Tag Archives: fashion-thing

Cynda Mcelvana by David Lekach of the Day

Cynda Mcelvana is some LA “model”…. straight from the mean streets of Arkansas…moved to LA because that’s what you do when you’re straight from the mean streets of Arkansas….and may be freshly out of high school and already out there getting busy…despite looking really fucking young…people like that…and I like the hustle of today’s youth who understand the “be your own boss”….strategy of life… This is a shoot that brought some joy to my empty life…by photographer David Lekach who I’ve never heard of either, but who broke into some public pool, stripped her down and got her naked…and naked young girls…is more than art…it is fucking life…or should be…and could be…thanks to social media…life changing. Follow this babe on @cynda_mcelvana The post Cynda Mcelvana by David Lekach of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Cynda Mcelvana by David Lekach of the Day

Grace Hartzel for Document Journal of the Day

Grace “Gracie” Hartzel….she’s an actual model – from small town Indiana to the runways of Paris because she’s tall and skinny….she’s tall and skinny…and barely 20…and she’s showing her vagina…full slit….and bush an I fucking love bush…especially when it’s for art…because this is art…vagina slit art… I guess Grace “Gracie” Hartzel is a trooper…someone who is hard working and will do whatever it takes for her model life…and that involves…showing slit…so be it…show that slit…because slit isn’t porn…when it’s got nice lighting and belongs to a fashion model.. She started modelling at 13, where we can assume no one got arrested for posing her in creepy ways, as it is impossible to take pics of a 13 year old for fashion without it being creepy…and I’m sure she’s seen some shit…that involves much more than just showing vagina…it’s a fashion thing you know… You can visit her on instagram where she’s so fashion and luxury like all Indian girls… HERE The post Grace Hartzel for Document Journal of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Grace Hartzel for Document Journal of the Day

Kylie Jenner’s Instagram Is Serious Trouble

After this latest Kylie Jenner selfie, I think it’s safe to say that Kylie’s following in the family business by becoming a professional Twitter model. That, or her Instagram is all part of some elaborate LAPD online sting operation. So just to be safe, the only thing I’ll say about the newly-appointed Kardashian family teenage troublemaker is that I hope she grows up to be just like her big sisters. The hot ones, that is. Now let’s move on.

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Kylie Jenner’s Instagram Is Serious Trouble

Kendall Jenner Is A Real Model Now, Guys

Since I still feel kinda bad about getting you perverts in trouble with those Kylie Jenner shots earlier, I figured I’d make it up to you with Kendall Jenner ‘s latest photoshoot. According to my sources, these are from the newest issue of Vogue . And I guess it’s good to see that Kendall’s actually become a real fashion model now, which makes her probably the only one in the family with a real job. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who wishes she’d stuck to amateur Instagram modeling and booty selfies like the rest of her sisters. So here’s hoping this fashion thing is just a phase.

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Kendall Jenner Is A Real Model Now, Guys

Hayden Panettiere’s Fake Tits at the ESPY Awards of the Day

The highlight of the ESPY awards was Hayden Panettiere bringing out her implants that she got to balance out her broad shoulders that prior to being balanced out made her look like a boxing midget ready to do some novelty act at a bachelor party, you know starting with shooting hot dogs out of her twat and ending with the groom in a headlock between her thighs while all his friends laugh at his humiliation, or doing whatever else midgets with muscles do…. I generally hate fake tits but you know sometimes they save shitty tits, and sometimes they make tranny pros less homo to get blowjobs from. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK Bonus: Maria Sharapova Was Also There FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Hayden Panettiere’s Fake Tits at the ESPY Awards of the Day

Jessica Miller Titties for Fashion of the Day

Jessica Miller is some model who is showing her tits for fashion because that is what models do…especially when they are pushing 30 and from Las Vegas, well aware of what happens to the Showgirls who never showed their tits, or showed their tits in the wrong venue, who are now fat and married to a slot machine, probably a lot like her mother, who helped her do this legit fashion thing, and I made that whole story up, it is purely fantasy, except maybe for the fact that bitch is in a photoshoot showing her tits like a stripper getting paid, only hoping for exposure and that works out perfectly for me.

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Jessica Miller Titties for Fashion of the Day

Lindsay Lohab Lookin’ Like Death of the Day

A girl on my facebook took this picture of Lindsay Lohan at Terry Richardson at some show that Terry Richardson was putting on where Lohan went to support cuz it was the “it” fashion thing to be seen at…and because she likes to pretend she is Terry Richardson’s muse as it makes her feel important…while Richardson likes to pretend she is too cuz people love looking at pics of Lohan half naked …..except me….because when I look at this face I see a 48 year old housewife trying to look young and not a hot little cokeslut looking to suck my dick….there’s nothing appealing in it to me…no fantasy….and I’ve met Lohan and still can’t even debate fapping to her…… This is only hot to the haters and the necrophiliacs hoping that this look is a direct reflection of her health….leading one to believe she’ll soon be a corpse… But as a longtime Lohan fan and lover…I just get disppointed….knowing that such amazing tits are going to waste….with such a wasted face….especially when she looked like this and THIS in 2008…. To See the Rest of th Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lindsay Lohab Lookin’ Like Death of the Day

Lindsay Lohab Lookin’ Like Death of the Day

A girl on my facebook took this picture of Lindsay Lohan at Terry Richardson at some show that Terry Richardson was putting on where Lohan went to support cuz it was the “it” fashion thing to be seen at…and because she likes to pretend she is Terry Richardson’s muse as it makes her feel important…while Richardson likes to pretend she is too cuz people love looking at pics of Lohan half naked …..except me….because when I look at this face I see a 48 year old housewife trying to look young and not a hot little cokeslut looking to suck my dick….there’s nothing appealing in it to me…no fantasy….and I’ve met Lohan and still can’t even debate fapping to her…… This is only hot to the haters and the necrophiliacs hoping that this look is a direct reflection of her health….leading one to believe she’ll soon be a corpse… But as a longtime Lohan fan and lover…I just get disppointed….knowing that such amazing tits are going to waste….with such a wasted face….especially when she looked like this and THIS in 2008…. To See the Rest of th Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lindsay Lohab Lookin’ Like Death of the Day