One of the cool things about being on Teen Mom is that you make a lot of money. Like, a lot . The moms and the original dads make hundreds of thousands of dollars per season, if you can even believe it, and they also get to travel for free if MTV is filming, which is pretty neat since we've been seeing a lot more vacations on the show recently. But besides the show itself, cast members are pulling in crazy amounts of cash from all kinds of wild and crazy places. “Like where?” you may be wondering. Well, wonder no further … 1. Dang As we’ve said, the original cast members — the moms and the dads of their first children — all make the same amount, which is somewhere in the neighborhood of $350,000 to $400,000 a season. But what else does everyone do? 2. Amber Portwood Let’s start with reviewing Amber’s side hustles — this will be the easiest to do, because she really doesn’t have any. 3. Not Much She shares articles on her Instagram page, which brings in some money, and she did appear on that one season of Marriage Boot Camp a couple of years ago, so that’s something. 4. A Quick Hobby For a little while there, she got into flipping houses with Matt Baier, but she hasn’t done that since he’s been gone. 5. Forever Haute She did have that sketchy clothing company for a little while, Forever Haute, but she hasn’t talked about it in a very long time, and the brand’s Facebook page hasn’t been updated for a year and a half, so it’s probably safe to say that that’s done. 6. Well … Right now, she’s facing years in prison after assaulting Andrew Glennon, so she’s probably not thinking so much about her next business venture, you know? View Slideshow
Things got very ugly on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation last night. And, incredibly, none of the drama centered around Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro. Instead, viewers tuned in to see the fallout from last week’s interactions between Zack Clayton Carpinello, Jenni “JWoww” Farley and Angelina Pivarnick. In real time, of course, Farley dumped Carpinello after she watched the previous episode and witnessed how he flirted up a storm with Angelina (while JWoww was passed out at a club). But these installments were filmed months ago — meaning Thursday night gave us a glimpse at at the complete $hitstorm that broke out the day after Zack, Jenni and Angelina got wasted during an evening out… … and Zack totally groped a stunned Angelina on the dance floor. The following morning, Jenni woke up — still in her dress and still drunk. As Zack quietly tried to get her ready for the airport, Vinny talked to Angelina in the living room. “The weirdest thing is I saw you guys dancing at Drai’s, and he grabbed you,” he said, adding that he witnessed Zack “touching your ass.” YES! Thank you! Angelina was ecstatic to hear this. “You saw it! You saw it! I saw your face! Oh, thank God. Thank God! I wasn’t dreaming,” she exclaimed, claiming that Zack told her after the club that he would be calling her to say hi. She thought the entire situation was really odd and felt 24 just got “too comfortable, too quick.” “Even though I don’t like Angelina, I actually agree with her right now, that that was kind of shady situation,” Vin said in a later confessional. “I know that Jenni is looking through Zack-colored lenses right now, but if Jenni finds out about this whole thing, she’s gonna flip out.” Cut to everyone heading home and a text thread getting underway about what the heck happened between Zack and Angelina. “We were in a group chat talking about the night Jenni was drunk in Vegas with 24,” Vinny told the camera. “I made a comment like, ‘Yeah, and how about when Zack was dancing with Angelina?’ Angelina says that Zack was grabbing her, she doesn’t like 24, she’s saying his intentions aren’t good, and that really pissed off Jenni.” From there, the episode delved into a lot of he-said/she-said territory, as a now-sober JWoww tried to piece together what transpired. During a FaceTime call with Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi to fill her in, she relayed her boyfriend’s side of the scandalous story. “Angelina’s trying to turn it into something like he grabbed her. She f-cking kissed him!” Jenni shouted into the phone. Elsewhere, Angelina was busy keeping her fiancé, Chris, in the loop. “[Nicole] is texting me saying, ‘What happened in Vegas? Did you make it a big deal that he was dancing with you?'” she read from her phone. “How f-cking dare her?!” Back to Vinny: “Any time you’re on Jenni’s bad side, you’re also on Nicole’s bad side,” he explained. “So Nicole starts to text Angelina like as Jenni’s little attack chihuahua and was like, ‘What are you saying about Zack?’ So now it’s an all-out war. Jenni’s now saying that Angelina tried to kiss Zack, Angelina’s mad that everyone’s teaming up on her, that this is gonna ruin her engagement. “And we’re all about to get together for Deena [Cortese]’s baby’s baptism in just a couple days.” Angelina then cried on Deena’s shoulder at the latter’s house, insisting that she was the one wronged here. “But what did Zack do? He just moved you out of the way?” Deena asked. Angelina said it was an intentional and “inappropriate” grab that was causing major strain on her engagement and life in general. “I’m stressed out. I lost so much weight over all this. This can break up my engagement, you know? Just her saying that? My fiancé thinks that this actually happened, and this is why I’m upset,” she said, wiping away tears. Jenni. for her part, was having trouble of her own… simply because she couldn’t remember anything about the night in question. “I just don’t like being that person that’s like, ‘I don’t remember any of it.’ But I’m glad that I was that level because, if I would’ve saw that, her kissing him, and I was in a state of mind…” she said, imagining laying the smackdown on Angelina. After Vinny tried to explain that Zack had acted inappropriate, Jenni blew him off and said that Carpinello claimed that Angelina kissed him . “I’m sorry, but like, there’s nothing for me to be mad at,” she later told the camera, adding: “Unless Zack like physically cheated on me, not my problem! If he kissed her, that would be a huge problem, but he didn’t! Supposedly, she did. “I don’t trust Angelina. I truly believe Zack. He’s just not capable of lying. There’s nothing for him to gain out of that.” When Deena got together with Jenni and Nicole later that night, she explained that Angelina had come over and cried to her about the situation. “‘Cause she’s guilty!” Jenni yelled. “I would cry, too, if I was like, ‘Damn, I got f-cked up and I kissed someone.’ Zack was like, ‘I have nothing to hide. I would never disrespect you.’ He hasn’t even flinched over it.” ( Editor’s Note : Zack has since owned up to his actions .) At the after-party for Deena’s son’s baptism, Angelina and JWoww were seated at different tables and managed to avoid each other. But Snooki approached Angelina and said: “Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t do anything.” Angelina replied” “Aw, that’s cute, Nicole.” “I texted you to let you know what happened because I black out sometimes,” Snooki explained. “I f-ck up sometimes and I get drunk, and I’m like, ‘What the f-ck did I do?’ That’s why I texted you, to be like, ‘Girl, you were drunk. This is what I was hearing about you.'” Angelina responded, in reference to Zack: “I just think you’re defending someone that you shouldn’t be defending.” Watch Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 3 Episode 12 Online And, with that, she left the party alongside Chris. When will the much-hyped Angelina versus Jenni showdown actually take place? Guess we’ll need to tune in next Thursday night to find out!
There’s a baby boom going on right about now at Grey Sloan Memorial. Thursday’s episode of this long in the tooth ABC introduced another pregnancy into the mix. Bailey is the second series regular character to be revealed as pregnant, mere weeks after we learned that Amelia was with child. Given that this series loves to give fans all the feels, it’s difficult to imagine both of these pregnancies being smooth sailing. But how did Bailey learn about her own pregnancy? Well, she had the day from hell. Meredith got interviewed by a publication, and her words were twisted. It sounded like a smear campaign against Grey Sloan Memorial, and all of Grey’s former colleagues were up in arms about it. For her part, Mer felt terrible and decided to put her freedom at risk to get her point across. Instead of completing community service, she returned to the hospital to let Bailey know everything was taken out of context. But Bailey was done with her and their friendship. “I made you study. I made you practice. I was your friend, your mentor and overtime. You needed me, I was there. You can sit there and apologize to me and say all the moving words but the damage has been done,” Bailey said. That was enough for Grey to leave the hospital, but not before she ran into her boyfriend Deluca. They got into it over Mer ditching community service because she could be sent to jail, but the former surgeon wasn’t in the mood to be talked down to. “I don’t need this,” she said to him. “If you think there’s a world where I just sit back when everything’s broken and hurting people and killing people, you don’t really know me at all.” The fate of their relationship was left very much up in the air. As for Bailey, she gave Deluca the Chief Residents’ job, saying that he can fix his girlfriend’s mess, but nobody was happy to have him there. Bailey ultimately worried that she was having a heart