first years, she claims Palin is leaving out one important detail: The boy never spent the night with Johnston because Palin allegedly wouldn’t let him. “I asked Levi, he said that right after Tripp was born for a while. And then he wasn’t allowed to have him overnight,” Sunny wrote on Instagram following this week’s episode. “Then when they were engaged when Tripp was one-and-a-half [he] had a few weeks of overnights,” she added. “As long as I’ve been in the picture: Levi was never allowed to have Tripp overnight until the court ordered it when he was around three despite trying to be there for all the years prior.” One fan asked Johnston if she gets along with Bristol, and Levi’s bride was refreshingly candid in her response: “Okay I’ve gotten this a lot so I’m going to answer,” Sunny wrote. “Honestly, I never know what to expect so that’s hard to answer. I just pray for Levi and her to always keep striving to have a better co-parenting relationship for Tripp. “It’s never her and I unless I’m alone with Tripp,” Johnston added. “Always Levi and her, and every once in a while through a group text about Tripp.” So it sounds like we may be in for serious conflict between Bristol and Sunny. At this point, that’s about the only thing that could save Bristol’s career as a reality star. View Slideshow: Bristol Palin: Dakota Meyer Has Ditched My Son… and It Sucks!

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Sunny Johnston: Levi’s Wife BLASTS Bristol Palin Over Teen Mom OG Comments!

Bristol Palin: Dakota Has Ditched My Son… and It Sucks!

Bristol Palin has not enjoyed her time thus far as a cast member on Teen Mom OG. She may like the giant check in her bank account and the renewed attention she has received as a result of joining this franchise… … but nearly every scene that features Bristol so far has involved her either arguing with Dakota Meyer or crying over the state of their relationship . This relationship is now over, of course, as Palin and Meyer filed for divorce months ago. However, viewers have been watching the marriage fall apart all season long on Teen Mom OG, with an upcoming episode dedicated specifically to Palin packing up her stuff and moving out. What will be the most painful part of this split for Bristol that we see highlighted on the installment? Scroll down to find out: 1. So Long, Farwell On the October 29, 2018 episode of Teen Mom, Palin will move out of the home she shared with Meyer and attempt to move on with her life. As she does so, however, she will talk to a producer and share what hurts the most about this break-up. 2. So… What Hurts the Most? According to footage from this episode, it’s the impact that her divorce has had and will continue to have on nine-year old son Tripp. “He hasn’t reached out to Tripp and Tripp is crushed by it,” Bristol tells the producer of Meyer. “It breaks my heart.” 3. That Sucks So Much! Tripp was born to Bristol and ex-fiance Levi Johnston back in 2009. But the very young man had grown close to Meyer over the years. 4. What About Tripp’s Biological Dad? Thankfully, Johnston, has actually stepped up to the plate and become a great father. “I’m thankful Tripp’s dad is doing amazing. We’ve turned a corner,” Bristol says on this episode of her relationship with her ex. 5. What About Dakota and His Daughter? Bristol and Meyer share two young girls, Sailor, 2, and Atlee, 1. And Palin at least acknowledges that Dakota remains close to these kids and is a great dad to them. 6. There Has Been Controversy Over These Kids, However In a video sponsored by MTV in promotion of the new season, Bristol said the following about her past with Meyer: “I got engaged and pregnant within a month. Planned a wedding. And I was like, ‘I can’t get married.’ Called off the wedding. Went through the whole pregnancy by myself.” View Slideshow

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Bristol Palin: Dakota Has Ditched My Son… and It Sucks!

Bristol Palin: Dakota Has Ditched My Son… and It Sucks!

