Source: Getty They say millennials complain about everything, but we’ve finally come up with a term that perfectly explains our disdain for the everyday,difficult, mundane responsibilities that come with being a grown up in this society: Adulting. If you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the struggles of adulthood (like borrowing money from your parents and actually having to give it back), just know that you’re not alone. Check out these hilarious memes about adulting that’ll make you wish you never became one.
That Kenya sure is bad at making new friends, huh? Kenya Moore And Sherri Shepherd Get Into Twitter War After Bravo TV Appearance Via E-online : Things were tense during last night’s Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen and his guests: Sherri Shepherd and Kenya Moore. After Shepherd called the Real Housewives of Atlanta star “Kendra” several times, the ladies couldn’t hide their disdain for one another. At one point in the contentious show, Shepherd tried to offer some words of wisdom to Moore about how she should treat her fans. The two threw plenty of shade during their late-night interview, with Cohen attempting to play mediator through the program, but things took a turn for the worse once the show was off the air. Peep their twitter beef after the jump…
We didn’t see this coming! Looks like we were all right when we questioned whether or not this pairing would work out. According to TMZ… Mariah Carey wasted no time proving what we told you 2 weeks ago — there’s only room for one diva on “American Idol.” Carey and Nicki Minaj went at it during the first “A.I.” taping Sunday in NYC. When Nicki started critiquing a contestant, Mariah would interrupt — not once, but many times. Each time Mariah interrupted, Nicki fought back by loudly talking over Mariah. One “A.I.” spy said Mariah and Nicki tried to cover their disdain for each other but everyone saw through it, adding, “These girls just don’t like each other.” You may recall, we reported when producers called Mariah to tell her that Nicki would probably be joining her as a judge, she hung up the phone. Hate to admit it but we’ll be watching this season for the side-eyed glares coming from these two attention slores! LLS Images via WENN/Twitter
Image credit: Liquor Snob When I wrote about BP failing f***ing booming school , most commenters were understandably shocked and disgusted at the disdain shown by drilling crews for proper clean up procedures. One commenter, however, saw it differently. KP dismissed the BP oil slick as nothing more than an “unfortunate mishap, a huge curve ball from the earth’s unlimited reserves” before berating us environmentalists for our liberal attitudes, and encouraging us to enjoy another “tofu kelp shake”. It was, once again, a rem… Read the full story on TreeHugger
The Jonas Brothers found their groove at the Grove this weekend, as Nick, Joe and Kevin held a concert at L.A.’s popular outdoor shopping area on Saturday afternoon. Oh, did we…