Tag Archives: charlie-rangel

He’s Living His Best Life: Rev. Al Sharpton Flosses His Footwork At Essence Festival [VIDEO]

SplashNews.com Rev. Al Sharpton Does A Fancy Two-Step At Essence Festival Just in case you weren’t already feeling bad enough about missing Essence Festival Rev. Al Sharpton posted a photo of himself busting a move at a function… If this doesn’t make your day we don’t know WHAT will. And Rev. Al kept a detailed IG diary of his doings while in New Orleans — which included rubbing shoulders with the stars, speaking about criminal justice reform with Meek Mill and Remy Ma, supporting Angela Rye and his young bae Aisha McShaw at a fashion show and of course plenty of gym selfies! Hit the flip for all the fun

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He’s Living His Best Life: Rev. Al Sharpton Flosses His Footwork At Essence Festival [VIDEO]

Morning Read: Spitzer Takes On Schneiderman; Rangel Rican Roots; Is Bain A Win For Booker?



Eliot Spitzer questioned the legal skills of Eric Schneiderman. East siders are upset that Mayor Mike Bloomberg is apparently violating the city’s helicopter curfew. Andrew Cuomo said that a minimum wage hike won’t pass this year. Mike Gianaris made a very funny video about independent redistricting. Charlie Rangel opened up about his Hispanic heritage. He has been reluctant to talk about it because… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Politicker Discovery Date : 23/05/2012 01:29 Number of articles : 3

Morning Read: Spitzer Takes On Schneiderman; Rangel Rican Roots; Is Bain A Win For Booker?

Justin Theroux Shows Off Breakdancing Skills on Ellen (VIDEO)


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Eleven years after breakdancing in Zoolander , Justin Theroux ’s moves are sharper than ever. In fact, it’s one of the things girlfriend Jennifer Aniston loves about him, Theroux reveals on Wednesday’s ” Ellen DeGeneres Show.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gossip Cop Discovery Date : 22/02/2012 04:42 Number of articles : 2

Justin Theroux Shows Off Breakdancing Skills on Ellen (VIDEO)

Charlie Rangel’s Amazing Dance Moves


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Charlie Rangel, dancing! (Photo: YouTube) Harlem Congressman Charlie Rangel may have been serving in Congress since the early 1970s, but that doesn’t mean he can’t bring the funk, should the situation call for it. Indeed, earlier this morning, his Twitter account blasted out the YouTube video below with the message, “At 82, I still got the dance moves!” The video is described as a “turn out the vote… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Politicker Discovery Date : 22/02/2012 09:44 Number of articles : 2

Charlie Rangel’s Amazing Dance Moves

Anthony Weiner’s Problem is the Media, Says Rangel [Video]



Rep. Charlie Rangel said there’s no reason for his Democratic colleague, Anthony Weiner, to resign, and that he could be an effective congressman “if the press gets off his back.” Rangel, who survived his own ethics investigation last year for improperly reporting his financial assets, said there’s no reason for Weiner to step aside. “Not one person has given any reason for a resignation,” said Rangel…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Capitol confidential Discovery Date : 10/06/2011 19:58 Number of articles : 2

Anthony Weiner’s Problem is the Media, Says Rangel [Video]

‘An Absolute Disgrace’: CNN’s Parker Spitzer Finds Blast of Dissent Against Tax-Evading Rangel

While the “objective” network newscasts strenuously sought to hornswoggle the public into thinking everyone in Washington was sympathetic to unethical tax-evading liberal Rep. Charlie Rangel getting censured on the House floor for 45 seconds, CNN's Parker Spitzer asked about Rangel on Thursday night and received a dissenting blast from sports journalist Stephen A. Smith, who called him an “absolute disgrace” and said “I'm done with him.” Former Air America host Sam Seder, so enraged by the corruption of the Bushies, was just as partisan in insisting Rangel didn't commit a crime and shouldn't receive a censure and was “open with the committee.” Eliot Spitzer didn't want to dwell too long on the ethical-politician subject: SPITZER: All right, guys. Does he persuade you? Should Charlie be shown the exit or has Charlie persuaded you he deserves to continue on fighting for central Harlem? SMITH: Well, I'm not going to sit there and say he deserves to be shown the exit, but he certainly hasn't convinced me. I think it's an absolute disgrace that he, of all people, conducted himself in this fashion. read more

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‘An Absolute Disgrace’: CNN’s Parker Spitzer Finds Blast of Dissent Against Tax-Evading Rangel