Bristol Palin has not enjoyed her time thus far as a cast member on Teen Mom OG. She may like the giant check in her bank account and the renewed attention she has received as a result of joining this franchise… … but nearly every scene that features Bristol so far has involved her either arguing with Dakota Meyer or crying over the state of their relationship . This relationship is now over, of course, as Palin and Meyer filed for divorce months ago. However, viewers have been watching the marriage fall apart all season long on Teen Mom OG, with an upcoming episode dedicated specifically to Palin packing up her stuff and moving out. What will be the most painful part of this split for Bristol that we see highlighted on the installment? Scroll down to find out: 1. So Long, Farwell On the October 29, 2018 episode of Teen Mom, Palin will move out of the home she shared with Meyer and attempt to move on with her life. As she does so, however, she will talk to a producer and share what hurts the most about this break-up. 2. So… What Hurts the Most? According to footage from this episode, it’s the impact that her divorce has had and will continue to have on nine-year old son Tripp. “He hasn’t reached out to Tripp and Tripp is crushed by it,” Bristol tells the producer of Meyer. “It breaks my heart.” 3. That Sucks So Much! Tripp was born to Bristol and ex-fiance Levi Johnston back in 2009. But the very young man had grown close to Meyer over the years. 4. What About Tripp’s Biological Dad? Thankfully, Johnston, has actually stepped up to the plate and become a great father. “I’m thankful Tripp’s dad is doing amazing. We’ve turned a corner,” Bristol says on this episode of her relationship with her ex. 5. What About Dakota and His Daughter? Bristol and Meyer share two young girls, Sailor, 2, and Atlee, 1. And Palin at least acknowledges that Dakota remains close to these kids and is a great dad to them. 6. There Has Been Controversy Over These Kids, However In a video sponsored by MTV in promotion of the new season, Bristol said the following about her past with Meyer: “I got engaged and pregnant within a month. Planned a wedding. And I was like, ‘I can’t get married.’ Called off the wedding. Went through the whole pregnancy by myself.” View Slideshow

See more here:
Bristol Palin: Dakota Has Ditched My Son… and It Sucks!

Teen Mom OG Recap: Sarah Palin Steps In!

Sarah Palin has gone from insulting Barack Obama on the campaign trail to dissing Dakota Meyer on MTV. It's been quite the journey for the former Vice Presidential candidate. On Monday night's episode of Teen Mom OG, Sarah got in the middle of the ongoing marital dispute between her daughter, Bristol, and Bristol's estranged and irritated husband, Dakota Meyer. Following Bristol's breakdown over this relationship , how did her mom try to intervene? What mean things did Dakota have to say this time around? And what were the other cast members up to? Scroll down to find out! 1. Come On, Dakota! We open with Bristol complaining to Sarah about Meyer moving all her belongings into a separate bedroom while she was out of town, following their agreed-upon separation. She was really pissed over this. 2. Sarah Tried to Help “That bare empty room?” said Sarah. “Of course, that was a symbolic thing that he did there. That’s heartbreaking, Bristol.” 3. Fighting Words Bristol told her mom that Meyer also asked for her ring back, saying to his wife: “You better get your mama’s money, because I’m gonna fight you tooth and nail until the girls are 18.” 4. How Will We Move Forward? “The thing that I worry about, is how are we going to learn to communicate as coparents and putting our kids first and not having petty arguments?” wondered Bristol. 5. Meyer Loses It Bristol asked Dakota if he would be home when she got back from a trip to Los Angeles, which set him OFF. “She’s a f-cking smart ass isn’t she? She’s an obnoxious smart ass,” Meyer vented to a producer. “‘Oh, so you’re gonna be there all week?’ It’s my house. What am I gonna do, for 8 days, go find another place to stay? No.” 6. And He Wasn’t Done, Either “She just thinks that when she makes a decision and she wants to do something, everyone else should just bow down and run to her help and make it happen,” Dakota continued. “She’s not my problem anymore. I get upset about it because I have another 16 years to have to communicate to a human being like this about my daughters.” View Slideshow

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Teen Mom OG Recap: Sarah Palin Steps In!

Bristol Palin vs. Dakota Meyer: The Feud Explodes!

