Tag Archives: chanelle-hayes

Chanelle Hayes’ Busty Nuts Photoshoot

Chanelle Hayes is one of those busty British nobodies that I always see in great lingerie shoots like this one from Nuts , but I can never seem to remember why she’s famous. Then again, after staring at a set of funbags this massive, I have trouble remembering a lot of stuff: my PIN number, where I left my keys, how to form coherent sentences. We’re lucky this post wasn’t just the word “boobs” repeated fifty times, though somehow I doubt any of you would’ve noticed long enough to care or complain.

Originally posted here:
Chanelle Hayes’ Busty Nuts Photoshoot

Chanelle Hayes’ Sexy Calendar Shoot

I know I’ve been saying that I hate fall, but that was before I remembered that besides colder weather and covered-up hotties, it also means that we’re about to get a whole bunch of busty calendar pictures for 2014, like these ones from British hottie Chanelle Hayes . I don’t know anyone who actually buys these things, besides mechanics and teenagers, but I always look forward to this time of year because of them. If only I had a calendar to mark it on. Oh well.

More here:
Chanelle Hayes’ Sexy Calendar Shoot

Some Glamour Models and their 2014 Calendar Pics of the Day

I’ve never heard of Melissa Debling, Stacey Poole or Chanelle Hayes, at least not that I know of, but I have probably seen their tits, which would explain why they remain nameless, or why I don’t waste any space in my brain remember who the fuck these nobody whores are… I hate Glamour models and the whole Glamour model movement. I think they are a waste of fucking space and just misguided strippers who are over exposed, over celebrated and who have egos and think they are important, when they aren’t…. No, I haven’t been broken hearted by a Galmour model, and a Glamour model hasn’t turned me down for sex…that’s not where this comes from…you see I just don’t beleve these average at best girls deserve the attention even if they have big titties and take a decent cheesy as fuck picture…I think that they should be giving lap dances instead… But I guess on the flip side of strippers turned famous twats, there’s Walmart worker inspired for a better life, but not into stripping cuz that’s for whores, turned Glamour model, cuz it’s ok to be naked in a photo studio and it always leads to soccer playing rich Boyfriends… But they are still nearly hot enough to call themselves a model…or get any of the perks of being a model…but instead they do…and here they are modelling for their 2014 Calendars because their white trash fans still buy Calendars for their blue collar jobs and trailer park homes, since smart phone and computers require knowing how to read to operate… Enjoy.

Read more:
Some Glamour Models and their 2014 Calendar Pics of the Day

Chanelle Hayes Is Working It Good!

In today’s Busty British Chicks News, this just in: Chanelle Hayes is still ridiculously hot. Here she is showing off those world-class funbags of hers in Nuts , and proving that I need to take a trip to England stat. With the sheer amount of hot nobodies over there, the numbers are in my favor. I’ve got my own site and straight teeth. That may not be good enough for Kelly Brook, but it should at least give me a shot with Chanelle and the rest of the B team.

Chanelle Hayes Is Working It Good!

Chanelle Hayes for NUTS of the Day

Chanelle Hayes is another stripper who never was, because stripping is immoral and for trashy girls, while getting topless for magazines that walk the fine line of porno, you know, that go as far as they can before being considered explicit, is an honorable, artistic driven career that will lead to good places, like celebrity husbands to knock them up. The retirement plan of only the highest class hookers, and I’m not complaining, cuz big tits are amazing, and if they are exposed and in my face, I’m ready to stare at them, or try to lick them, even when on screen, because that’s just the kind of guy who wasn’t breast fed as a child I am. It’d be a huge waste of Chanelle Hayes and her talents if she was working retail or other shit busty girls do who have morals, decency and class. Keep up the good work baby.

Chanelle Hayes for NUTS of the Day

Chanelle Hayes nude

Chanelle Hayes is the pretty blonde babe that you might have seen before on the British reality TV show Big Brother and here she is looking sexy as usual posing for the photographer in this magazine photo shoot where luckily for you she is completely nude showing off her cute tits and tight ass for the camera. Continue reading

Chanelle Hayes Nude in Nuts of the Day

Chanelle Hayes is some useless Big Brother UK contestent, who went on to become a Glamor Model and according her her WIKIPEDIA, a business woman, who I assume is in the business of showing off her saggy mom tits in photoshoots for lad mags, which makes sense becasue that’s what fucking whores do….I mean along with getting knocked up on purpose by famous Footballers (soccer players), 3 months after heated break-up that led to her trying to kill herself, that baby making vagina doubles as a fucking trap, maybe that it why these pics have some wierd light flare coming from her mom pussy, that I assumed was special effects, that I now think may just be natural…. Either way, here are her crazy, drama filled mom saggers…that remind me of a bitch I used to know, who was in the park this morning with her baby, cockteasing with her cleavage, only to get mad at me when I asked when Feeding time was….whores are all the fucking same….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See original here:
Chanelle Hayes Nude in Nuts of the Day

Superhero Paula Labaredas’ Booty Power

Alright, so I said I was done with pictures of hot nerds from Comic-Con , you don’t see the words hot and nerd together very often, but apparently I can’t stay away. Here’s one of my favorite nobodies, Paula Labaredas , showing off that incredible booty I fell in love with in some hot nerdy costumes. I don’t know what the costumes are supposed to be, but I like the way they saved material in the booty section. Very efficient.

Superhero Paula Labaredas’ Booty Power

Alright, so I said I was done with pictures of hot nerds from Comic-Con , you don’t see the words hot and nerd together very often, but apparently I can’t stay away. Here’s one of my favorite nobodies, Paula Labaredas , showing off that incredible booty I fell in love with in some hot nerdy costumes. I don’t know what the costumes are supposed to be, but I like the way they saved material in the booty section. Very efficient.

Chanelle Hayes New Boobs Busting Out In Nuts

See now this Chanelle Hayes hottie possesses more of the type of breasts I look for in my women, large, soft and completely phony. So hot. Here she is showing off the massive new breasts for Nuts magazine. Saying these things are nuts is an understatement, they’re insane. This is my kind of woman, big fake hair, big fake boobs and a need to show it all off. Marry me? She can where this outfit while she walks down the aisle. I hope our guest don’t mind my erection. Call me.