NBC Reporter Throws Around Conservative Label but Can’t Call Rangel A Lib

NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell, on Wednesday’s Today show, in reporting about the results from yesterday’s primaries threw around the conservative label around as she identified several Republicans that way but for some reason when it came to reporting on Democrat Charlie Rangel’s win couldn’t manage to attach the “liberal” label to the ethics challenged Congressman. O’Donnell began her piece noting that “Democrats are suddenly very excited” about their chances of winning the Delaware primary seat due to “the conservative rebellion” that led to Republican Christine O’Donnell’s win in that primary, adding that “conservative Christine O’Donnell was propelled by several Tea Party groups.” And later O’Donnell even relayed the Democratic spin that O’Donnell was “an ultra right wing extremist.” However when it came to talking about Rangel’s primary win, the NBC correspondent, didn’t bother to attach an ideological label, merely calling him “20-term Congressman Charlie Rangel.” In total, Kelly O’Donnell used the “conservative” label five times in her piece but never once labeled any of the Democrats brought up in her story a liberal. The following is the full O’Donnell story as it was aired on the September 15 Today show: MEREDITH VIEIRA: But let’s begin with the results of the final primaries before November’s midterm elections and what they mean for both parties. We’re gonna talk to Christine O’Donnell about her surprise victory in Delaware, in just a moment. But first NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell has the latest. Kelly, good morning to you. [On screen headline: “Life Of The Tea Party, Upset Win In GOP Race For Biden’s Senate Seat”] KELLY O’DONNELL: Good morning, Meredith. Well the Tea Party has toppled conventional wisdom again and here in Delaware, the result is both shocking and convincing because it wasn’t close. The most popular Republican in the state, Mike Castle, he is out. Democrats are suddenly very excited and O’Donnell says don’t count her out in a fight to get the seat that Joe Biden held for 36 years. CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: Ladies and gentlemen, the people of Delaware have spoken. KELLY O’DONNELL: The conservative rebellion rolled over Delaware’s Republican Party brass. CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: Don’t ever underestimate the power of we the people! KELLY O’DONNELL: An upset hard to imagine just a few weeks ago. Conservative Christine O’Donnell was propelled by several Tea Party groups and that movement’s most famous figure. CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: You betcha! There’s another woman I gotta thank. You betcha! Thank you Governor Palin for your endorsement. KELLY O’DONNELL: O’Donnell was ridiculed and written-off by other Republicans as unelectable. She had never won before, but knocked out Congressman Mike Castle who had never lost in a dozen races. Castle did not offer his congratulations. REP. MIKE CASTLE: The voters in the Republican Party have spoken and I respect that decision. KELLY O’DONNELL: Castle had called O’Donnell unqualified. (Begin ad clip) ANNOUNCER: She didn’t pay thousands in income taxes. (End clip) KELLY O’DONNELL: Animosity was so intense, the state Republican Party paid for robo-calls where O’Donnell’s past campaign manager attacked her. (Begin clip of robo-call) UNIDENTIFIED CAMPAIGN MANAGER: I found out that she was living on campaign donations, using them for rent and personal expenses while leaving her workers unpaid and piling up thousands in debt. (End clip) KELLY O’DONNELL: O’Donnell denies misusing funds. She claims her own financial hard times actually help her understand voters’ anger. CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: A lot of people have already said that we can’t win the general election. I know. KELLY O’DONNELL: Democratic officials are gleeful and called her an ultra right wing extremist. Ironically, her supporters used an Obama slogan to predict victory in November. O’DONNELL SUPPORTERS AT RALLY CHANTING: Yes We Can! KELLY O’DONNELL: Turning to New Hampshire’s GOP Senate primary, a tight race too close to call. Former state attorney general, Kelly Ayotte, the choice of both the Republican establishment and Sarah Palin against a Tea Party endorsed conservative activist Ovide Lamontagne. On to New York, where the Republican nominee for governor is another Tea Party conservative . Real estate developer Carl Paladino over the party favorite former Congressman Rick Lazio, while New York Democrats stood by 20-term Congressman Charlie Rangel who’s accused of House ethics violations. Rangel beat back several challengers. REP. CHARLIE RANGEL: I go back to Washington stronger than I have ever been. KELLY O’DONNELL: And back here in Delaware, Democrats didn’t have a primary fight for the Senate seat, so Chris Coons is their candidate in November. O’Donnell who has worked as a media consultant for conservative non-profit groups says that she is hoping to get donations, even though the national party is reluctant to get behind her. And she also hopes to get the endorsement of Mike Castle. That has not happened. She is calling for unity, isn’t sure if she can expect it but says the Tea Party is behind her.

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NBC Reporter Throws Around Conservative Label but Can’t Call Rangel A Lib