Remember a week ago when Dakota Meyer said things between himself and Bristol Palin were ” the best [they’ve] ever been .” Well… a lot can change in a week. On this past Monday’s episode of Teen Mom OG , viewers watched Bristol and Dakota basically end their marriage, as both sides apologized for their mistakes and both acknowledged Meyer’s PTSD had become too much for the relationship to handle. It seemed as though the divorce was mutual and, hey, at the time, maybe everything was amicable. In a new MTV-sponsored video, however, Palin advised viewers not to rush into relationships and pregnancies, telling her audience the following: “I got engaged and pregnant within a month. Planned a wedding. And I was like, ‘I can’t get married.’ Called off the wedding. Went through the whole pregnancy by myself. “Friggin sucked.” That scenario does sound like it would friggin suck. And Palin made it sound even worse when she said she felt guilty that her second child essentially had no father and, as a result… “I got back together with him. Got married right away. Had another baby right away. And then we got divorced just recently.” Meyer, however, has taken EXTREME exception to this portrayal of both himself and the situation between him and Palin. He grants Bristol the basic facts of her pregnancies, but points most of the blame in her direction when it comes to the decisions she made and the way she handled it all. “Yes, we got pregnant right after our engagement,” he captioned a photo of himself and his daughter Sailor, 2. “We planned a wedding with our families and friends and Bristol decided to leave me a week prior . I spoke with her family every month and made it clear I would be the father of my child. “I reached out to her before Sailor was born and asked what the plan was to co-parent. She told me to go through the courts to establish paternity.” Moreover, Meyer argues, if Bristol felt so guilty… if she actually wanted him in the picture… why wasn’t he invited to the birth of his child? “I found out my child was born on Twitter,” he wrote this week in response to Bristol’s video, adding: “Can you imagine being a dad and not being allowed to be at your child’s birth? She denied my paternity until it could be proven, at which point Sailor was born. “For Bristol to state that Sailor didn’t have a dad is laughable. “What really happened is Bristol kept our daughter from having a father present at birth and until the courts ruled that I was her father.” Meyer concluded his angry post like this; “I can promise you this, Sailor and Atlee always had a dad, and always will have a dad.” Pretty straightforward and to the point from Meyer. And we can understand why he’s so upset here. Palin is doing what all Teen Mom cast members almost have to do: stir up drama. She and Dakota can’t just have a friendly divorce and pleasant co-parenting arrangement and nothing more because why would viewers tune in each week? But Meyer is a veteran. He suffers from anxiety and depression and constant nightmares because everyone in his platoon except for himself was killed years ago in a battle in Afghanistan. This is anything but your run-of-the-mill Teen Mom or reality show fodder. After all he’s been through, Meyer isn’t about to sit back and let his life story be turned into a ratings or publicity-grab by his ex-wife. And, really, can you blame him?!? View Slideshow: Teen Mom OGs Dish on Newbies: What Do They Think of Bristol and Cheyenne?

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Bristol Palin vs. Dakota Meyer: The Feud Explodes!

Grey’s Anatomy Recap: Who Got Fired?

Alex Karev is the interim Chief of Grey Sloan Memorial, and he’s messing everything up.  Thursday’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy chronicled the manchild’s first day on the job, and it did not bode well for his future at the hospital.  Allow us to explain… Alex was on a high with his promotion and set out to approve just about everything anyone asked of him. The most ridiculous thing he approved was a 3D printer that allowed Link to change the color of prosthetic limbs.  While $500 per colored prosthetic sounds semi-reasonable, the hospital needed the 3D printer that would cost $65,000 to order in.  By the end of the day, Alex was in a tense standoff with Bailey who wanted to know why he was approving everything on his first day.  That’s when Alex showed his cards, revealing the biggest blunder of his entire career. According to him, he was still below budget for the month.  After Bailey looked at his figures, it became glaringly obvious he was looking at the figures for the quarter and not the month.  Alex had spent the hospital’s budget for the entire quarter.  Yikes.  But Alex did make a good decision. Who would have thought it?  Vik, who blackmailed Bailey and the hospital to get his job back at the end of last season, finally got his comeuppance.  He failed to recognize that a man with a nosebleed was about to die.  “I need an attending!” he yelled upon realizing he messed up.  The patient died in the operating room, and Vik refused to take responsibility.  I’m just an intern,” Vik cried. “This isn’t on me.” He didn’t want to call the time of death, so he rushed off into a room with Nico showing off his abs to Levi.  Alex followed Vik and decided to fire him on the spot. He had it coming, you guys! The medical mystery on Thursday’s installment revolved around a school teacher who fell asleep while operating a saw.  It resulted in multiple students being rushed into the O.R., and Webber took action when Levi said there was a high alcohol level in the blood.  “The more sober he gets,” Richard said, “the worse he’s going to feel.” The teacher was against the notion that he got drunk in the classroom, and Webber seemed to think the man was trying his best to deflect the situation.  Alex ultimately had to remove Webber from the room … maybe because there was a lawsuit on the horizon if he was wrong.  However, Webber persisted and brought some vodka to the man as he was recovering. The next thing we knew, the man was supposedly drunk again.  Thankfully, Webber did not give the man the drink and confirmed he had a rare condition that meant the sugar in his body would make him drunk.  Crisis averted then, right? Elsewhere, Maggie was trying to set Amelia up with anybody she could, presumably to soften the blow of Teddy’s pregnancy when it is revealed.  Amelia took notice of it and asked her to stop because she was no longer on the market.  Okay then.  What Maggie failed to realize was that she might be back on the market. Jackson sent an email into the hospital taking a leave of absence.  This was news to Maggie who was visibly annoyed. Jackson was having a crisis of faith, but he could at least let her know what was going on with him.  View Slideshow: Grey’s Anatomy Spoilers: It’s About to Go DOWN in Season 15 What are your thoughts on the latest installment?  Hit the comments.  Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC. 

