Tag Archives: family-attorney

Jesus Take The Wheel: 4-Year-Old Texas Girl Suffers Brain Damage After Routine Dentist Visit

What the hell??? 4-Year-Old Hospitalized After Dental Visit A Texas family is reeling after they brought their daughter in for a routine dental visit and she left with brain damage. USA Today reports: A Houston family is considering a lawsuit against a dentist after their child suffered brain damage from multiple seizures during the visit. Attorneys say the seizures were brought on by the use of several sedatives and a sometimes controversial restraint device. “In essence what happened is this child was chemically and physically suffocated,” said Jim Moriarty the attorney for the family of 4-year-old Nevaeh Hall. “This child suffered massive brain damage during that time period and that didn’t have to happen.” It wasn’t Nevaeh’s first time at Diamond Dental in Houston. Her mother, Courissa Clark, said it was her third visit and that she expected some of her daughter’s teeth to be capped or even removed because of decay. Nevaeh’s records show she was given multiple sedatives: “sedated in the office for over seven hours, given five sedatives for a routine dental procedure that should have been done and over by mid morning.” The child had been placed in a commonly used restraint device called a papoose. The device confines the child’s arms and legs so they can’t interfere with the dental procedure. “And I can tell you that this chart shows you that this child was essentially tortured,” said Moriarty, holding a printout of the oxygen, blood pressure, and pulse measurements recorded during the visit. The family attorney reports that her oxygen saturation dropped as low as 49% which ultimately caused the damage. The dentist who treated the child, Dr. Bethaniel Jefferson, was previously fined twice by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners. WOW! What do YOU think about this negligent dentist???

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Jesus Take The Wheel: 4-Year-Old Texas Girl Suffers Brain Damage After Routine Dentist Visit

George Zimmerman "Missed Opportunities" to Defuse Trayvon Martin Confrontation, Investigator Finds

George Zimmerman failed to identify himself twice and missed opportunities to defuse a confrontation with Trayvon Martin, a detective says in a newly released report. Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, is charged with second-degree murder in the February 26 shooting death of Martin, 17, in Sanford, Florida. The report, which Florida prosecutors released Tuesday, includes a video of Zimmerman showing injuries he said he suffered in the altercation with Martin. Zimmerman, 28, told police he shot the teen in self-defense, but many feel he racially profiled Martin and ignored a 911 dispatcher’s advice not to follow him. Among the documents released was a report from a police officer who conducted computerized voice stress analysis tests on Zimmerman following the incident. “Mr. Zimmerman was subjected to two exams, and was found to be classified as No Deception Indicated,” the report said. Also released was an unredacted capias request, a request that someone be taken into custody, prepared by the lead police investigator in the case. Christopher Serino wrote in the report: “Investigative findings show that (Zimmerman) had at least two opportunities to speak with (Martin) in order to defuse the circumstances surrounding their encounter.” “On at least two occasions (Zimmerman) failed to identify himself as a concerned resident or a neighborhood watch volunteer.” The detective also said Zimmerman’s actions “are inconsistent with those of a person who has stated he was in fear of another subject.” In the same report, Serino wrote that Zimmerman’s injuries were “marginally consistent with a life-threatening violent episode as described by him.” The report is one of several key pieces of information, including the Trayvon Martin autopsy report , to be released in advance of the trial. Zimmerman’s defense attorney, Mark O’Mara, filed a motion Wednesday asking that his client be allowed to appear at a Friday bond hearing in “civilian clothing instead of a prison uniform and without restraints.” Zimmerman’s bail was revoked this month after after a judge said he misled the court about his finances. He had been released in April. Video and photos of Zimmerman shackled and wearing jail garb could prejudice prospective jurors, which is a serious concern, O’Mara said. In response to the document release, O’Mara said Tuesday it will be up to a judge and jury to interpret what Serino’s report means to the case. “His suggestion that it’s marginally consistent, again, is up for review. Those people will have to look at it, whether it’d be Judge (Kenneth) Lester in a motion hearing where the jury will also make that determination,” he said. He said a jury will decide “whether or not those injuries give rise to a reasonable belief in George’s mind that he was a victim of great bodily injury or death.” Martin’s family attorney, Benjamin Crump, said he agrees with the detective. http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/27/justice/florida-teen-shooting/index.html

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George Zimmerman "Missed Opportunities" to Defuse Trayvon Martin Confrontation, Investigator Finds

GTFOHWTBS: George “Piece Of Isht” Zimmerman Launches Website To Raise Money For “Living Expenses And Legal Defense”