attack, just years after the big scare that almost ended her life. She turned to Maggie, who ran some tests and revealed that Bailey was perimenopausal and pregnant. “I heard you, I just don’t understand,” Bailey said. Elsewhere, Koracick wanted to fix the image of the hospital, and he tried to do so by recording a surgery on a child pro bono. Jackson did not want cameras in the operating rooms, so he shut it down. He bickered with Tom about it and ultimately told Tom that he was his boss as he owned part of the hospital. The camera was shut down, and Jackson took on the surgery. Speaking of Tom, he dropped his order for Owen to stay away from him, but the damage was done. Owen had agreed to move to Pac North with Alex and Richard. Wowza. What did you think of all the action? Hit the comments! Watch Grey’s Anatomy Season 16 Episode 4 Online
Raiven Adams is pregnant with Bear Brown’s baby and has been flaunting her baby bump for fans to admire. Not everything has been easy. Being pregnant and being famous are hard enough without suddenly doing both at once. Before leaving Instagram for a while to avoid hateful trolls, Raiven opened up about the hardest part of her pregnancy. Raiven Adams is about 12 weeks pregnant with Bear Brown’s child. On social media, she opened up about the most difficult thing about her pregnancy. “I’m probably very extra about it,” she admitted. Raiven continued: “But I research everything I eat to make sure it’s safe.” “It’s overwhelming sometimes,” she acknowledged. That’s very smart. Some foods that seem harmless or even healthy can be hamrful while pregnant (or breastfeeding). Raiven also spoke about the difficulties in general of her pregnancy so far. “Right now it’s hard because I’m always sick,” she revealed. “But,” she was sure to emphasize. “I am blessed to have a baby on the way.” That’s great! Unfortunately, her pregnancy is not the only source of trouble in her life. As we mentioned, some “fans” of Alaskan Bush People and of Bear Brown in particular have been dogpiling on Raiven. They didn’t like that she an Bear were quietly dating for six months before going public. It looks like some envied her. They didn’t like that she was pansexual — which is straight-up bigotry. They didn’t like when they got engaged, when they broke up, when they found out that they were expecting, or when they got back together. And they certainly didn’t like that those things happened in that order. Last time, when the barrage of hate and trolls became too much, Raiven ended things with Bear, resolving to remain friends. This time, she knew that she didn’t want to let these same monsters get to her again. Instead, she made the wise choice of simply stepping back from social media — from Instagram, specifically. It’s a shame, but it’s the right move. Trolls have no power to upset her in her condition if she doesn’t see the vitriol tha they hurl in her direction. Raiven is not the only one to take a huge step back from Instagram. This week, Bear Brown took to the same social media site to share an announcement of his own. “Gonna be off Instagram for a little while!” he revealed. Thank you everybody!” Bear expressed. “God bless!” Even when haters are nipping at his heels, the self-described King of Extreme remains so friendly, open, and chill. Contrary to what weird conspiracy theorists masquerading as fans might say, Raiven was not interested in fame. She’s made that clear. She and Bear were friends first, only later becoming a couple. And no, she did not become pregnant in order to “trap” him. She only discovered that she was pregnant after they had broken up. Alaskan Bush People fans should be overjoyed that the Brown family is getting yet another grandchild. Most fans are happy about it, of course. But it takes only a few loud negative voices to ruin a good time. We hope that they both return to Instagram when they’re feeling better about it. View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know
It’s been just over two weeks since the world learned that Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott have broken up . And sure, other things have happened during that time, but frankly … none of them matter. Impeachment inquiries? Joker movies? Polar ice caps melting at an alarming rate? All of those things are small potatoes compared to the news that Stormi’s parents have been driven apart by the winds of change. On Instagram, fans have been begging Kylie to take Travis back . Frankly, that seems a little strange to us, especially since no one really knows why she kicked her baby daddy to the curb in the first place. What if the rumors about Travis cheating on Kylie with Rojean Kar turn out to be true? Will the shippers still want them to get back together then?! Actually, it’s probably best if we don’t know the answer to