Tag Archives: hood

Get A Load Of This Red Band Trailer For The New Film Promiscuities

You guys like erotic thrillers right? Well the new film Promiscuities is one of those. It’s the latest film from director & photographer Jonathan Leder and it stars Amy Hood as Diane, a woman trying desperately to suppress her deepest and darkest desires. Sounds kinky, right? Hit the jump for more info and to see the red band trailer…

Get A Load Of This Red Band Trailer For The New Film Promiscuities

Reec Sits down with Street Certified Artist Extreme Bling

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Reec sits down with Hot artist Extreme Bling. This up coming rapper reps for the hood hard on each record and also has some of…

Reec Sits down with Street Certified Artist Extreme Bling

Mom’s Twerking While Babies Cry and Other Videos of the Day

Swedish Man in Underwear VS BEar…Shitty footage, but I still laughed… Man VS Aggressive Elephant Idiot of the Day…Running Down a Cliff Girls in their Underwear….swimming Wife Strips Husband’s GF Live in the Hood – Naked Big Girl Beats a Dude Car Wash Outfit of the Day

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Mom’s Twerking While Babies Cry and Other Videos of the Day

7 Things That Don’t Belong In A Barbershop

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  Barbershops are exclusive clubs that were designed to be the ultimate clubhouse for MEN. In a barbershop, fellas can bond and be honest about…

7 Things That Don’t Belong In A Barbershop

Baltimore Kid Gives KILLER Speech On Why ‘Getting Out The Ghetto’ Is Wrong! [Video]

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Baltimore Kid Gives KILLER Speech On Why ‘Getting Out The Ghetto’ Is Wrong! [Video]

Trinidad James Responds To J. Cole’s Shots On ‘Villuminati’

The ‘All Gold Everything’ MC talks to MTV News about Cole’s less-than-flattering shout-out on his Born Sinner track. By Rob Markman, with reporting by Chris Kim Trinidad James Photo: MTV News

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Trinidad James Responds To J. Cole’s Shots On ‘Villuminati’

Chris Brown Didn’t Want The ‘Wealthy Or Rich’ In ‘Don’t Think They Know’ Video

‘When I did the video I wanted to do kind of like the ‘Boyz N the Hood’ theme,’ Brown tells MTV News. By Rob Markman, with reporting by Chris Kim

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Chris Brown Didn’t Want The ‘Wealthy Or Rich’ In ‘Don’t Think They Know’ Video

Magazine Covers: Jamie Foxx Talks Django Unchained And Flexes His Guns In Men’s Health!

Jamie Foxx is posted up on the December issue of Men’s Health magazine and from the looks of his biceps, we’re wondering just how powerful Django Unchained is going to be. Here are a few snippets from his interview in the mag: Jamie on why playing a cowboy in Django Unchained was second nature to him… “I watched Bonanza. I watched Hee Haw. I spun guns on my finger. Every kid, if you were in Texas, wanted to be a cowboy, whether you were black, white, Mexican, whatever.” Jamie after delving into centuries of American racism for Django Unchained… [A few onscreen fistfights were] “actually a breath of fresh air, to get all that tension out.” Jamie on being one of the most adaptable entertainers in the business… “You just have to live. As a comedian, you have to do it in different rooms. You can do it in the hood; I did it in the hood for a long time. And I took that same muscle and did it uptown, where the audience is Robert De Niro and Al Pacino and all those guys. You still remain the same person, and you get your stamp. It’s like a passport.” Jamie on the one experience that gave him a certain authority on the set of Any Given Sunday… “I got into the movie, and there’s Al Pacino, there’s Cameron Diaz, there’s James Woods, there’s all these incredible actors. But the one thing I had on my side: I played football. And I knew more about football than any of these guys. That’s what I relied on.” Jamie on his evolving career… “One thing I’ve learned: You have to rely on someone to tell you what is hot and what’s not as you get older. That’s what I do; I ask. When Kanye was telling me about ‘Slow Jamz,’ I was trying to sing it all happy, and he was like, ‘Don’t do that. This is hip-hop. Trust me, the simpler it is, the more effective it is.’ Music is changing. If you don’t change with it, you’ll be at the casino performing: ‘How y’all feel out there tonight?’ I’m still learning how to stay relevant and current–and at the same time not lose who I am, not be too young.” Jamie on his willingness to unlearn to stay on top… “Here’s what you’re going to unlearn now: Somehow you have to pull yourself away from media, not be so shiny in the next 10 years, because it hurts the art. When you go on talk shows, you have to be lighthearted, which helps and hurts. Now I’ve got to change the satellite a little bit. That’s the tricky part now. How do you navigate through the world you live in and still be an artist? Because that’s the only thing that’s going to survive.” Jamie on doing pushups during down time at his cover shoot… “It goes back to when you’re a kid looking in the mirror, and you want to be the guy in the magazine.” Images via Men’s Health Magazine

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Magazine Covers: Jamie Foxx Talks Django Unchained And Flexes His Guns In Men’s Health!

Quote Of The Day: Ice-T Says Rush Limbaugh Is A Racist Piece Of Isht

Ice-T Says Rush Limbaugh Is A Racist Piece Of Sh*t We agree with Ice on all of the above regarding your boy Rush: Ice-T has some major beef with Rush Limbaugh, after the radio host marveled that he knew the meaning of the word “tyranny” on Tuesday. Ice-T recently defended gun ownership in an interview on London news, calling the right to bear arms “the last form of defense against tyranny.” Limbaugh praised his stance on the issue, but found his use of the word “tyranny” with a British “sophisticate” especially remarkable. “He knew the word ‘tyranny,’” Limbaugh said. “And he knows that tyranny comes from government representatives. Double impressive.” Ice-T did not take kindly to his remarks. “Rush Limbaugh said he was impressed I knew the word ‘tyranny’… He’s a racist piece of sh–,” he tweeted. Later, he responded to some of the replies, saying “Hahah some of y’all are saying Limbaugh is not racist?? Check this” and linked to an article called “Top 10 Racist Limbaugh Quotes.” He also directed fans of Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly to “UNFOLLOW now.” Via Huffington Post

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Quote Of The Day: Ice-T Says Rush Limbaugh Is A Racist Piece Of Isht

You Need To See This!!: Watch Lupe Fiasco Break Down Crying Remembering His Gone Friends And Old Block! [Video]

Get More: Music News We understand this plight Lupe speaks about with “Ghost.” Like he says… black men from the hood know exactly what he’s talking about. SMH MTV

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You Need To See This!!: Watch Lupe Fiasco Break Down Crying Remembering His Gone Friends And Old Block! [Video]