OK, so in case you perverts are having any trouble remembering that Chloe Grace Moretz here is still only 17, I think I can help. See, here she is at the 5th annual PSLA Autumn Party benefiting Children’s Institute, Inc. So until she starts showing up for adult charity events next year, keep it in your pants. I’m talking about your checkbooks, you sickos. » view all 19 photos Photos: WENN.com
J.Woww and the cast of Jersey Shore are pretty much the fucking worst humans out there…The represent all that is wrong with society…in terms of their style, their intelligence, their personalities, their conversations, they behavior, but more importantly, the fact that they are all millionaires from it….especially considering that this brickhouse of a woman, built like a fucking tank, the stripper you wouldn’t get a lap dance from, who isn’t a fucking stripper, cuz she’s a millionaire…is the hot one on the show…. confusing me….annoying me….but drawing me in…probably because I have a weakness for bad smelling cheese….it’s an eating disorder, I blame my obese wife for…you know sometimes it is hard to wash properly when you are her size… Either way, trash or not, here’s J.Woww in a photoshoot for Inked Magazine August 2012.
Sylvie van der Vaart is some old dutch model who has been fucking the same professional soccer player since 2003 and who is probably less of a model and more of a WAG or football wife in terms of why she is famous….you know cuz “Netherlands’ Sexiest Female in 2003″ probably wouldn’ t last 9 years without being attached to someone a little more important, since Netherlands’ Sexiest Female in 2003 is barely a fucking accomplishment….and in the grand scheme of things just doesn’t matter… What does matter is that she survived Breast Cancer, and is now back to modeling what I can only assume is charity events to support saving titties, a cause I support and love, cuz the idea of a disease robbing our women of their breasts is an attack on our freedom…. What also matters is that she beat the cancer and is modeling in her underwear, rocking her possibly new nippleless cancer free tits….lookin’ pretty hot for a 34 year old…. Here is some Video…..
Christmas is the season of giving and in the spirit if giving Unicef threw an event and invited all these low levels to come show off their titties for some moderate attention becuase really any attention is good…. They are so charitable and caring that I am sure every single one of them was like “Look and me, I’m at an event for a good cause, I’m not a vapid cunt, and look at my tits, maybe the paparazzi and magazines will talk about how good I look because that’s what I live for”……Selfish acts of fucking kindness…That’s what makes the world go round….I just watched two bums outside the richest neighborhood begging for change and not one bmw, mercedes, bentley driving motherfucker gave homie a dollar…probably cuz he didn’t offer a tax receipt…Greedy pigs… Here are the charitable cunts… Brooklyn Decker Still Looking Downs Syndrome…only a lot more pregnant…like when the Downs Syndrome girl runs away, hits a bar, and gets knocked up by someone no one every finds out who….cuz Homie never wants to admit he banged a retard runaway… Nicole Richie Hard Nipple on Some Probably Fake Titty…. Kristen Bell Slut Diane Kruger Titty,,, Rose McGowan Titty Cleavage…..
Julie Postle is the latest mistress to be linked to Tiger Woods – and the former Orlando waitress (now a charity events organizer) definitely fits the mould.