Tag Archives: hobbit

‘The Hobbit’ To Stand Tall At Box Office

First entry in Peter Jackson’s trilogy is expected to make around $100 million during its opening weekend. By Ryan J. Downey “The Hobbit” Photo: Warner Bros./ New Line Cinema

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‘The Hobbit’ To Stand Tall At Box Office

WATCH: Rapper Skee-Lo Reviews ‘The Hobbit,’ Proclaims Bilbo A ‘G’

You know who probably wishes he was a little bit taller, and wishes he was a baller? BILBO BAGGINS, that’s who! Which is why it’s so genius that the good folks over at NextMovie tapped rapper Skee-Lo to critique Peter Jackson ‘s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey , which incidentally now has the best pull-quote of the year: “The Hobbit,” proclaims Skee-Lo, “is a G.” In other news, Skee-Lo (AKA Antoine Roundtree) has a new album. And a girl! Dreams do come true. [via NextMovie ]

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WATCH: Rapper Skee-Lo Reviews ‘The Hobbit,’ Proclaims Bilbo A ‘G’

‘The Hobbit’ Tracking $70 Million-Plus At Weekend Box Office: Biz Break

Peter Jackson ‘s initial Hobbit is looking to match its Lord of the Rings brethren. Also in Wednesday’s news round-up, Joel Edgerton is eyeing to star in next Natalie Portman pic; Andy Samberg is set to take on the Spirit Awards ; Top Gun is flying toward IMAX; and Hobbit mock-buster gets a new title. The Hobbit Tracking for $70 Million Opening Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey looks like it will take in $70 million-plus at the box office this weekend, putting the 3-D pic on par with the Lord of the Rings franchise. On the same weekend in 2003, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King opened to $72.6 million in North America, THR reports . Joel Edgerton Eyes Jane Got a Gun Edgerton is in talks to join the Lynne Ramsey-directed Western action pic Jane Got a Gun , which stars Natalie Portman and Michael Fassbender. The film revolves around Jane Hammond (Portman), who reaches out to her ex-lover (Fassbender) to help her when her outlaw husband becomes the target of a violent gang, Deadline reports . Andy Samberg to Host 2013 Film Independent Spirit Awards The Saturday Night Live veteran will host the 28th annual event in February, which honors the best in the indie film world. The 2013 Film Independent Spirit Awards will take place in Santa Monica on February 23rd, LAT reports . Top Gun Aims for IMAX in 3-D The 1986 Tom Cruise feature has been remastered in 3-D, which the late director Tony Scott supervised. Top Gun will head back to the big screen for a six-day IMAX engagement beginning February 8th followed by the latest Blu-ray release in a 3D/2D two-disc set coming February 19, Deadline reports . Age of the Hobbits Set for Cambodian Release Under New Title Backers of the mock-buster who were stopped by a Federal judge Monday from releasing their film with the title saying it could be confused with Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey , will now release the pic under the title, The History of Mankind in its native Cambodia, THR reports .

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‘The Hobbit’ Tracking $70 Million-Plus At Weekend Box Office: Biz Break

And Now For A ‘Hobbit’ Musical Interlude: The Dwarves Sing

Why yes, there are musical numbers in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey , which hurtles into theaters this week. Alas, none of them are eligible for the Oscars’ Best Song category, though I’d love to see Richard Armitage, AKA Thorin Oakenshield, face off against Katy Perry and Adele on that Academy Awards stage. Listen to Thorin and his not-so-merry band of dwarves prepare for peril with a solemn ditty in a clip from The Hobbit . Verdict : It’s no “Bilbo Baggins,” but then again, what is? [via TheOneRing.net ]

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And Now For A ‘Hobbit’ Musical Interlude: The Dwarves Sing

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Jeremy Calvert Debuts, Jordan Wenner Gets Dumped

