Tag Archives: empire-state

Mariah Carey Flicks It Up At The Empire State Building’s 20th Annual Valentine’s Day Weddings Event [Photos]

The beautiful Mariah Carey was all smiles as she celebrated The Empire State Building’s 20th annual Valentine’s Day Weddings event. Mariah also got a chance to meet the three lucky winning couples of the event’s annual weddings contest.

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Mariah Carey Flicks It Up At The Empire State Building’s 20th Annual Valentine’s Day Weddings Event [Photos]

Girls Run The World: Beyoncé, Alicia Keys & Kerry Washington Handle Business At Home; Kim K & Rihanna Do It Big Overseas

Work it girls… Beyoncé Knowles was seen leaving a midtown office after a long day of work in New York City, Friday… She rocked a leopard print dress with thigh high tights — nice look right? Bey wasn’t the only banger out handling her business this weekend. Hit the flip to see what Alicia Keys, Kerry Washington, Rihanna and Kim K were up to. AKM-GSI/SplashNews/INFPhotos

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Girls Run The World: Beyoncé, Alicia Keys & Kerry Washington Handle Business At Home; Kim K & Rihanna Do It Big Overseas

Pure Comedy: Fox News Accidentally Uses Photo Of Gay Couple In Article About The Importance Of Heterosexual Marriage

Faux News is at it again… Fox News Accidentally Uses Photo Of Same-Sex Couple Via Gawker reports: Atop yet another typical Fox News article espousing the merits of heteronormativity sits a decidedly atypical sight: A photo of the same-sex couple who made headlines last year for being the first same-sex couple to get married at the Empire State Building. “Being equal in worth, or value, is not the same as being identical, interchangeable beings,” writes Suzanne Venker, author of How to Choose a Husband and Make Peace with Marriage. Of course, she’s talking about her belief that women should stop trying to compete with men and just give in to the fact that they were put on earth to be a wife and mother and nothing more. But looking at the photo of Stephanie Figarelle and Lela McArthur lovingly sharing their first kiss as a legally married couple, you can’t help but smile. Fox News proving once again, they are the gold standard in fair and balanced news. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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Pure Comedy: Fox News Accidentally Uses Photo Of Gay Couple In Article About The Importance Of Heterosexual Marriage

Petra Nemcova Will Light You Up

Here’s forgotten hottie Petra Nemcova lighting the Empire State Building blue and yellow for charity. And she’s not the first either; Elizabeth Hurley did it a few weeks ago. I never realized before that it was a thing to get hot chicks to light up the Empire State Building. I guess because it’s not the tallest skyscraper in New York City anymore, it’s got to compensate for that somehow. Relax guys, this isn’t a building-measuring contest. » view all 30 photos Related Articles: Petra Nemcova’s Hair Is Damn Ugly! Petra Nemcova’s Got Mega Cleavage Petra Nemcova Is Heavenly Petra Nemcova And Sean Penn? Photos: WENN.com

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Petra Nemcova Will Light You Up

Elizabeth Hurley Is Ageless

I swear, I don’t know how Elizabeth Hurley manages to stay this hot, even as she gets older. Chicks half her age don’t look this good. Here’s the ageless wonder and her perfect cleavage lighting the Empire State Building pink to celebrate breast cancer awareness. And that’s not the only large object Elizabeth lit up, if you catch my drift. (I’m talking about my penis.) What? It’s for a good cause. » view all 28 photos Related Articles: Elizabeth Hurley Because She Is Hot Lori Loughlin’s Breasts Are Ageless Pamela Anderson Lets Loose Kate Beckinsale Bikini Pictures Photos: WENN.com

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Elizabeth Hurley Is Ageless

Keith Urban Nearing Deal to Judge American Idol

American Idol is set to go a little bit country. Sources tell TMZ that Keith Urban is on the verge of signing a contract with the Fox competition. He would earn around $3 million for Season 12 and sit alongside Mariah Carey (confirmed for the panel) and Nicki Minaj (nearly confirmed). A show insider also claims Randy Jackson is out , while a fourth judge reportedly WILL be included on the panel. With the world of pop, hip hop and country now covered, it’s unclear from which genre that individual will hail from. What do you think of Keith Urban? Good choice for American Idol ?