SMDH George Zimmerman Starts Fund-Raising Website, Florida Prosecutor Cancels Grand Jury George Zimmerman, the man police say fatally shot Trayvon Martin, has created a website. On his newly formed website: therealgeorgezimmerman.com. Zimmerman, 28, wrote, “I have been forced to leave my home, my school… and ultimately, my entire life.” He alluded to false websites soliciting money for his legal defense, saying he has not received any funds. Zimmerman also wrote that the sole purpose of the website is to ensure his supporters are receiving his full attention without any intermediaries. But he goes on to say due to his “forced inability to maintain employment,” he created a Paypal account to ensure any funds provided are used only for his living expenses and legal defense. “He has a right to raise money, to do whatever he wants. That’s up to his supporters to do what’s in their heart,” said Natalie Jackson, Trayvon Martin’s family attorney. Martin’s family attorneys hope the website is a sign an arrest is imminent and that Zimmerman is preparing to defend himself in court… …On the website, Zimmerman posted two pictures. One picture shows a sign reading “Justice for Zimmerman.” The other picture shows graffiti stating “Long Live Zimmerman.” Look this azzhole’s sorry attempt to gain sympathy… “On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website’s sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries.” “I am grateful to my friends that have come to my aid, whether publicly or personally, never questioning my integrity or actions, understanding that I cannot discuss the details of the event on February 26th, and allowing law enforcement to proceed with their investigation unhindered,” the 28-year-old Zimmerman wrote on another of the site’s pages. “Once again, I thank you for your patience and I assure you, the facts will come to light.” The NERVE of this fawking guy! Source Hit the next page to read about how Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey has cancelled the grand jury that was to hear Zimmerman’s case…

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GTFOHWTBS: George “Piece Of Isht” Zimmerman Launches Website To Raise Money For “Living Expenses And Legal Defense”

Watch Michael Jackson’s Public Memorial Service [Streaming Live at 9:55am PST]

(Photo: Getty) In the event you haven't turned on a television or opened an Internet browser since June 25, 2009, we have some sad news: The King of Pop is dead. He passed away that afternoon from cardiac arrest. His funeral services will be broadcast across the world today at 9:55am PST.

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Watch Michael Jackson’s Public Memorial Service [Streaming Live at 9:55am PST]

Michael Jackson – Heal The World Mp3 Download & Lyrics

MIchael Jackson – Heal The World Mp3 Download & Lyrics Download Heal The World Mp3 [Editor's note: Illegal content removed] Heal The World Lyrics : by Michael Jackson little girl talking ((i think about the gererations and thay say thay want to make it a better place for our children & our children's children so that thay thay thay know it's a better world for them and i think thay can make it a better place)) There's A Place In Your Heart And I Know That It Is Love And This Place Could Be Much Brighter Than Tomorrow And If You Really Try You'll Find There's No Need To Cry In This Place You'll Feel There's No Hurt Or Sorrow There Are Ways To Get There If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Little Space Make A Better Place… Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me If You Want To Know Why There's A Love That Cannot Lie Love Is Strong It Only Cares For Joyful Giving If We Try We Shall See In This Bliss We Cannot Feel Fear Or Dread We Stop Existing And Start Living Then It Feels That Always Love's Enough For Us Growing So Make A Better World Make A Better World… Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me And The Dream We Were Conceived In Will Reveal A Joyful Face And The World We Once Believed In Will Shine Again In Grace Then Why Do We Keep Strangling Life Wound This Earth Crucify Its Soul Though It's Plain To See This World Is Heavenly Be God's Glow We Could Fly So High Let Our Spirits Never Die In My Heart I Feel You Are All My Brothers Create A World With No Fear Together We'll Cry Happy Tears See The Nations Turn Their Swords Into Plowshares We Could Really Get There If You Cared Enough For The Living Make A Little Space To Make A Better Place..

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Michael Jackson – Heal The World Mp3 Download & Lyrics

The Secrets of Michael Jackson’s Spending Revealed in Court

Singer Michael Jackson departs early from the Santa Barbara County courthouse at the end of the sixth week of his trial April 8, 2005 in Santa Maria, California. Jackson is charged in a 10-count indictment with molesting a boy, plying him with liquor and conspiring to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion

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The Secrets of Michael Jackson’s Spending Revealed in Court

Woman files suit against Michael Jackson for custody of son Blanket

Michael Jackson’s Family At Odds Over Will, Final Resting Place

Singer’s siblings upset that mother Katherine hired attorney to challenge will’s co-executors. By James Montgomery Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon, Randy, Janet and Paris Jackson Photo: Harrison Funk/ WireImage Nearly a month after he died, Michael Jackson ‘s family is taking sides on a number of issues, and it seems as if some lengthy legal battles are brewing. First, there’s the matter of Jackson’s will , which was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court earlier this month names family attorney John Branca, accountant Barry Siegel and longtime friend John McClain as the co-executors of the Michael Jackson Trust.

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Michael Jackson’s Family At Odds Over Will, Final Resting Place