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90 Day Fiance Recap: The Stars Tell All Part 2

So much has happened since Part 1 of the 90 Day Fiance Tell All special , but Part 2 aired on Sunday night. Notably, TLC’s censors stopped bleeping out obscenities about halfway through the broadcast, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Our favorite part was probably Leida and Eric getting scolded by just about everyone. Let’s start with, dare we say it, Colt and Larissa . We have had so, so much to say about Coltee and Larissa over this past week, in large part due to their bloody fight and divorce . Though this Tell All was filmed last year, the couple manages to take center stage there, too. Why? Because they are deeply controversial and not well-liked. When everyone returns to stage, Steven and Jonathan discuss the idea of not even responding to Colt and Larissa. Steven dismisses them as “trash,” and you know that you’ve f–ked up when Steven has the moral high ground. Larissa speaks about her arrest — at the time, she had only been arrested once, in June 2018. Since then, she has been arrested two more times. Colt expressed a fear that Larissa would be deported. For the most part, they could not speak out about it for legal reasons.  Every attorney’s worst nightmare is for their client to go on television and say anything at all that could be used against them in court. That’s out of the way, and it’s time to address Eric and Leida . We’ve actually been chomping at the bit to talk about Eric and Leida, because Tasha was on the Tell All. Tasha is Eric’s 19-year-old daughter with whom he was roommates … until, at Leida’s insistence, he kicked her out of her own home. Tasha’s okay and living with friends, but things are extremely tense. In fact, Tasha tells (the incredibly patient) Shaun Robinson that she “doesn’t have” a relationship with her father anymore. She says that he broke off all ties with her. Eric counters: “That’s not true. All I said is that I have nothing to say until I get an apology.” Shaun asks the very understandable question: for what does Eric demand that Tasha apologize? Eric says that it’s for “the mess.” That’s right, this is all about the apartment being slightly cluttered when Leida first arrived. He also says that Tasha “lied” by saying that about half of the mess was her father’s. It sounds like Eric threw Tasha under the bus and is just doubling down on that story to appease Leida. Tasha’s response is to simply raise an eyebrow, while Kalani — a parent herself — turns to give Eric a look of wide-eyed judgment. Overall, Kalani really really has the best take on Eric’s whole situation. Eric seems to want his teenage daughter to both restructure her entire life for him — which parents expect their minor children to do. At the same time, he very clearly wants Tasha to be an adult when it’s convenient for him — paying bills and working. “You guys are wanting her to be an adult,” Kalani says. “And pay bills and do this.” But, as Kalani points out, if Tasha is an adult, she can have her room and, frankly, her home as messy as she damn well chooses. Eric put Tasha in a no-win scenario and he seems stubbornly willing to lose his entire family over it. But Eric dismisses Tasha (and Steven) and tries to fit as many anti-Millennial buzzwords as he can. Nice try, dude. Okay, so then there’s Kalani and Asuelu . Asuelu, as Kalani has noted, has a sassy side to him. He really does not like Colt and Larissa, and he is a generally friendly person. Asuelu ended the Tell All with a Samoan dance, which is incredibly charming but made some people uncomfortable. The line between “I am appreciating his culture” and “they made this man of color dance for their amusement” can be tricky. Either way, best of luck to Kalani and Asuelu, who are fan favorites and who are expecting their second son — another boy. Jonathan and Fernanda seemed all good, aside from when Jonathan had to sort of stiff-arm Jay away. Jay said some very flattering things about Fernanda as an example of class and beauty. Like … we’re not saying that he’s wrong, we’re just saying that he is literally married to Ashley and needs to tone down his horniness by at least 20%. Obviously, since this was filmed, Jon and Fernanda have split. Jon recently revealed that he has not spoken to Fernanda since December 22. She apparently said some things to him that he is not willing to forgive, and he considers their relationship over. That’s … sad. (Also, just to address worries, Colt referred to Fernanda as a “16-year-old bride,” but she was already 18 when she and Jonathan met) Ashley and Jay had a host of issues that were mostly dealt with in Part 1 of the Tell All. Jay cheated on Ashley, signing up for Tinder right after their wedding. She caught him cheating on FaceTime three days later. That’s a nightmare, but Ashley was kidnapped at 19 and is also battling lupus. She has bigger fish to fry than her cheating husband. She does sound unwilling to send Jay packing to Jamaica, which is very nice of her. But she’s also not willing to just stay married on paper for him to horndog around with other women. Steven and Olga weren’t both on the show, because of Steven dragging his feet when applying for Olga’s visa. That is still weird and will always be weird, but it’s not as bad as him getting jealous of his own baby over Olga’s attention. We will say that this part of the Tell All showed Steven’s better side. He made good points about Eric and Tasha (though anyone can look reasonable compared to Eric). Most importantly, the dude apologized to Olga at the end, over Skype. That is important. That’s growth. View Slideshow: 90 Day Fiance: Twitter Reacts to the Tell All

