Tag Archives: chanelle-hayes

Chanelle Hayes New Boobs Busting Out In Nuts

See now this Chanelle Hayes hottie possesses more of the type of breasts I look for in my women, large, soft and completely phony. So hot. Here she is showing off the massive new breasts for Nuts magazine. Saying these things are nuts is an understatement, they’re insane. This is my kind of woman, big fake hair, big fake boobs and a need to show it all off. Marry me? She can where this outfit while she walks down the aisle. I hope our guest don’t mind my erection. Call me.

Kristen Bell Needs To Cheer Up

Here’s Kristen Bell looking angry, as usual, walking the streets in a tight pair of jeans. I like the denims, but I can do without the attitude young lady. I don’t know what her problem is, she looks like a bitter former cheerleader turned housewife who’s life hasn’t turned out the way she had hoped. She’s considered sort of a movie star isn’t she? She should be walking around with a huge smile on her face and a pocket full of cash… Not this crabby face. I don’t like it.

Chantelle Houghton And Her Powerful Cleavage

Here’s one of those busty British glamor model that nobody other than myself and a few perverts really gives a crap about over here, Chantelle Houghton , showing off her ample bosom in a low cut dress in jolly old England yesterday. With breasts like that floating around I’d be pretty jolly too. I find it funny that she’s posing next to a horse, her face actually kinda looks pretty horse like, they could be twins. Except for the powerful breasts…. I’m talking about the horse, that thing is jacked!

Chanelle Hayes and her New Tits of the Day

While we’re on the topic of useless …. I figured I’d post on this British Glamour Bullshit cunt….named Chanelle Hayes….cuz it seems like my site only attracts white trash Chimney Sweepers from across the pond….cuz they don’t own TVs, still light their homes with latterns and still know how to read…where as America is filled with idiots….I saw the Scrooge 3-D movie, I know how you soot covered trash live while you’re worshiping their queen…you’re out jerking off to fake tits and calendars of these bitches who are famous but shouldn’t be famous…but thanks to your lad mags are…cuz internet hasn’t kill them yet….since you don’t own computers and appreciate the feeling of paper on your finger tips…you’re authentic like that… I’m only posting it cuz she obviously got implants – and I like to point and laugh at bitches who try to validated themselves with implants…it’s the ugliest thing you can do to a tit…most of the time… So Here are the BEFORE PICS….from September 2010 And Here are the AFTER PICS….photoshopped with implants… No, this isn’t news and I don’t know who Chanelle Hayes is…or why I did this post…or even if this post makes sense…

See original here:
Chanelle Hayes and her New Tits of the Day

Chanelle Hayes Shows Off The New Girls

I haven’t seen Chanelle Hayes in a while, but it looks like she may have gone out and gotten herself some new breasts. Things must be going well. Here she is in some photshoot for Zoo showing the new girls off in some sexy lingerie. She’s not exactly a supermodel by any stretch of the imagination, but as you know I like big breasted nobodies so she’s right up my alley. Besides, I’m always willing to help a girl show off her new breasts. I’m not kidding, send me your pictures.

Chanelle Hayes Pregnant Bikini Pictures of the Day

I don’t know who Chanelle Hayes is…I just know that I’ve done posts on her before…back when I used to bother with these UK whores that I guess are famous for being whores and trashy dudes in the UK with no taste think they are amazing and follow their every move giving them more attention than they deserve and getting them a lot of traffic because they like that their pussies are highly trafficked, a theory proven with these pictures of this slag-pregnant in a bikini…..and pregnant pussy in a bikini is something I will never turn my back on because it is the union of one of my favorite things with one of my worst nightmares….Enjoy… To See More Pictures – Follow This Link GO

Chanelle Hayes Pregnant Bikini Pictures of the Day

Keep Your Eyes On The Cleavage

Here’s British glamour model Chantelle Houghton .

Go here to see the original:
Keep Your Eyes On The Cleavage

Hayden Panettiere in her Cheerleader Costume of the Day

Hayden Panettiere is a cheerleader on the show that she is on, which is convenient both for the dudes who wanna fuck already living out that fantasy they’ve always had growing up involving a cheerleader who wouldn’t pay attention to them in the back of the class because they liked star wars, as well as for Hayden, because she’s got such strong shoulders and thighs, pretty much made for lifting her friends and throwing them around, and she’s little enough to do backflips while standing, which is all very exciting when thinking about how she performs in the bedroom, if you’re the kind of guy who isn’t scared of getting choked out by powerful thighs when goin down on a bitch.

See the original post:
Hayden Panettiere in her Cheerleader Costume of the Day

Mel B in Some Colorful Track Suit of the Day

I guess Mel B doesn’t realize that all we want to see of her is her tits pushed the fuck up to her chin, but not too close to her chin, so that we can focus on them without having to see her roughneck face, but instead of giving up what we want, what we really really want, she got into a fuckin’ colorful track suit, like she’s getting in touch with her Nigerian roots and dressing like she’s at some African party about to go train for a marathon by running 40 miles to school everyday, while getting chased by a motherfuckin’ cheetah or some shit and the whole thing is a disaster….

The rest is here:
Mel B in Some Colorful Track Suit of the Day

Chanelle Hayes is Worth Lookin’ At of the Day

I don’t remember who Chanelle Hayes is, but based on her hair and make-up, I’m going with pornstar. I guess I could google her, but I’m pretty sure she’s not out there googling me, so why give her that kind of attention, while giving her one more “search request” making her think she’s more important than she is, which is pretty much a cancer to most men who like fuckin’ hot girls, because the second they realize they are better than you, is the second the pussy supply dries up and you go back to fucking rotting meat you find in your freezer, because it’s the only thing fleshy you can put your dick up against, while remembering the few months you were getting hot pussy, not that you’ve ever had hot pussy, but I’m generalizing for the people who have, whether they read this site or not….assholes

Read the original here:
Chanelle Hayes is Worth Lookin’ At of the Day