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Grey’s Anatomy Recap: Who Got Fired?

Farrah Abraham on Teen Mom: HA! It’s a Failure Without Me!

Teen Mom OG returned to the air on October 1, with one very obvious change: Farrah Abraham is no longer a cast member. She was fired in February and replaced by two additions: Bristol Palin and Cheyenne Floyd. How did the Season 8 premiere fare without this controversial reality star on board? Below, we relay the opening ratings and then we share Abraham's calm, cool and collected reaction to how the program is doing thus far without her polarizing presence… 1. The New Cast Here they are: Amber, Maci, Catelynn, Cheyenne and Bristol. MTV is banking on this quintet to draw in the ratings for Season 8. 2. Was the Premiere a Hit? Based on buzz, maybe. The Internet wrote a lot about Bristol and her marital problems. Based on ratings, however? Well… 3. Under a Million Viewers Tuned In According to Ratings by the Numbers, the Season 8 premiere drew in 957,000 viewers for its original airing at 9/8c on Monday, October 1. 4. Can We Compare This to The Season 7 Premiere? Of course. On November 27, 2017 — a premiere that featured Abraham in all her Farrah glory – 1.319 million viewers were viewing MTV to see what these women were up to. 5. As for the Season 7 Finale? That episode garnered 1.098 million viewers, meaning there was a pretty significant drop-off from those who were curious to see what Farrah was doing to those who tuned in for the debut of Bristol and Chyenne. 6. Was This Really a Reflection of Farrah Getting Fired? We mean… perhaps. There’s no real way of knowing. But ratings across the board have been dropping on television as streaming services take off, viewers have more options and the use of DVR explodes. View Slideshow

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Farrah Abraham on Teen Mom: HA! It’s a Failure Without Me!

Bristol Palin: DONE With Teen Mom OG? Demanding Her Own Show?!

It's only been two months since Bristol Palin joined the cast of Teen Mom: OG , but it seems the daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is already looking to move on from the show. We suppose it shouldn't come as a huge shock that Bristol doesn't feel much in the way of loyalty toward her employers, given that her mother just up and quit being in charge of a whole ginormous state in the middle of a term. It seems the apple really didn't fall far from the tree in this case, and like her famous mom, Bristol believes she's destined for TV mega-stardom. Of course, it's anyone's guess as to why she thinks that, as thus far audiences have been as indifferent toward Bristol as they are toward Sarah. The Palins seem to have a distorted view of just how fascinating the rest of the world finds them, and in Bristol's case, that egomania is resulting in some intense conflicts with her Teen Mom bosses and co-stars … 1. Back In Action After spending some time away from the spotlight, Bristol is returning to public life in a huge way — with a starring role on one of TV’s most popular reality shows. 2. Big Shoes to Fill When the time came to replace Farrah Abraham, TMOG producers reportedly felt pressured to do something big. 3. Times Have Changed The original girls (the OGs, if you will) were unknowns when the show started, but now they’re full-blown stars with millions of social media followers. Unless the new additions to the case existed on a similar plane of popularity, they would likely be viewed as disappointments. 4. All-Star Casting So it was that Morgan J. Freeman and company focused on two established talents — The Challenge star Cheyenne Floyd, and Bristol Palin, who was once the most famous teen mom in the country. 5. Big Bucks Bristol Production insiders say Bristol is already being paid more than any of her co-stars, and it looks as thought the investment is not paying off for producers. 6. A Little Late What the top brass at MTV failed to consider is that Bristol’s fame peaked ten years ago, a time when much of the current TMOG audience was in elementary school, and thus, generally indifferent toward matters of national politics. View Slideshow

Bristol Palin: DONE With Teen Mom OG? Demanding Her Own Show?!

Ryan Edwards Fired From Teen Mom OG to Make Way For Bristol Palin?!