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90 Day Fiance Recap: The Stars Tell All Part 2

David Eason Quits Facebook Following Transphobic Rant

David Eason's social media options are beginning to dwindle. After receiving a visit from the Secret Service for making violent threats to various elected officials, Eason was temporarily locked out of his Instagram account. He made the move over to YouTube, where he attracted negative legal attention once again, this time for illegally towing a stranger's truck. After that, David began spewing his bigoted nonsense on Facebook, but after an appallingly transphobic comment earned David some much-deserved backlash, he apparently turned tail and deleted his account. Take a look: 1. David the Bigot David has made never made any effort to conceal his bigoted worldview. 2. Shameless Astonishingly, he has no problem with exposing himself as the homophobic white supremacist that he is — but he gets very upset when people call him out as such. 3. A History of Hate David was fired from Teen Mom 2 back in February of 2018 after launching a homophobic tirade against fans of the show on Instagram. 4. Not Learning From His Mistakes Sadly, David will probably never change his belief system, but you would think after getting kicked to the curb by MTV, he would at least start keeping his thoughts to himself. 5. Nope! David went on the offensive again last week, this time attacking the transgender community on Facebook. 6. The Ugliness Begins “Serious question, what would you do if one of your kids came to you and said, ‘Dad I think I should be a boy/girl?'” a user asked David. View Slideshow

David Eason Quits Facebook Following Transphobic Rant

David Eason: I Will BEAT My Kids If They’re Transgender!

We have the answer to the question we've been asking ourselves over and over for the past year or so: can David Eason get any worse? The answer, of course, is a great big “yep.” It feels like every single day, David manages to find new and exciting ways to be a terrible person. Well, they're not new, because he definitely has a few favorite tricks up his sleeve, and they're not exciting, because a racist, homophobic white guy isn't breaking news or anything. It's just unfortunate that a guy like this exists, that's what we're trying to say. And now, thanks to this especially horrific new statement from him … it really is just a shame that he's a real person, you know? 1. Swamp Monster This is David Eason. David Eason is a bad person. 2. So. Much. There’s a lot of proof of this. 3. Naturally He spent some time in jail before he got with Jenelle, and he’s been arrested for things like breaking and entering, theft, and multiple DUIs. 4. Gross He’s also been accused of being violent with ex-girlfriends — the mother of his son, Kaden, was successful in getting a restraining order against him after she claimed in court that he abused her and threatened to kill her. 5. And This Also, he’s married to Jenelle, which is a great big red flag in itself. 6. More Flags Speaking of flags, he sure does love the Confederate one! He always insists that it’s not a racist thing, even though most of us get that, you know, it’s pretty much a racist thing. View Slideshow

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David Eason: I Will BEAT My Kids If They’re Transgender!

Craft Talk: Mahershala Ali And John David Washington Discuss Their Careers on ‘Actors On Actors’ [Video]

Source: Phillip Faraone/Getty Images/Amanda Edwards/WireImage / Getty Mahershala Ali And John David Washington On ‘Actors On Actors’ Mahershala Ali And John David Washington sat down to talk about their careers and experiences navigating Hollyweird on Variety’s ‘Actors On Actors’ series. That’s a lot of beautiful Blackness on one screen.