Teen Mom 2 was back with another new episode last night, one that featured Jeremy Calvert’s first appearance and apparently Jordan Wenner’s last. How did it all go down? Find out in THG’s official +/- recap! Kailyn Lowry meets up with the friend she meets up with for obligatory, forced conversations about her relationships, and debates cutting Jordan loose. Later she tells him he’s overbearing and doesn’t trust her. He says he does trust her, she’s just kind of shady. No points ? We don’t know how to score that. Out with friends again, she notes that she doesn’t really miss Jordan at all, so that was probably a good move … except he was really good with Isaac. She decides to meet up with him to discuss things, but Jordan is nowhere to be found … and already “hanging out with someone else.” BURN Kails. Minus 20 . Jenelle Evans prepares to spend 45 days in jail, per her lawyer’s suggestion, despite missing Jace‘s second birthday and the lack of Ke$ha that jail time entails. She points out to BFF Tori that Jace’s dad Andrew hasn’t contacted her or Jace. We forgot who the dad even was. Not a good sign, most likely. Minus 80 . Jenelle Evans and Tori make a pact to not smoke weed anymore, and writes a heartfelt letter to her probation officer as well. Plus only 50 , because come ON. She writes that she was “screaming” all night for someone to let her out of her cell, and this was the wakeup call she needed. Ah, the life of Jenelly. “So are you going to stay off the weed?” – Bahbrah. Plus 50 . Jace turns two and Jenelle gets him a slip-and-slide at least, then spends like an entire day in the little guy’s honor … who is this girl and where is Jenelle Evans ? Plus 200 . Lawyer Dustin reports that her probation officer “surprisingly” liked the letter, and believes she will change. That should keep her out of jail … BUT FOR HOW LONG?! Plus 50 for making it an entire episode without a meltdown. Leah Messer is totes getting serious about a friendship with a guy on Facebook. “I get really serious, really fast,” she confesses, and ain’t that the truth. No points, because it has its positives and negatives, especially for Ali and Aleeah. She’s also got college to worry about apparently. Yes, college! Plus 100 . Later, Leah does reach out to Jeremy Calvert, and they go on a date and have tons of fun. He even passes the interrogation of tough questions. Plus 50 . Family friend Kathy watches the girls as Leah goes off to school, which she finds much harder than she thought. Hopefully she sticks with it more than a week. OMG, Leah Messer gets a surprise bouquet of flowers from Jeremy! Plus 50 , because we have a feeling things are going to last between these two. Chelsea Houska , as always, is trying to deal with the men in her life. After taking a few practice GED tests, she’s gonna take the exam for real. The stress of not talking to Adam is, like, wicked stressful though. OMFG. Minus 90 . Naturally, this being Chelsea Houska and all, she goes over to her dad‘s, and blames him for her breakup with Adam, shouting “You got too involved!” Minus 110 . Randy, as always, runs down the laundry list of reasons why Adam sucks and he hates him, and notes that Chelsea is just being used. No sugar coating here. Plus 100 . Meanwhile, Adam tells his tattoo artist that being single is “bomb.” Good to know Adam’s priorities are in line. Deadbeat Dad 4 Lyfe. Word. Minus 300 . Chelsea decides to get a puppy. No points , because it is sweet and all, and a lot less of a b!tch than Adam, but she clearly can’t handle more responsibility. Will she ever take that GED and/or get over this guy? Place your bets (on no). EPISODE TOTAL: +50! SEASON TOTAL: -1,560!

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Teen Mom 2 Recap: Jeremy Calvert Debuts, Jordan Wenner Gets Dumped

Ian McKellen Has Prostate Cancer

Sir Ian McKellen has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The 73-year-old star of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit told the Daily Mirror (UK) he’s been suffering from it for the last 6-7 YEARS, but has not had any treatment. “When you have got it, you monitor it, and you have to be careful it doesn’t spread,” he said. “But if it is contained in the prostate, which it is it’s no big deal.” “I am examined regularly and it’s contained, it’s not spreading,” said the silver screen legend. “I’ve not had any treatment.” We trust that he would if need be. The Hobbit will be released Friday. It looks awesome. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Ian McKellen Has Prostate Cancer

Ian McKellen Has Prostate Cancer

Sir Ian McKellen has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The 73-year-old star of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit told the Daily Mirror (UK) he’s been suffering from it for the last 6-7 YEARS, but has not had any treatment. “When you have got it, you monitor it, and you have to be careful it doesn’t spread,” he said. “But if it is contained in the prostate, which it is it’s no big deal.” “I am examined regularly and it’s contained, it’s not spreading,” said the silver screen legend. “I’ve not had any treatment.” We trust that he would if need be. The Hobbit will be released Friday. It looks awesome. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Ian McKellen Has Prostate Cancer

