Tag Archives: former-beauty

Brittany Mason Bikini Pictures

Just when I thought I couldn’t possible get any more jealous about not getting an invite to last night’s Leather and Laces Super Bowl Party, I come across these pictures of  Brittany Mason . Now that’s how you follow a dress code. And before seeing these, I wouldn’t have thought a former beauty queen would have been able to figure out a way to stand out in a room full of world-class supermodels. But I’d say she definitely succeeded, and then some. So congratulations Brittany, you just won my Super Bowl Party MVP. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Hannah Elizabeth’s Lingerie Pictures Will Blow Your Mind

Just when I thought I knew every single busty British nobody out there, I came across these pictures of Hannah Elizabeth in the latest issue of Zoo . And once I was able to get my brain working again, I had to find out more about this hottie and her perfect bolt-ons. Turns out Hannah’s a former beauty queen and Playboy model, and with a little luck, pretty soon she’ll be able to add “future ex-Mrs. Tuna” to that impressive resume. Yow. » view all 12 photos

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Hannah Elizabeth’s Lingerie Pictures Will Blow Your Mind

Miss World Rosanna Davison Bikini Pictures

In case you always wondered what happened to former beauty pageant winners, here you go: they continue to look hot in bikinis, like former Miss World Rosanna Davison here. I’m not sure what else she’s up to these days, but after these pictures, I think Rosanna could definitely make a second career out of looking good at the beach. It’s big business for hot nobodies, and I should know. If Rosanna wants any tips, I’m available to consult.

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Miss World Rosanna Davison Bikini Pictures

Jena Sims: The 50 Foot Cheerleader

I didn’t know who this Jena Sims girl was at first, but apparently she’s a former beauty queen. As for what she’s doing at the 007 event, I can give you two good reasons, and they’re both currently bulging out of her dress. And with a body like that, this girl can definitely go places. Like my bed… As a bonus, here’s a video of Jena in her new movie Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader . Huh, and I didn’t think those things could get any bigger. » view all 16 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Jena Sims: The 50 Foot Cheerleader

Gwyneth Paltrow gets Country Strong in New Trailer

Studios still think audiences want to know the entire story of a movie before they see it. For evidence, just see the trailer for Country Strong , which stars Gwyneth Paltrow as an unstable country star who embarks on a comeback tour organized by her husband/manager (Tim McGraw). Said tour also features a young singer-songwriter (Garrett Hedlund) who Paltrow gets involved with, and a former beauty queen (Leighton Meester) who wants to be taken seriously as an artist.

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Gwyneth Paltrow gets Country Strong in New Trailer

Tiger Woods Car Crash Photos

These are the amazing photos that show the damage caused by Tiger Woods and his wife. The green paint from the fire hydrant is clearly visible on the left front bumper and the right side of the engine compartment is completely caved in . Also visible in the photos is not one but two side rear windows that, according to Tiger, Elin smashed with a golf club in an attempt to save him.

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Tiger Woods Car Crash Photos

Argentina Is The Butt Of The News

Solange Magnano (above), who was crowned Miss Argentina in 1994, was rushed to the hospital after she had butt implant surgery. The former beauty queen died Sunday of a pulmonary embolism. A close friend, fashion designer Roberto Piazza , said the procedure involved injections and the liquid “went to her lungs and brain.”