Tag Archives: find-it-amazing

Candice Swanepoel Young Mother Tits at Burning Man of the Day

Here’s Candice Swanpoel, a new mom and VS model who has only done VS, at Burning Man….becuase that’s hat moms do…. they go to that bullshit hippie event Burning Man, designed for disconnected rich people, tech billionaires and models, to reconnect with the earth, or their inner soul, by doing mind altering drugs in the desert, to really feel like their empty lives have substance, and their soulless money grubbing existence has souls, and that their “existence” actually matters….but it doesn’t, it never does…but it does help commercialize through social media…a fetsival that I am sure was always lame, just not this lame, because people who attend mass gatherings are by default idiots…..unless that mass gathering is collectively overthrowing the government so that we collectively don’t have to pay taxes anymore…but no one does that…instead they dance around naked or on bikes in silly costumes they’ve planned and curated all year….idiots..fuck them and the private jet they flew in on.. The post Candice Swanepoel Young Mother Tits at Burning Man of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Candice Swanepoel Young Mother Tits at Burning Man of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Kind Of Naked for Narcisse of the Day

I find it amazing that 35 year old mom of two or three Alessandra Ambrosio is still modeling, whenever I see her pics I think “she looks good for a 35 year old, but why the hell is she still getting paid to model”…it’s like throw in the panties bitch, we get it your fake tits are only 5 years old, but that doesn’t mean you’re that fresh girl, and we get it you still have a tight enough body, but that doesn’t mean your as tight as an 18 year old trying to get the jobs she’s got, it’s like force her to retire like they do in Switzerland, it’s like get out of her old timer, people don’t know or care who you are anymore, the youth shouldn’t at least and if they do…that’s a real fucking flaw…because there’s not much else to her….she’s not hosting TV like Tyra and Klum or other VS models who have transitioned like they Bruce Jenner…she’s still doing what she did, like she did, as she did, hoping no one notices she’s a fucking old timer…too old to be there…in a get the fuck out of her..situation… That said, this is one of her hotter shoots… The post Alessandra Ambrosio Kind Of Naked for Narcisse of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Alessandra Ambrosio Kind Of Naked for Narcisse of the Day

More from the Emily Ratajkowski in Cosmo Shot of the Day

There are a few things I find funny about Emily Ratajkowski. One being that before she got famous, she used to tip me off on her posts, personally, to get me to do posts on her. She was an up and coming nude model with a dream – and she shot with a bunch of people I know. I don’t hate her for her hustle, I just find it amazing that it actually worked for her…what a good set of tits will do for a girl – is remarkable..I mean I am sure there was some sex to get ahead lateral career moves also – like when she banged Kanye a lot…but it’s all part of the process.. So here she is for Cosmo…now that she’s a big actor…even though she’s still posting lingerie pics on instagram – because I guess it is all she knows. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks…or you can’t take the whore out of the whore…whatever it is – her eshe is for cosmo…

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More from the Emily Ratajkowski in Cosmo Shot of the Day

Annalynne McCord’s Nipples Get Chilly

Apparently this 90210 TV show is still a thing, I don’t know how, but it still is and that means that the producers are still finding reasons to get AnnaLynne McCord into sexy situations. And I like it. Here she is fully clothed while she frolics in the surf on set. Normally I’d be pretty pissed that she’s not in a bikini, but the weather seems to be a little chilly, so I’ll let it slide. #nipplysituation

Aubrey O’Day Drops Some Decent Hotness

I still find it amazing that Aubrey O’Day somehow manages to keep herself relevant. I don’t even know what it is she does that makes her a celebrity. Is it me? Here she is having her picture taken outside some fancy restaurant as she heads to dinner. Not bad. I mean obviously there should be a hell of a lot more cleavage, but what can you do? Apparently she’s so messed up in the head that she had a doctor write her a note so that she can have her dogs fly with her in first class on the airplane. What the hell? Can I get this doctor to write me a note so that I can have a couple of Korean hookers with me at all times?

Arianny Celeste & Her Hot Friend Bikini Pics

Here’s sexy UFC ring girl Arianny Celeste and one of her friends hanging out together in their sexy little bikini. I think more friends should spend quality time together like this, nothing solidifies a friendship like touching each other while half naked. I always find it amazing when a woman’s breasts look like they’re pushed together in a bikini top. It’s a natural wonder. Do they make push up bikini? Amazing.

Lady GaGa Forgets Her Pants

I find it amazing what celebrities can get away with, here’s Lady GaGa doing some shopping the other day without any pants on. I get that she’s trying to be provocative, but give me a break. Someone needs to book her a gig in Singapore and watch the sparks fly. When I tried to do a little holiday shopping last week in an outfit not unlike this one, I received the beating of a lifetime by the security guards. Who knew testicles in a mall were considered so offensive. Double standard.