‘Hobbit’ Crowds Complain Of Dizziness & Nausea

Middle-earth may have some perils of the stomach variety if Kiwi viewers are an indication of things to come. Early screenings of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in New Zealand have left some movie-goers feeling nauseous. The latest anticipated epic from Peter Jackson had its world premiere Down Under last week and has already begun attracting audiences to the film that was shot using high-speed 3-D technology. Some have complained that the high frame rate, which screens at 48 frames per second compared to the traditional 24 frames per second, has resulted in dizziness, nausea and even migraines for some fans, according to The New Zealand Herald . [ ‘The Hobbit’ At 48 FPS: A High Frame Rate Fiasco? ] Director Peter Jackson trumpeted the sped up frame rate at the premiere for bringing “enhanced clarity and smoothness.” “You have to hold your stomach down and let your eyes pop at first to adjust,” tweeted one N.Z. fan. Jackson received mixed reaction when he teased footage of the Hobbit at Comic-Con last Summer though it met with some complaints that it looked “too real.” “48 frames absolutely helps 3D because suddenly you’re removing a substantial amount of the motion blur that you get at 24 . Your eyes get a much smoother experience,” Jackson wrote on the Directors Guild of America website earlier this fall. “Frame rate is a very similar thing to CinemaScope. It’s a choice. It opens up another toolbox for filmmakers.” [ ‘The Hobbit’ 3-D Early Review: Back Again, But Not Quite There ] This certainly won’t be the first time a movie has caused audience squeamishness and discomfort. Avatar and Breaking Dawn caused some fans to complain of sickness and they certainly did not result in lower box office totals. Even more dramatic, the New York Film Festival debut of Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction back in 1994 famously caused one audience member to pass out (though it was rumored he had suffered a heart attack – later proven untrue) which caused an interruption in the screening until paramedics arrived to help. Then the screening continued. [ Sources: ABC News , New Zealand Herald ] Read more on The Hobbit and Peter Jackson’s 48 FPS . Follow Brian Brooks on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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‘Hobbit’ Crowds Complain Of Dizziness & Nausea

‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’: The Early Reviews Are In!

Director Peter Jackson has not lost his touch for fantasy entertainment, according to critics. By Kevin P. Sullivan “The Hobbit” cast Photo: Warner Bros./ New Line Cinema

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‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’: The Early Reviews Are In!

‘Hobbit’ First Review: 48 FPS Is ‘Eye-Popping,’ But Watch Out For The Jar Jar Binks Of ‘LOTR’

Peter Jackson ‘s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey had its New Zealand premiere Wednesday, and although local press are still under embargo, the New York Daily News has burst out of the gate with the first published review of the anticipated Lord of the Rings follow-up. What’s the early verdict on Jackson’s groundbreaking 48 fps presentation, which was so publicly panned in previews ? Ethan Sacks’ review is enthusiastic if not terrifically detailed, but let’s cut to the elephant in the room: Will audiences reject the super-resolution 48 fps look of The Hobbit ? “Critics who saw a trailer earlier this year were unimpressed, but after a minute or two of adjusting, the higher resolution is eye-popping, similar to discovering HD television for the first time,” Sacks writes. Phew. Well, grain of salt: This is the first and only review out there now, so we’ll see if other critics agree as The Hobbit begins screening stateside tomorrow. As for the film itself, expect a cameo-filled romp that should satisfy Tolkien fans: “Lighter and funnier than its Lord of the Rings predecessors, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey remains faithful to the fantasy world last seen in the 2003 Academy Award-winning The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King .” There is just one little glaring notation; Sacks warns of one potentially grating character by dropping three of the most fearsome words in popular geekdom: Jar Jar Binks. “Like all unexpected journeys, there are a few pitfalls along the way, most notably the tangential subplot surrounding bumbling wizard Radagast the Brown (Sylvester McCoy), whose buffoonery at times descends into Jar Jar Binks territory.” [ New York Daily News ] The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey hits theaters December 14. Read more: Wranglers Say ‘Hobbit’ Animals Suffered Gruesome Deaths On ‘Death Trap’-Ridden Farm The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, and 48 FPS: More Tolkien In Store for Peter Jackson? The Hobbit 48 FPS Preview Divides Audiences at CinemaCon Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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‘Hobbit’ First Review: 48 FPS Is ‘Eye-Popping,’ But Watch Out For The Jar Jar Binks Of ‘LOTR’