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Craft Talk: Mahershala Ali And John David Washington Discuss Their Careers on ‘Actors On Actors’ [Video]

Cam Newton’s Family Christmas Card Features His Longtime Love & Their Three Kids

Source: FayesVision/WENN.com / WENN Cam Newton’s Family Christmas Card Cam Newton and his longtime love are showing off their beautiful family. Cam Newton and his girlfriend Kia Proctor recently posed for a family Christmas card featuring their four beautiful children. This year’s heartfelt holiday photo features their youngest Camidas Swain being held in Cam’s arms and Kia’s oldest daughter looking like a spitting image of her mother. The couple’s other two children Chosen and Sovereign-Dior are also absolutely adorable alongside a red-haired Kia who wears Liridona Matoshi and Vjollca Llapashtica gowns. All of the shots are courtesy of Cam’s personal photographer David Ricks III with creative direction from Shadé Oloniyo. How cute are the Newtons??? More of their holiday photos on the flip.

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Cam Newton’s Family Christmas Card Features His Longtime Love & Their Three Kids

Larissa Lima and Colt Johnson: Still Together and Still Awful!

After he was exposed as a cheater, Colt Johnson claimed that 90 Day Fiance fame went to his head and made him cheat. Now, Colt is publicly apologizing to his wife and condemning fans who rush to judge him. Meanwhile, Larissa is claiming that, despite her domestic battery arrests , she has never been abusive to Colt. Speaking to InTouch Weekly , Larissa Dos Santos Lima condemns claims that she was abusive to Colt. “I was not abusive to Colt,” Larissa insists. She refers to both her behavior on 90 Day Fiance and to her two domestic battery arrests. “Anything pointing otherwise is extremely edited or taken out of context,” she claims. It’s true that reality shows, 90 Day Fiance included, may edit out context. But are we to believe that police reports about them do the same? Despite the recent revelations about Colt’s rampant cheating on her with various Instagram women, Larissa isn’t giving up. “I love Colt,” Larissa insists. “And we have normal relationship troubles like any other couple.” For the record, some friction with Colt’s mom is normal. The cheating, the domestic battery arrests, and the toxic fighting are not . “I understand his actions,” Larissa says. “And I will forgive him.” Yikes. “A true relationship,” Larissa believes. “Is two imperfect people unwilling to give up on each other.” In one of the messages that Larissa exposed, Colt claimed to an Instagram mistress that Larissa was “violent.” Within the context of the message, it appeared that he was using that as an excuse for why his online affair had to remain a secret. “He was lying to these girls,” Larissa says. “It was already proved.” “He was talking to a girl making promises of a relationship,” Larissa notes. “And talking to others as well behind her back.” “He was saying whatever he wanted to make these girls feel sorry for him,” Larissa points out. “If I was an abusive wife,” Larissa says. “He could just get divorced.” There are many abuse victims who have to stay with their partners for financial security, for their children, for citizenship, or in fear of their lives. As far as we know, Colt has no such ties forcing him to stay with Larissa. Larissa says that if she were abusive, “he would not be here right now asking me to come back to him.” “He is [begging] for forgiveness,” she characterizes. “So,” Larissa asks, in the eyes of some fans, “how come I am abusive?” Most of that was pretty well-reasoned. Unfortunately, Larissa then takes things too far and shoots herself in the foot. “The real abuse is the humiliation of being cheated,” Larissa claims. Cheating is a dicksh thing to do, but it is by no means as bad as abuse. Equating the two makes it sound like domestic violence is much less serious than it really is. “I am the abused victim here,” Larissa concludes, to the frustration of fans who have begun to root for her. At best, they may hope that something has been lost in translation from her native Portuguese. Larissa and Colt both shared a message that Colt wrote on Instagram. “All of these accusations are ridiculous and need to stop,” Colt insists. “Whatever problems I have in MY relationship,” he writes. “I’ll deal with them.” He doesn’t want advice on how to apologize or how to not cheat or how to not be a condescending jerk to her constantly. Colt says: “I will work on them in private.” Last week, fans learned of Colt’s multiple flirtations on social media. But Colt says that none of it is serious — at least, not anymore. “There is nobody special for me,” Colt writes. He clarifies: “There is no new girlfriend.” And to think that he’d been telling some women that he and Larissa were secretly separated but not telling anyone yet. “I love Larissa,” Colt claims. “And,” he continues. “I want to fight for our relationship.” Colt concludes: “and I apologize for all the pain I caused to her.” This couple has seemed toxic since Larissa stepped off the plane. Can they really make it work? Only time will tell. For now, Larissa is taking a break from social media. View Slideshow: 90 Day Fiance: Most Shocking Scandals Exposed!

