Tag Archives: damage-control

Siri Dragged Into Nuclear Husband-Wife Argument

Poor Siri. We feel for her, getting caught up in this one. Steve Jobs probably never had this in mind when he invented you … or did he? Who knew the helpful, virtual iPhone assistant was so adept at damage control? Even Apple technology has some limitations, though. In this hilarious College Humor video, a husband and wife argue so vociferously that even the highly trained, perpetually even-keeled Siri became overwhelmed … Siri Argument

Siri Dragged Into Nuclear Husband-Wife Argument

Megan Fox Slutting Out in Madame Magazine of the DAy

You may be asking yourself who Megan Fox is, now that she’s been fired from the one movie she was really ever known form, so instead of getting naked in a scandal, she went on got married, a totally backwards way to win the only people who care she exists back, but I guess she’s got some new PR people, doing some damage control, by getting her to slut out in a photoshoot for a magazine in France, because everyone knows when you want to be recognized as the hot pussy you are known for when everyone forgets you, France publications are the logical way to crawl yourself back in….and who really cares, I’m hungover, exhausted and she’s in fishnets, she wins and inher winning…we all win…at least that’s what she wants us to think…. Forgotten or not, she’s overrated, but I’ll still stare at her….

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Megan Fox Slutting Out in Madame Magazine of the DAy

Fox News, GOP Congressmen Furious Over Colbert Testimony [Video]

Fox News ‘ Megyn Kelly and her guest, infamous rage-clown Rep. Steve King , cannot fathom why Democrats would invite comedian Stephen Colbert to a taxpayer-funded hearing today. And according to King, Colbert “staged” his recent workday with migrant laborers. More

This Teen Prostitute May Be the Trashiest Reality Star Ever [Video]

Meet Chloe Victoria . She’s a 19-year-old prostitute who has been arrested 140 times . She has a two-year-old daughter and is a star of British reality show The X Factor . Her stated goals: “Get famous” and “$$$$$$$$$.” More

Zuckerberg on Oprah: My $100 Million Donation Is About Kids, Not The Social Network [Video]

It’s easy to interpret Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ‘s $100 million donation to Newark schools—officially announced the exact day The Social Network opens the New York Film Festival—as a PR move to counter the film’s negative portrayal of him. More

Court Stops BP Forcing Oil Spill Clean-Up Volunteers to Sign Away Their Rights

photo: US Coast Guard via flickr. A federal court in Louisiana has issued the first in what is bound to be many blows against BP: The US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana has stopped BP from forcing fisherman volunteering to help with oil spill clean-up efforts from signing away their right to free speech, from holding BP harmless for any accidents that might occur, and requiring them to give the oil giant a month’s notice before filing any legal claims…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Court Stops BP Forcing Oil Spill Clean-Up Volunteers to Sign Away Their Rights

BP Gulf Oil Spill Cheat Sheet: A Timeline of Unfortunate Events

The BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig ablaze. Image: U.S. Coast Guard . It’s been a strange month in the world of energy. On the heels of the West Virgina Massey coal mine tragedy followed and an oil spill caused by a coal-carrying ship near Australia, disaster struck again on the eve of Earth Day when a BP oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded. Below is a timeline of what has happened so far. We’ll also be updating this space as news develops . … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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BP Gulf Oil Spill Cheat Sheet: A Timeline of Unfortunate Events

Rush Limbaugh on the BP Oil Spill: "It’s as natural as the ocean water is."

Photos: Public domain Quick Limbaugh Debunking Some claims are so crazy that you shouldn’t even have to point out why they don’t make sense. But when these claims are made by people with a large number of followers ready to believe anything the guru says (such as that the Deepwater Horizon explosion could be an act of eco-terrorism; as if it’s easy to get on board an oil rig in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and make it blow up without being seen by any of the 100+ people on it), they’re worth a closer look. The latest outrageous claim by Rush Limbaugh is about the oil spill, and it’s worth a quick debunking. Read on for the details…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Rush Limbaugh on the BP Oil Spill: "It’s as natural as the ocean water is."

Madness: BP Left Off Second Emergency Cutoff + When Do We Say ‘Enough’?

Map of potential spill trajectory over the next few days: NOAA It just keeps going and going. New revelations about how little it would have cost to prevent the BP oil spill (only slightly exaggerating, half a million dollars for a part to the oil industry is like a couple nice dinners out to you or me), new worst-case scenarios about how long this could continue on, and (thankfully) some particularly poignant thoughts to counterbalance the mindless damage control by the chattering right wing pundits. Here’s some of the best and worst of an increasingly bad situation:… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Madness: BP Left Off Second Emergency Cutoff + When Do We Say ‘Enough’?

Sarah Palin writes on the palm of her hand becasue she is just like God.

Here is a video from Palin’s speech to the crowd at the Ohio Right to Life fundraiser, in which she literally explains that writing on her hand is biblical. I have heard some lame excuses in my time but Palin’s painful attempts to justify her adolescent behaviors are unbelievable. She, and her people, are spinning like crazy to do damage control for some of the stories that have come out recently and they are just digging their hole deeper and deeper. And by the way I heard NUMEROUS reporters and pundits call her out on both the content of what she wrote on her hand during the teabagger convention as well as the fact that she had to write it down to remember it. NOW look who is making things up. Apparently at this speech Palin had drawn a dollar sign on her hand. Because of course you all know that quiting your job halfway through in order to capitalize on your fame to make money is ALSO biblical.

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Sarah Palin writes on the palm of her hand becasue she is just like God.