that. Anyway, for whatever reason, Kylie’s most obsessive fans are convinced that the reconciliation is a foregone conclusion, and she and Travis will find their way back to one another eventually. These folks have been combing her social media for weeks in search of evidence, and now, they found what they were looking for in the above photo. Yes, to the untrained eye, it’s just a photo of Kylie and her daughter at one of those LA pumpkin patches where everyone goes to do autumn cosplay, even though it’s 85 and sunny. But if you cross-reference Kylie and Travis’ Instagram Stories from Wednesday, you’ll notice clues that they both accompanied Stormi on her gourd-hunting expedition. Take a look: In case there was any doubt, the pic is even date-stamped. It may not seem like much, but this is the closest we’ve come to Kylie and Travis appearing in a photo together in almost a month. Needless to say, if you’re one of those weirdos who drifts off to sleep each night muttering a desperate prayer for a KyVis reconciliation, this is very exciting news. Unfortunately, it seems you may have gotten your hopes up for no reason, as TMZ is reporting that Kylie and Travis have taken Stormi on several family outings together, but still have no intention of getting back together. So we guess the good news is, Kylie and Travis are committed to amicable co-parenting, and the other good news is, the terrifying stans who are obsessed with this relationship might eventually have to go back to thinking about their own lives. C’mon, y’all … Kylie’s literally a billionaire . Both she and Stormi will be fine. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner Playboy Cover: Revealed, Very Busty!
Last week, much of the Duggar family traveled west to visit Jinger Duggar in Los Angeles . It was the Duggars’ first pilgrimage to the City of Angels, and the entire Counting On clan made the trip — with two important exceptions. Jill Duggar stayed home with her kids, and her younger sister Joy-Anna embarked on a different kind of journey. Joy was curiously quiet on social media for most of the time that her family was in California, which led to rumors of a falling out. But now, we know she had simply set out on an adventure — one that made it very difficult to update her social media pages. Earlier this week, Joy posted the photo below to the joint Instagram account she shares with Austin. “Colorado,” the mother of one captioned the pic. “Y’all! I got to come with the guys this year on their Elk hunting trip! It’s freezing cold and we have already done a ton of hiking, but we’re excited cuz we’ve already spotted some elk!” she added. “Can’t wait for opening morning! It is absolutely GORGEOUS here!” While it’s unclear if Joy actually wielded a weapon herself, the revelation that she participated in an elk hunt didn’t sit well with some fans. “Why do you like to kill animals?I could not!” commented one such follower. Several others voiced their displeasure with Joy’s heavily-armed camping trip, but in the end, she seemed to have more supporters than detractors. “From one Colorado hunting woman to another, I appreciate you!” wrote one fan. ”I have lived here my whole life but my husband and I began hunting together 3 years ago,” the commenter continued. “Such an amazing experience and there’s just something about being surrounded by the beauty of Gods creation that really relaxes you! Cannot wait to get out there for deer season in just a few weeks! Good luck!!” Another fan pushed back against Joy’s critics, pointing out that raising one’s own food — by any means — generally cuts back on environmental waste: “If anything hunting is better for the world. Less packaging, zero plastic waste, zero machines for processing,” the follower commented. “As long as they’re eating what they hunt, what’s the problem. You can’t be against killing animals but not against destroying the environment.” One person who didn’t feel the need to weigh in on the debate was Joy. While she posted several updates on the trip she kept her comments apolitical, preferring instead to gush about her doting husband: “This Man! He has tucked me in every night, given me his blanket so I’d be warm, took my heavy backpack when I was getting tired, encouraged me when I was struggling to finish hiking up the steep trail, he is such a gentleman and helps encourage me to achieve me goals and dreams!” wrote Joy-Anna. “I love you so much, Austin Martyn!” As fans know, Joy-Anna suffered a miscarriage back in July, and she’s reportedly struggled with depression in the months since. So we’re in favor of whatever puts a smile on her face, be it hiking, hunting, or just spending quality time with Austin. View Slideshow: Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Lying About Courtship? Forced to Marry By Both Overbearing Fathers??