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Larissa Lima and Colt Johnson: Still Together and Still Awful!

Shannon Beador Accused of Alcoholism, Endangering Her Children

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Shannon Beador continues feuding with fellow Housewives , but she’s also caught up in another fight. Her ex-husband, David, is accusing her of being an alcoholic. He has filed papers with the court to prevent her from drinking — at all — when she’s spending time with their teen daughters. Us Weekly confirms that David Beador filed papers with the court, hoping to forbid Shannon from drinking around their teenage daughters. “The mother has publicly stated on television within the last month, she ‘self-medicates’ with alcohol,” the documents accuse. Discussing your personal life is part of being a reality star, but your words can be thrown back in your face in court if you’re not careful. “That behavior is detrimental to the children,” David’s attorney claims. Their children are Sophie, who is 16, and twins Stella and Adeline, who are each 14. According to David’s team’s request, Shannon would be under very strict rules that go beyond avoiding having wine with dinner. The proposed court order would prevent Shannon from drinking at all while the girls are with her. That would include a ban on drinking eight hours before the girls come to stay with her. An order like this is usually made when someone has demonstrated that they have a drinking problem. That said, for those without a drinking problem, it’s usually easy enough — if socially inconvenient — to follow. Does Shannon have a drinking problem and, if so, is it actually negatively impactful to her girls in any way? Honestly, we don’t know. Either way, this sounds like a clear effort to use Shannon’s status as a reality star against her. Things had been going a little better with Shannon and David’s divorce, right up until the reunion special aired. Is this David’s attempt to exact revenge upon Shannon for disparaging him and his girlfriend on international television? Or was this born of genuine concern? This news comes on the heels of Shannon facing a real medical crisis. On Monday, December 17, Shannon revealed that she had gone to the emergency room. “At ER with horrible pain in my ribs,” Shannon shared with her fans and followers. “Getting tests.” “Everyone so nice but not a hospital fan…” she admitted. Mystery pains are never good, but when they’re in or around your chest, they can be downright scary. Fortunately, Shannon had more to tell her followers. “No blood clot,” she announced. “And all is good.” The human body is kind of a mess, so sometimes phantom pains defy explanation. In this case, if Shannon received a specific diagnosis, she did not see fit to share it with fans. “Heading home with an antibiotic,” Shannon revealed. “Thank you to so many of you for the well wishes.” Shannon told her fans: “It’s overwhelming and kind.” Maybe David has real concerns about Shannon’s drinking, or maybe this is just a game that he’s playing with their divorce. Maybe both. Some fans cannot help but be reminded of one of the elements in the dissolution of their marriage. David, as you may recall, did not respond well when Shannon’s stress eating caused her to gain weight. It reached a point where Shannon said David stopped loving her because she was fat . Does David, even now that he’s moved on with a younger lady love, feel a need to control what Shannon puts in her body? Or is this just fatherly concern for his teenage daughters, who may soon be exposed to alcohol at parties if they are not already? His motives remain shrouded. We’ll see what the court decides. View Slideshow: Shannon Beador Slammed by David’s Girlfriend in Scathing Callout

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Shannon Beador Accused of Alcoholism, Endangering Her Children