NYT’s Charles Blow Defends Sarah Palin from Democrat Death Wishes

New York Times columnist Charles Blow on Saturday actually defended former governor Sarah Palin from death wish attacks by two Democrat officials in New Hampshire. In case you missed it, on Tuesday Keith Halloran, a Democrat candidate for the New Hampshire House, posted in a Facebook thread about the plane crash that killed former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, “Just wish Sarah and Levy [sic] were on board.”  New Hampshire State Representative Timothy Horrigan replied Wednesday, “Well a dead Palin wd [sic] be even more dangerous than a live one … she is all about her myth & if she was dead she cldn’ t [sic] commit any more gaffes.” Rather surprisingly, Blow took issue with this Saturday: Then there’s the Democratic state representative, Timothy Horrigan, from New Hampshire. After Ted Stevens, the former Alaska senator, was killed in a plane crash this week, Keith David Halloran, a New Hampshire Democrat, posted this message on his Facebook page: “Just wish Sarah and Levy were on board,” clearly referring to Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston. To that, Horrigan responded: “Well a dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one … she is all about her myth & if she was dead she cldn’t commit any more gaffes.” Seriously guys? I’m the first to say that I want to keep Palin as close to Russia and as far away from Washington as humanly possible, but debating the merits of her demise in a plane crash is heinous. Horrigan has since resigned. In reality, Blow was being surprisingly bipartisan in this column mocking the behavior of both Republicans and Democrats: Representative Charles Rangel of New York took to the House floor this week and delivered such a melodramatic diatribe that I thought any moment he would start belting “And I Am Telling You I Am Not Going” from “Dreamgirls.” Another is John McCain, who seems to be flirting with the über-tan “Jersey Shore” star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi (after having bonded with each other over tanning salon taxes in June). Snooki was arrested for disorderly conduct last month. This week, McCain told a Phoenix radio station that “I kind of think she might be too good-looking to go to jail.” A wink, wink from the dashing 73-year-old with the wispy locks. One bit of advice to Snooki: Don’t go to McCain’s home base in Arizona. The state is hostile to people of your current complexion. Blow continued his bipartisan excoriation right into his humorous conclusion: I say Justin Bieber for president. I know he was born in Canada, but since Republicans want to tinker with the Constitution anyway, why not? Besides, I’m not sure many would notice the difference. Bieber knows how to draw a crowd, get them all excited and then break their hearts. For vice president, maybe they could find a booster seat for Zahara Jolie-Pitt. She probably has about as much message discipline as Joe Biden. Besides, we need some African-birth-certificate drama for continuity. Nice piece, Charles. As you know, I rarely say that. Does Blow’s sudden bipartisanship indicate that even he is realizing what a joke Obama and the Democrats are? Don’t count it. This is likely a brief moment of sanity while most are on summer vacation. You can bet your bottom dollar Blow will be back to exclusively bashing Republicans as the midterm elections near. Stay tuned. 

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NYT’s Charles Blow Defends Sarah Palin from Democrat Death Wishes

Al Gore Complains about Global Warming Media Coverage; Blasts The Wall Street Journal on ClimateGate

No matter what happens, even surrounding his personal life or his pet cause global warming, former Vice President Al Gore just isn’t going away. During an Aug. 10 conference call , Gore launched into a critique of the media’s recent coverage of ClimateGate, specifically blogs, talk radio and “biased right-wing media.” “Well I believe Mark Twain often gets the credit for the saying … that a lie runs around the world before the truth gets its boots on,” Gore said. “Now I’m not sure that’s the real reason for it, but there is a sad but undeniable truth that those who wanted to try sewing confusion used an echo chamber from blogs and talk show hosts and biased right-wing media to promulgate the distortions of the paid skeptics and professional deniers who tried to undermine the evidence.” Gore, who earlier during the call said he all but given up on cap-and-trade legislation being passed this Congress ( audio here ), alluded to a handful of “formal inquiries” that he argued cleared the science of any doubt that may have been caused by the leaked e-mails from ClimateGate, despite the questionable circumstances surrounding these inquiries . “There have been of course multiple, formal inquiries, all of which have dispelled the falsehoods that go under the title of ‘ClimateGate,'” Gore continued. “The three separate inquiries conducted not only cleared the scientists and the organizations involved, but strongly reaffirmed the basic assertions that they have been making.” But this time the former vice president named names. He went after The Wall Street Journal for its coverage of ClimateGate, even though the daily newspaper was one of the few outlets covering the scandal with much vigor. “I’ll give you one example – The Wall Street Journal wrote upwards of 30 editorials and news stories during the time about the story of the University of East Anglia broke and not a single one of them presented the side of the science. There are many other examples as you know.” In recent months, Gore has had his own public relations problem with media coverage surrounding his personal life, including a divorce and allegations sexual misconduct , which he was later cleared of by Portland, Ore. authorities. But to combat the media, which he alleges has been working against him on global warming, he urged his supporters to send letters to the editor, demand equal time and write op-eds. “It is our responsibility to demand that reporters, editors and all journalists report the truth,” he said. “It is only through consistent and constant pressure from us demanding equal time in local and national media that we will get the truth out. And that is why it’s so critical to write letters to the editor, to post comments online, to draft and write op-eds that share your point of view and use the facts and spread them far and wide. Only when the media hear from enough of us will they change their habits and print the truth about these scientific facts.” A 2008 Business & Media Institute study disputes the idea that Gore’s cause of climate change alarmism has faced an uphill battle as far public relations goes. Over the years, it showed the alarmists have outnumbered the skeptics in airtime, a trend that has been occurring over the years.

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Al Gore Complains about Global Warming Media Coverage; Blasts The Wall Street Journal on ClimateGate