Early last year, Ann Curry broke her silence on Matt Lauer’s mountain of accusations of sexual misconduct and rape. Recently, the world has learned even more of his alleged misdeeds, including a story of one of his rape victims attempting suicide . A new report says that Ann has heard from other survivors, and that if and when she is ready, she can and will destroy his life all over again. Us Weekly reports that Ann Curry knows more about Matt Lauer than anyone ever realized. “Ann has maintained a dignified silence,” the insider begins. That’s certainly one way of phrasing it. That said, she did say that she reported him for harassment as far back as 2012. The source continues: “but a lot of people confided in her years ago.” “And,” the insider continues. “Still do to this day.” We’ve all read and heard the horror stories of Matt’s ability to lock his door from his desk and of him preying on NBC employees. But apparently, compared to Ann’s knowledge, this may just be the tip of the iceburg. “She knows more than most about the man Matt really is,” the source rveals. “And when she finally speaks out,” the insider predicts. “It will destroy him.” That’s a pleasant image. We’ll talk about why she may be taking her time in a moment. Matt Lauer once had the image of “America’s dad.” That’s how many fans and viewers apparently saw him. Now, the only people who would describe him that way are people with major, negative issues with their own fathers. He is accused of using NBC as his own private game reserve — where his prey was young women too ambitious or too afraid to report his harassment. One incident describes how a woman was summoned to his office to find him with his pants down. According to the allegation, he allegedly chastised that woman for not performing oral sex upon him. She was just trying to do her job. Then, things got worse. We all remember the harrowing story of him having a button installed on his desk so that he could remotely lock his office door. According to one woman, he used that to lock her in with him and then sexually assaulted her. She says that he only stopped when she passed out and fell over. Horrific. Another woman, who later attempted suicide, says that the “sex” he had with her was nonconsensual for two reasons. One, because she was too drunk to consent. Two, because she verbally denied permission for anal sex. We don’t know what more Ann Curry may know about Matt Lauer’s awful misdeeds. But some may wonder why she would wait at all if she knows things on such an important subject. The first explanation may be that these are not her stories to tell. These are the stories of survivors. They’ll share if and when they’re ready. The other is that she may be waiting to see if Matt attempts a comeback. Reports say that he is eager to return to work. It sounds like he may truly believe that he somehow did nothing wrong. Many feel that he got off easy by being fired, and that he belongs in prison with other accused rapists. If he tries for a comeback, maybe Ann will come forward. View Slideshow: Matt Lauer: A Timeline of Terrible Behavior
It's difficult to imagine Adam Lind abiding by any of the rules that govern polite society, but believe it or not, it seems Chelsea Houska's deadbeat ex has spent the past several months in full compliance with the terms of his latest punishment. Lind was arrested back in 2017 for domestic assault, but he got off with a slap on the wrist. Chelsea and her family likely hoped that Lind would wind up serving hard time. That didn't turn out to be the case, but on the bright side, he was prohibited from contacting his past victims, including Houska. Unfortunately, it seems Lind has now been let off his legal leash, and it's anyone's guess how that development might impact Chelsea's future. Take a look: 1. Back At It Before David Eason began his reign of terror, Adam Lind was widely considered the worst baby daddy in the Teen Mom universe. 2. Still The Worst? Unlike David, Lind has never been accused of beating and murdering the family dog, but he’s guilty of just about very other domestic atrocity you can imagine. 3. One Bad Dad Lind is the father of Houska’s eldest daughter, 10-year-old Aubree. He’s been absent for large segments of Aubree’s life, but that’s probably for the best. 4. Stepping In Aubree gets all the fatherly support she needs from Chelsea’s husband, Adam DeBoer, who is reportedly considering adopting the girl. 5. Caught in the Middle That may seem like an odd move, considering Aubree’s father is still alive — but it’s almost impossible to overstate how bad a guy Lind truly is. 6. At Least He Knows When He’s Not Wanted Adam signed over his parental rights in 2018, and the DeBoer-Houska clan has been flourishing ever since. View Slideshow