Penny Marshall Dies; Film and TV Legend Was 75

Sad news out of Hollywood today, as actress, comedian, and filmmaker Penny Marshall has passed away at the age of 75. According to TMZ, Marshall passed away due to complications from diabetes. Born in the Bronx in 1943, Marshall first gained fame for her work as Laverne DeFazio on the 1970s sitcom Laverne & Shirley . The show ran for seven seasons and made Marshall a household name. But it may be her work behind the camera for which Marshall is best known to younger audiences. In the ’80s and ’90s, Marshall directed a string of wildly successful films, including such modern classics as Big , Awakenings,  and A League of Their Own . She was a frequent collaborator with her brother Garry Marshall, himself an iconic figure for his work on both sides of the camera. A prolific artist up to her final days, Marshall has appeared in cameo roles in The Simpsons, Entourage , and Sam & Cat , the Nickelodeon sitcom that first introduced the world to Ariana Grande. Growing up on the Bronx’s Grand Concourse along such future luminaries as Neil Simon, Calvin Klein, and Paddy Chayefsky, Marshall was surrounded by show business from a young age. She eventually married one of her childhood neighbors, Rob Reiner, though the couple divorced after ten years. “When Rob Reiner and I were children, we lived across the street from each other. We never met because the Grand Concourse was a busy street, and we were too young to cross it,’’ Marshall said in 2012 interview. “He went to PS 8, I went to 80. He moved when he was 7. His father, Carl, was one of the stars on Your Show of Shows, and he was the most famous person in the neighborhood. He was also known for giving out the best Halloween candy.” Insiders say Penny lapsed into a deep depression in the past two years, following the death of her best friend Carrie Fisher and her brother Garry. Family and friends were reportedly concerned that Marshall had stopped properly caring for herself, but at this time it’s not known if anything could have been done to prevent her passing. Our thoughts go out to Marshall’s friends and family during this difficult time. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Died in 2018: In Memoriam

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Penny Marshall Dies; Film and TV Legend Was 75

David Eason Gives Jenelle a Bath, Instagram Users Recoil in Abject Horror

Strange things are taking place on Jenelle Evans' aluminum shed-strewn country estate known affectionately as The Land. The amazing thing about Jenelle and David Eason is that their lives are so absurd that even though he's been fired from Teen Mom 2 and she won't be appearing in new episodes until next month, there's still so much drama in their lives that it can be hard to keep up. Fortunately, we're here to help. In case you haven't heard, today has been one for the books, with Jenelle lashing out at her bosses, bragging about her physique and receiving a sponge bath from her husband for some reason. Take a look: 1. Life on the Land Ever since October, Jenelle and David have been locked into the sort of downward spiral that’s usually reserved for iconic rock musicians who have recently celebrated their 27th birthday. 2. The Incident It started with Jenelle accusing David of assaulting her, then quickly backpedaling on that claim. 3. The Right Move Not long after, Jenelle and David briefly broke up, but alas, they’ve since gotten back together. 4. One Angry Guy From there, the situation deteriorated rapidly, thanks in large part to David’s bizarre social media activity. 5. David’s Got Some Guns Eason even received a visit from the Secret Service last week after posting violent threats about Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and other elected officials. 6. Taking a Break? You’d think after so much insanity over a period of just a few weeks, David and Jenelle would keep a low profile for a few days. View Slideshow

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David Eason Gives Jenelle a Bath, Instagram Users Recoil in Abject Horror

Jenelle Evans & David Eason: Finally SEPARATED?!

Whether you love Jenelle Evans or hate her (although let's be honest, no one falls into the former category), you've probably been rooting for the Carolina Hurricane to end her marriage to David Eason. Sure, Jenelle is bad — often very, very bad — but David is worse. Eason is abusive ; he's a bigot; and he seems hell-bent on getting Jenelle fired, which would be a problem, as she has three kids to raise and no other means of support. So it's not hard to see why the latest indications that Jenelle and David have finally called it quits are being greeted with a round of applause from Teen Mom 2 fans. Take a look: 1. The Happy Couple? Jenelle and David haven’t officially announced that they’ve called it quits, but fans believe Jenelle has dropped several subtle hints on social media. 2. Splitsville For weeks now, rumors that Jenelle and David have broken up have been circulating on social media non-stop. 3. The Source Interestingly, the rumors originated with Jenelle herself. 4. The Unfollowing The rumors intensified last week, when Jenelle unfollowed her husband on Instagram and Facebook. 5. A Pattern Emerges It’s not the first time that she’s done so, and in the past, the move has always been an indication that Jenelle and David were having problems. 6. Familiar Territory Earlier this year, for example, Jenelle and David unfollowed one another, after he became enraged by an MTV special in which she fondly recalled her exes. View Slideshow

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Jenelle Evans & David Eason: Finally SEPARATED?!