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Keith Urban Nearing Deal to Judge American Idol

Justin Bieber Holds Fake Gun to Father, Stirs Controversy

Did Justin Bieber act irresponsibly when posing in a new Twit pic with his father and girlfriend Selena Gomez ? Many believe so, and many are demanding an apology for the singer. Here’s why: As you can see in the photo, Bieber (on the set of Gomez’s new movie, Feed the Dog ) is holding a fake gun from the film up against his father’s side. In light of the recent Aurora, Colorado and Empire State Building shootings , some consider this to be a horrible, disrespectful misstep for the artist. “Guns are on everyone’s mind as a serious crisis in Canada and the United States. Everyone, that is, except maybe Justin Bieber,” wrote a jornalist from Canada’s Globe and Mail . What do you think of the prop and the pose? Sound off now:

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Justin Bieber Holds Fake Gun to Father, Stirs Controversy

Disturbing Actual Footage Of NYPD Taking Out The Empire State Building Shooter! [Video]

Dude had on his suit with his briefcase like a regular Joe!: The NYPD released dramatic footage Friday night of their confrontation with Johnson before they eventually shot and killed him. The video shows what Police Commissioner Ray Kelly stated earlier — that the suspect pulled his handgun from the bag and pointed it at officers before the deadly conclusion to the situation. Footage Of NYPD Taking Out The Empire State Building Shooter! youtube Continue reading

Stars Tweet Shock, Sadness Over Empire State Building Tragedy

Two people were killed and at least eight others injured in a shooting spree outside the Empire State Building this morning. A 53-year old named Jeffrey Johnson , who was shot to death by police on the scene, is suspected of starting the incident in due to a dispute with a former coworker. In response to the tragedy, a myriad of celebrities have expressed shock and remorse over Twitter. We’ve included a few of their thoughts below, some of which touch on the topic of gun control… NICKI MINAJ: “Sorry to hear about this New York shooting. Sending love to the families & friends of the victims.” KIM KARDASHIAN : “Sending my prayers to everyone involved with the Empire State Building shooting! This violence has got to stop!!!” KHLOE KARDASHIAN: “Prayers and love being sent to the victims of the Empire State Building shooting. The violence has got to stop. #MakeAChange” JIM CARREY “No semi auto guns!Every 2 wks now, another mass shooting.AMERICA allowing this behavior is beneath us!Revise the second ammendment.” LA LA: “This violence has to stop!Enough is enough!Sending prayers2 the victims,their families,& those wounded in the Empire State building shooting” MARLON WAYANS: “Shooting at the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING??? Wtf? We seriously need some gun control. Not everyone can or should bare arms.” ROGER EBERT “Empire State shooting gets big coverage; 19 shot in Chicago last night.” WILLIE GARSON: “We were not at Empire State today, thanks for concern, our hearts broken for the families of more senseless madness…BE KIND TO EACH OTHER” JENNIFER WILLIAMS: “Sending my prayers to all involved in the Empire State shooting. Such a senseless tragedy.. ”

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Stars Tweet Shock, Sadness Over Empire State Building Tragedy

Kelly Clarkson Don’t Want "No Scrubs"

Yup, Kelly Clarkson is at it again. Being totally awesome and talented, that is. The Grammy Award-winning singer has covered yet another hit during her ongoing national tour, although this time the original American Idol champion is going back in time. Having taken on the two biggest 2012 hits to date – Carly Rae Jepsen’s ” Call Me Maybe ” and Gotye’s ” Somebody That I Used to Know ” – Clarkson traveled to the 1990s in Bristow, Virgina last night and made it very clear to those in attendance: She don’t want No Scrubs, people…