Well… that was all kinds of messed up, wasn't it?!? The Jersey Shore: Family Vacation universe was flipped around and turned upside down last week when Jenni Farley brought her boyfriend of a few months, Zack, out to party with the crew. And then JWoww got really drunk. And then she passed out. And then Zack totally felt up Angelina , who walked away… mortified. Here's the visual evidence: Very shortly after the episode aired, Farley took to Instagram to explain that she watched… finally witnessed Zack's inappropriate actions… and proceeded to break up with him . “For 5 months I was kept in the dark about this. For 5 months I was naive, probably laughed at and made into a story line that will forever haunt me,” she wrote, concluding: “My heart hurts on so many levels. One thing I learned from tonight’s episode is know your value. Don’t ever lower your standards.” Zack then addressed the situation himself on social media, apologizing to Jenni and to JWoww and taking full responsibilty for going way over the line. But here's the thing: These episodes were filmed several weeks ago, meaning we'll watch the fallout from last Thursday's installment this Thursday, even though the issues have kind of all been settled already in real time. Which brings us to the sneak peek featured here. It depicts Vinny and Angelina discussing the previous night's events, with the former saying he was right there for all the chaotic action. “Last night was crazy,” says Angelina at first, tow which Vinny uses Zack's nickname and replies: “I heard you fought with 24 last night. The weirdest thing is I saw you guys dancing at Drai's and he grabbed you.” YES! Angelina was psyched that someone else saw what happened and also thought something wasn't right. “You saw it! I saw your face! Thank god, I wasn't dreaming,” she exclaims. “What the f— was that?” asked Vinny. “Jenni was right here grinding, you were next to him and he grabbed you like this and was touching your ass. That was weird.” Responds Angelina: “His hand was all over that shit, I was like stop. She didn't even see it.” Vinny, of course, then says he would never do anything like that, prompting Pivarnick to express her reservations about Jenni's boyfriend and their relationship in general. “I don't know, I can't put my finger on the kid,” she says. “In all honesty, I felt that he got too comfortable way too quick with me. I don't know what to say, it wasn’t normal. He said before he left, he was going to call me to say hi to me. I think she's moving a little too quick in my opinion.” Vinny and Angelina aren't the best of friends. But the former says in a confessional here that he has the latter's back in this case. “Even though I don't like Angelina, I actually agree with her right now, that that was kind of shady situation,” he says. “I know that Jenni is looking through Zack-colored lenses right now, but if she finds out about this whole thing, she's gonna flip out.” And flip out she just did a few days ago. Check out the clip now!
By now, all fans and viewers of The Real Housewives of Orange County know all about Braunwyn WIndham-Burke's threesomes with her husband . Braunwyn made it very clear to producers that, given the chance, she'd be down to clown with castmate Tamra Judge. Tamra herself expressed no objections to that. At Shannon Storms Beador's birthday party, the birthday girl wasn't the only one who got a kiss. Braunwyn and Tamra seized their chance and made out. It was a treat for everyone — well, almost everyone. And … is Vicki Gunvalson homophobic? Look at her face below as all of this goes down. 1. It was Shannon’s birthday! Shannon was born in March, by the way, so that tells you how long ago this was filmed. As you can see from this still, Shannon had already been having a grand old time in this pic. 2. Braunwyn had her eye on the prize She and Tamra were, well, flirting all night. This is already after Braunwyn had been wildly unsubtle about how, if she could bring any of her fellow Housewives into her marital bed — as she and her husband sometimes do with women they know — it would be Tamra. She had clearly already thought about it. And Tamra was, well, flattered. 3. Vicki seemed a little taken aback We’ll talk more about this in a bit, and maybe selective editing is partly to blame, but it looks like Vicki was genuinely uncomfortable with Tamra and Braunwyn’s flirtations. 4. Speaking of uncomfortable … In addition to having her own drama, Gina found herself seated between two ladies. If you’ve ever been seated between two people who are being openly horny for each other, you know exactly how she’s feeling in this moment. 5. Thus, some folks swapped seats Tamra and Braunwyn were finally side-by-side, Gina could talk to Emily (they did a lot of that), and Meghan King Edmonds got herself a front-row seat to the action. (We see you, Meghan) 6. Things were already a little spicy Tamra — in her very loud voice — announced that her hand had been trapped in Braunwyn’s crotch. Braunwyn did not seem to mind. In fact, she shouted “do it again!” View Slideshow