If you're a follower of all things Teen Mom , then by now, you've probably caught wind of the biggest development to the franchise since Farrah Abraham got fired for being Farrah Abraham. We're talking, of course, about Bristol Palin joining the cast of Teen Mom OG . The news has already prompted several important questions: Will Bristol be able to deliver the ratings? Does the average MTV viewer even remember the 2008 election? Does seeing Russia from one's house count as collusion? And, of course, how does the rest of the cast feel about Bristol's casting ? Now, it turns out the answer to that last query could create some serious problems for the show's producers: 1. New Girl Bristol is one of the most famous former teen moms in the country, but the news of her casting came as a total shock, nonetheless. 2. Classified Info MTV reportedly went to great lengths to keep the news under wraps, even going so far as to refer to Bristol by a codename in meetings and internal documents. 3. The Maci Connection An insider revealed yesterday that Maci Bookout was directly linked to the decision to cast Bristol. 4. A Failed Gambit It seems that at one point, Maci refused to continue filming unless producers assured her that they would no longer feature her first baby daddy, Ryan Edwards, on the show. Apparently, she didn’t want her eldest son to see his father struggling with addiction on TV. 5. Whoops The move backfired, however, as producers decided to continue filming Ryan while simultaneously seeking out a suitable replacement for Maci. 6. Enter Bristol And just like that, Bristol wound up joining the cast. Producers decided to keep Maci on the show, and in an ironic twist, Palin might wind up giving Bookout exactly what she wanted … View Slideshow

Ryan Edwards Fired From Teen Mom OG to Make Way For Bristol Palin?!

Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards to MTV: Suck It! We Quit!

Teen Mom OG continues to undergo a massive cast overhaul. In the most stunning news of the week, Bristol Palin confirmed that she’s coming on board Season 8 of this long-running MTV franchise. And now Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Edwards have their own statement to make… … they will NOT be interacting with Palin when new episodes premiere later this year. For what reason? Because the couple is leaving Teen Mom OG behind. But not before hurling producers far under the bus first. Following weeks’ worth of rumors about their status on the series — Would Ryan step away to focus on rehab ? Did Palin’s addition force Ryan out ? — the couple released a statement to E! News that shot down all of this chatter. In doing so, Mackenzie and Ryan made it clear they are finished filming… while doing all they could to paint the show in a negative light. “We’re not returning to Teen Mom this season. The network told us they don’t want to show Ryan as a recovering addict,” Mackenzie told E! , making a rather scathing accusation. She wasn’t done making it, either: “But they did want to enter a contract with our unborn baby and have the baby film with Ryan’s parents so it would look like someone else is raising it.” Uhhhh, excuse you?!? Mackenzie is pregnant with the twosome’s first child, this much is true. However, she’s really claiming here that producers were hoping JUST the baby, and not its parents, would appear on Season 8?!? Wow. Ryan, who has wrestled with substance abuse for nearly as long he’s been in the spotlight and who was arrested earlier this year for heroin possession, also talked to the aforementioned outlet. The ex-husband of star Maci Bookout, with whom he shares a son named Bentley, Edwards argues that executives refused to let him stand on his own. He alleges they only wanted him to appear again on Teen Mom OG under the condition that Bookout essentially speak for him. And he was not having that. Not when his ex has laid down her version of the law to him. “They also want to take Maci’s word on how I’m doing,” Ryan says. “Maci’s said she’s not going to film unless I enter rehab again and quit the show. “But I’m sober.” Mackenzie went on to explain that the couple was told Teen Mom OG is trying to recreate the dramatic magic of Teen Mom 2. “I know they did want five girls to begin with after Farrah [Abraham] left to sort of resemble Teen Mom 2,” she says, adding: “But they didn’t want to see another recovering addict storyline. So they’re writing us out of the show right now and making it seem like we dipped out on our baby, on Bentley and on everyone. “And that’s just not the case.” As for other details of their departure? “The show had been paying for my healthcare and for the baby so they could film the visits and then a week ago they let me know that would no longer be the case,” Mackenzie tells E! News. “They’re not going to film the birth. We’re not going to be on at all. Maci can’t speak to Ryan and Ryan can’t speak to Maci – that was a mutual decision. “But she doesn’t know what’s going on in our lives.” View Slideshow: Mackenzie Standifer Opens Up: Will She Divorce Ryan Edwards?! Mackenzie says she and Ryan are finished with the program, even if producers approached them down the line to return. Neither wife nor husband says their decision has anything at all to do with Bristol Palin, who has said the following about her addition to the cast: “I am excited to join MTV’s Teen Mom OG. I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.” Will she actually help viewers? That remains to be seen. But we’ll be tuning in each week to find out, that’s for sure! View Slideshow: Bristol Palin Confirms Teen Mom OG News: This is Why I’m Joining… UPDATE : This is what Ryan wrote on Instagram Friday in regard to his sobriety… Don’t take everything you see on MTV as factual truth. They don’t want to show me or Mack in a happy light or that I am active in my recovery. I AM. They want me to look angry, passive aggressive and uncaring regarding things that mean the most to me. I’m done taking their shit and letting the world believe this by standing up for myself. You’re believing a lie. And soon… very very soon, you WILL see the TRUTH behind the .

Read more here:
Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards to MTV: Suck It! We Quit!