Tag Archives: from-the-beach

Ebonee Davis and Her Big Black Tits of the Day

Ebonee Davis has great fucking tits. She’s really fucking hot. I am a fan and yes, I am a black lives matter activist- especially when they look like this… I have always had jungle fever – are you allowed to say jungle fever in this era of non-racism – where our words are being so controlled and analyzed it becomes racist in and of itself…and takes away from the American Experience…. Instead of letting us all be free to call wanting to fuck hot black chicks whatever the fuck we want….especially when the fantasy is consenual sex and not plantation owner rape….and I know Ebonee Davis isn’t actually from the jungle, she’s probably more likely from the dessert, or from the beach in the islands thanks to her ancestors that were brought there for sugar…it’s just a fucking expression…all you fucks with your oppressive anti-generalizing – who don’t realize that equal rights doesn’t mean I can’t call someone black…or tits…or whatever the fuck you want to call a girl with great tits If you want to see her topless from 2013…. CLICK HERE The post Ebonee Davis and Her Big Black Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ebonee Davis and Her Big Black Tits of the Day

Anastasia Ashley Promotes Her Jewelry Line the Best of the Day

Anastasia Ashley is a magical creature sent from the beach, to the internet, via 1000s of bikini pics…who along with showcasing her awesome fit ass, like so many other girls try to do…is also a professional surfer…so she has a good excuse…and it also means she makes her living surfing…and that’s pretty fucking amazing considering how most of the world makes their living by not surfing but rather doing shitty fucking jobs that contribute to making some other asshole rich… Well, it looks like Anastasia, as lovely as she is, has ventured out to start her own Jewelry line , and it’s safe to say that these pics are probably the bet way I’ve seen Jewelry marketed, not that I’ve ever seen Jewelry marketed, but you get what I am saying and that is that the Jewelry doesn’t matter…thanks to that ass. See Her Jewelry HERE See Her Jewelry HERE

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Anastasia Ashley Promotes Her Jewelry Line the Best of the Day

Elisa Donovan and Charlie Bigelow wedding photo

“After meeting three years ago in Sayulita, Mexico while vacationing with friends, we are thrilled to report that we were married on Oct. 13,” the couple said. “We credit Charlie#39;s friend Owen for waving Elisa in from the beach in what would be the moment that changed our lives.” The bride, 41, wore an Elizabeth Fillmore dress and Jimmy Choo shoes while the groom, 36, donned a Burberry tux for the sunny outdoor ceremony on the Vineyard Lawn at The Carmel Valley Ranch. Donovan, whose brother

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Elisa Donovan and Charlie Bigelow wedding photo

Puppy Rescued From Underground Pipe, Goes Viral

A tiny Michigan puppy was recently rescued from an underground pipe and became a viral video star … just in time to warm hearts this Valentine’s Day! What’s not to love about a tale of human rescuers and a trapped puppy, bonded by love? Not a lot, people. The story begins in subterranean Detroit. Five days ago, a four-week-old Puggle / Dauschund mix got trapped in an underground pipe, and was stuck overnight. Workers could hear, but not see it. The Michigan Humane Society called plumbers who brought cameras to look inside the pipe and a Bobcat excavator was brought in to dig around the pipes … Puppy Rescued From Underground Pipe Eventually, workers were able to reach the section of the pipe where the precious little critter was squeaking for help … and look what emerged! The dog was in surprisingly good health, just a little dehydrated and cold. Even better news? You can adopt him from the Michigan Humane Society! Even if you’re one of those people who curses February 14 as a useless, Hallmark holiday (i.e. a guy), you’ve gotta be tearing up just a little here. Right? Right. Happy Valentine’s Day!

See the article here:
Puppy Rescued From Underground Pipe, Goes Viral

Kim Kardashian: All Natural in Allure?

The natural position of Kim Kardashian is standing up tall, chest out, on the red carpet of Las Vegas. So we suppose the reality star has a point when she blogs that she appears on this month’s cover of Allure with a “very low-key, natural look!” See what she means here: Kardashian is supposedly mascara free for the shot, as makeup artist Fulvia Farolfi tells the magazine that “Kim is a natural beauty. So we wanted to show her as naturally as possible, like she had just come back from the beach.” Ummm… by definition, doesn’t that mean they made her up? We somehow doubt this is the way Kim looks when she wakes up in the morning, but we’ll have to get our hands on Ray J’s video to be certain. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS KIM’S BEST LOOK?

See the original post:
Kim Kardashian: All Natural in Allure?

Gulf Coast Oil Disaster: Photos (Ongoing)

GETTY IMAGES A worker uses a shovel to remove an oil glob from the beach Thursday, July 1, in Biloxi, Mississippi. added by: EthicalVegan