Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierrra are best known for being on Teen Mom OG. Specifically, they're best known for being the cutest couple on Teen Mom OG. They could actually be the cutest couple on reality television in general … But what with all the struggles they've been having recently — Tyler's extremely disappointing body-shaming comments to Catelynn, their arguments over her mental illness — we'll have to put a hold on calling that one. But the point is that they're wonderful … and that we're about to see a whole lot more of them. Catelynn and Tyler got their own show! It's called Teen Mom: Reunited, and it's all about putting people in touch with long lost loved ones. There will be an emphasis on reuniting birth mothers and their adopted kids, but we'll also see other sad scenarios. It sounds like a very sweet concept, but it's extra nice because it means so much to them, and to Tyler in particular. He's been promoting it on social media for weeks now, calling it his “passion project.” “I'm so excited to be able to share my passion with you guys!” he adorably tweeted. The show premieres on December 5th on MTV at 10/9c, but you can watch the touching trailer right here:
Hey, look, everybody, it’s a really positive, happy story about Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra from Teen Mom OG! … Nah, just kidding, it’s terrible and tragic and awful. Seriously, don’t even bother ever expecting anything nice from these people. You’ll only end up disappointed . So Catelynn and Tyler are Teen Mom’s longest-lasting couple by far — they’ve been together since they were 12 years old. Surely one of the reasons their relationship has lasted so long is because when Catelynn wound up pregnant when they were 16, they placed their daughter, Carly, up for adoption. Welcoming a new baby is hard for adults, but try to give a newborn to a couple of teenagers? No wonder they’re literally the only couple to be 16 & Pregnant & Still Together. But obviously placing Carly for adoption didn’t automatically free Catelynn and Tyler from any drama. Far from it. Carly’s adoptive parents , Brandon and Theresa, have always been very kind and accommodating to Catelynn and Tyler, but they’ve also always been very hesitant to allow their daughter, or even their daughter’s face, to be shown on television. Tyler in particular has had a hard time dealing with this. In an episode earlier this season , they received news that Brandon and Theresa didn’t want them to talk about Carly so much on the show, and Tyler absolutely flipped out. Tyler Baltierra Lashes Out at Carly’s Parents “It just doesn’t make any sense to me to be told what to say and what not to say,” he said. “I don’t want to live my life like that! I can’t!” “If they say ‘We don’t want you talking about the adoption at all on TV,’ ohohoho, then we’re going to have lots of issues,” he exclaimed. “That’s all I’m saying.” Tyler even said that he’d continue talking about Carly even at the risk of Brandon and Theresa cutting off contact between them. “My reasoning,” he explained, “is because I have sacrificed enough for you to have a family and that’s fine. I’ve come to terns with that and all that’s great.” “But I will not sacrifice my voice and what I think and what I can and cannot talk about on my daily life and my personal life — cameras or no cameras.” All this is a real good example of learning how to choose your battles — is it really more important for Tyler to talk about Carly on TV than it is to talk to her? — and that’s being proven in this brand new sneak peek for next week’s episode. Catelynn and Tyler Receive Bad News About Carly In the clip, Catelynn and Tyler meet with their adoption counselor to talk about how Brandon and Theresa haven’t been responding to their texts. Uh oh. The counselor said that she’d been in touch with Theresa, and she felt it was important to go over the paperwork they’d signed for the adoption. She said that they’d all agreed on an open adoption, and that Catelynn and Tyler had indicated that they didn’t want to have any face-to-face visits, but that there was an option for them to request a meeting with Carly at her parents’ discretion. Catelynn started breaking down at this point, asking “Are we done having visits with Carly forever? Until se’s 18 I’ll hear nothing from her?” “It is f-cking frustrating,” she said through tears, “because I was 16 years old when I made this decision.” It sounds like a tough position to be in, but honestly it also sounds like a decision they’ve put themselves in. Hopefully they’re able to work things out with Brandon and Theresa soon … we sincerely just cannot take more Catelynn and Tyler sadness .
If you watch Teen Mom: OG online , you know that this season hasn’t been an easy one for Catelynn Lowell. We watched as Catelynn battled depression and eventually sought help at an in-patient treatment facility in Arizona. But it’s always darkest before the dawn, as they say, and in the wake of her recent struggles, Catelynn seems to be doing better than ever – and as a bonus, she recently befriended a bonafide pop icon: Catelynn Lowell Reveals Celebrity BFF TMZ caught up with Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra at LAX recently, and the fan favorites shared an interesting story about their latest celebrity run-in. It seems that Aussie pop icon Sia is a big fan of Teen Mom and Catelynn in particular. Sia recently reached out to Sia on social media to invite her to her concert in LA: “She wrote me on Twitter. We have a lot of the same mental illness issues and stuff,” Lowell says. “She reached out to me and she said she was a huge fan of me, so she invited me to come to her concert.” Asked if the two of them hung out after the show Catelynn excitedly replied, “We did!” but sadly, she didn’t go into any detail. “I was absolutely shocked. Like, ‘Why is she writing me? This makes no sense!'” Fortunately, Catelynn’s confusion didn’t keep her from accepting the A-list invitation. Naturally, the TMZ cameraman quickly transitioned to the topic of Catelynn’s marriage, which has been put through its paces in recent months: “We’re doing great,” Lowell replied with a smile. Asked how long she plans to continue with the show that made her famous, Catleynn confirmed that she’s signed on for at least one more season, but she was unwilling to commit to anything beyond that. “I feel like it’s always gonna be a part of my life,” Lowell replied, vaguely. And as long as the ratings juggernaut keeps pulling in the viewers, we’re sure MTV will do whatever it takes to keep Catelynn and Tyler on board. Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive the Baltierra’s turbulent year.
