Corporate corruption of the defense industry is at the heart of the motivation that leads insiders to leak information to Wikileaks. Honest everyday people that work for the government and its myriad of private contractors in the capitalist world are morally repulsed by the information that they are being charged with keeping secret represent to their sense of honoring their other sense for justice and truth. They cannot help themselves but reveal the corruption because it is morally repugnant to them. +++ The leak may have come from the State Department itself The controversy and the caliber of the information have led some political analysts to the conclusion that it could only have leaked from the State Department itself, which puts its efficiency under question. Vitaly Leibin, the chief editor of Russian Reporter, a magazine which claims to officially collaborate with WikiLeaks, also believes that the leaks are the result of people inside the US government wanting the information exposed. “These leaks would never have happened if not for the number of insiders who are ready to leak this information. It looks like it’s linked to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when officers understood that they are working for a not exactly fair business, and this moral decay inside the Pentagon caused these leaks,” he said. “The main thing this leak has done is break the illusion that the State department has everything under control. There have been exposed mechanisms – not secret, but quite simple and cynical. Partners of the US will be more careful now. It’s another sign that the US is no longer dominating the world,” he added. What the WikiLeaks incident shows is how the whole intelligence community has become over-reliant on technology, said former intelligence officer Glenmore Trenear-Harvey. He pointed out the inherent problems with the Secret Internet Protocol, a system of networks used by the US Defense and State Departments to transmit classified information that is one of the alleged sources of the leak. “The idea was for an exchange of information after 9/11, when the intelligent services weren’t sharing their information together,” he said. “Now what has happened is that whereas maybe 40,000 people within the intelligence community would have access, suddenly, bizarrely, diplomats, military people and, indeed, intelligence people – there’s over 2 million people that had access to it.” +++ Now that these revelations are making governments reconsider their security I would venture to say that this is going to lead to an extended cyberwar along with resistance from states to support some of the security measures that will likely be proposed by US lawmakers. added by: jubal
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged afghanistan, defense, from-the-state, happened-if-not, Hollywood, illusion, intelligence, motivation, TMZ