On the Season 3 premiere of Teen Mom: OG , Tyler Baltierra made some shocking comments about the appearance of his wife, Catelynn Lowell. Baltierra was accused of fat-shaming Lowell after she announced that she’d like to re-join Weight Watchers and he… …well, he said this: Tyler Baltierra SLAMS Catelynn Lowell! He’s still head and shoulders above most baby daddies in the Teen Mom franchise, but “I don’t want no heifer for a wife” was certainly not Tyler’s finest moment. But hey, we all put our foot in our mouth from time to time, don’t we? Obviously, a loving, level-headed husband like Tyler will just learn from the experience and move on, right? Um … yeah, apparently not so much. Watch Teen Mom OG Season 3 Episode 7 Online On last night’s episode of Teen Mom (which you can watch by clicking the video above), “You’re really indulging,” Baltierra quipped, much to the chagrin of TM fans who still really want to like the guy. Fortunately, Catelynn responded in the appropriate fashion with an abrupt, “Don’t be a dick.” Unfortunately, Tyler’s snide attitude didn’t end there. “Happy f–king Mother’s Day,” Tyler remarked as he arranged her flowers. “That’s what you get for women driving f–king trucks,” he sighed after Catelynn scratched his vehicle. It’s important to point out that this episode was shot just days after Catelynn left rehab after a month of in-patient treatment for depression and anxiety issues. So coming back home to be verbally harassed was probably not what she had in mind. As Radar Online reported today, fans on Twitter were not pleased with Tyler . And many of them were rather blunt in letting him know it: “The way you talk to her is not the way you talk to someone when you’re coming from a loving or supportive place,” one user tweeted. Another commented, “Omg that is so wrong. Can you imagine how deeply that hurt?” A third cut right to the, chase, tweeting: “You are a d**k for criticizing Catelynn when she’s eating. Back off. You’re the one who needs therapy!” And this is a guy who used to be a fan favorite ! Here’s hoping Tyler can redeem himself before the season’s out. Watch Teen Mom: OG online at TV Fanatic to relive Lowell and Baltierra’s happier times.
Britney Spears has been enjoying quite the career renaissance in recent years. The 34-year-old singer is riding a wave of Gen-X and Millennial nostalgia with her lucrative Vegas residency , but she’s not just leaning on her lengthy list of past hits to pay the bills these days. Britney performed her latest single at the VMAs last month and left little doubt about her continued relevance with younger audiences. Most pop stars can only dream of longevity on par with Britney’s. So why would she consider giving it all up for one of the hardest jobs on the planet? According to comments she recently made to NME magazine, Brit has contemplated leaving the spotlight behind for a life of chalkboard dust and runny noses. “Sometimes I’m like, ‘What am I doing? Like, I could be a teacher,’” Spears told the mag. Britney didn’t go into specifics with regard to what grade level or subject she’d like to teach, but not surprisingly, it seems her interests run toward music education. Just last week Ms. Spears tested her chops by taking control of a dance class for young girls: Britney Spears Teaches Dance Class She posted the video above to Snapchat, with a caption reading: “Teaching these little ones dance brings me so much joy. It’s so refreshing being with children. You’re reminded of the UNKNOWN once again… let’s all keep learning.” But while it seems she enjoyed her time in front of a group of eager pupils, Spears is realistic about how well she’d cope with the day-to-day demands of teaching after nearly two decades as an A-list celeb. “I see other people doing it, and I’m like, ‘Well, you know, it’s probably all they’ve known for so long, so it just kind of makes sense,’” Britney said. We’re not entirely sure what she means by that comment, but she seems to be saying that the reason prince-and-pauper life-swap scenarios are so rare in the real world is because we tend to grow accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Is teaching a room full of fourth graders more challenging than entertaining thousands of Vegas revelers every night? View Slideshow: 13 Craziest Things Britney Spears Has Ever Done Tough to say, but given the gap between teacher salaries and what Britney makes in a year, the music icon is probably in no hurry to find out. Besides, she can’t quit music until that Britney Spears-Justin Timberlake duet happens. After that, teach away, girl.