Tag Archives: jasmine-waltz

Jasmine Waltz is some UK Big Brother Trick of the Day

I had an email exchange with Jasmine Waltz a few months ago…back when she was just an LA chick who was hitting all the cool kid parties…probably an aspiring actress who wasn’t booking jobs because just moving to LA and fucking producers isn’t really enough of a hustle since every girl in LA is doing that… I just assumed she was some bottom feeding fame whore who was semi-popular on instagram and was posting provocative pics to get more popular on instagram…kinda the kind of girl I am into… But it turns out she was in talks with the people at Big Brother in the UK, a reality show that can make a celebrity in the UK, because their blue collar, shitty mouthed citizens love big titty whores on reality TV…. So I guess I was right about her…and here she is looking good in NUTS…and I’m glad I can always say she once emailed me…before she was a Glamour Model…

Jasmine Waltz is some UK Big Brother Trick of the Day

Jessie J’s Side Booty Pop

I don’t tend to do many posts on Jessie J , but any hot chick in workout gear is a worthwhile story as far as this blogger is concerned. So here’s Jessie in leggings posing and flexing for the paps and showing off a pretty nice booty in the process. I’m not the only one who wishes she’d flexed a different set of muscles for the cameras though, right? I didn’t think so. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Jessie J’s Side Booty Pop

Jasmine Waltz Can Stay At My House

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to recognize this chick, but according to my sources, this hottie in the totally see-through dress is “actress” and “model” and former Celebrity Big Brother contestant Jasmine Waltz , if that name means anything to you. Apparently she just got booted out of the Big Brother house this week, and chose to celebrate by showing those idiot voters what they’ll be missing. I’m not sure what’s harder to believe — that Jasmine is technically considered a celebrity, or that she got kicked off the show with a body this nice. I guess it doesn’t matter though, since it just means that now she’s free to come stay at my place. It’d be pretty similar to the Big Brother house actually in that I’d put cameras everywhere, except it’s not for any show, and I’d be the only one watching the footage. » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Jasmine Waltz Can Stay At My House

David Arquette on Dancing With the Stars Run: A Life-Changing Experience

This week’s Dancing with the Stars results were a bit unfair to David Arquette, who did more than enough to stay in the competition at least one more week. But rather than talking about how he should have outlasted Nancy Grace, he’s taking the high road and praising the ABC show for the experience it gave him. It’s easy to see why, given that his seven-week run painted him in positive light, following a rough patch that had him making headlines for … other reasons. After a trip to rehab, a car accident, a separation from wife Courteney Cox, a fling with Jasmine Waltz and more details he’d just as soon forget, he now can. David Arquette on Dancing With the Stars (Week 7) “I learned a lot about myself on this show,” the actor said after he and partner Kym Johnson were eliminated from the hit series on Tuesday night’s program. “I learned a lot about self-appreciation and finding joy in my life and doing things that are positive for me. Kym and I had the best time. We had a lot of fun.” Arquette, who says his votes are now going to fellow competitor J.R. Martinez , is “sad” about the dismissal, but is also looking on the bright side of leaving. “I’m looking forward to spending time with friends, taking my daughter to school, going to ice skating with her, getting to play with her – just sleeping,” he said. “I woke up at 3:30 this morning, just amped up. It’s just so much high pressure and stress. I’m looking forward to that lack of anxiety on Mondays.” Did David deserve to get the boot?

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David Arquette on Dancing With the Stars Run: A Life-Changing Experience

THG Presents: Celebrity Mistresses of the Year!

Where would THG be without good cheating scandals? Sure, these women are trashy beyond belief, but boy do they keep things interesting with their sexting, locking themselves in closets, making up sex tape rumors and such. We despise them. And applaud their efforts. Below are THG’s esteemed finalists for the Rachel Uchitel Award as the top celebrity mistress of 2010 … Two of Tiger Woods’ more disgusting, entertaining mistresses . Devon and Joslyn James . Yes, we know Tiger Woods’ mistresses are soo 2009. But Devon James and Joslyn James (no blood relation, LOTS of sexual relations) simply refused to crawl back in the hole from whence they came. Brittney Jones . Ashton Kutcher’s alleged mistress is relentless. That much cannot be disputed. Every time her accusations are shot down, she comes up with even more ridiculous ones. Threesomes, sex tapes … snuff films may be next. Erin Barry . She may not be an actual mistress, but when you’re sexting Tony Parker and that’s why he gets divorced from Eva Longoria, you’re on the list. Jasmine Waltz . A star-stalking pro if ever there were one. At least she said that David Arquette was only mediocre in the sack, though. Props there. Capri Anderson . The porn star/stripper/escort/whatever she is co-starred in Charlie Sheen’s now-infamous hotel meltdown, and having witnessed this chapter of his downward spiral, promptly moved to cash in with a lawsuit. He may countersue for extortion. $h!t happens when you’re Charlie Sheen. Capri (left) and Bombshell. Neither needs a second name . Michelle “Bombshell” McGee . Not only is she the year’s trashiest, her scandal was the most shocking, breaking up Jesse James and Sandra Bullock. Add on her very special way with words, her soft porn tendencies, all the tattoos and having the audacity to blab non-stop about James for months? It’s hard to see how anyone else could even compete. But you tell us, celebrity gossip junkies: Who was your favorite celebrity mistress of 2010?

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THG Presents: Celebrity Mistresses of the Year!

Jasmine Waltz Bikini Ass of the Day

You may be asking yourself who this Jasmine Waltz with a great ass in a bikini is and I’m here to clear things up. She played Kelly in Cheerleader Massacre 2. She played Erin in Secret Girlfriend. She played Soming Girl #3 in Pledge This but she is best known as playing David Arquettes girlfriend who broke him and Courtney Cox up cuz they share the same publicist and it was decided this is best for their careers like the puppets they are… Now she is playing a cunt who stages bikini pics with the paparazzi like the low level bottom feeder with a dream and a love for attention that she is. Boring maybe, but if a bitch is in a bikini, I have no choice but to look. To See The Rest of the Pictures – Follow THis Link

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Jasmine Waltz Bikini Ass of the Day

Jasmine Waltz Bikini Pictures

I haven’t been really keeping up to date with my ‘Actors who used to be on that show Friends ‘ gossip, so I wasn’t all that familiar with this Jasmine Waltz hottie, but she looks pretty awesome in a bikini so who cares. Apparently she’s some chick who threw a wrench in Courtney Cox’s marriage by making her douche husband David Arquette feel ‘manly’. I have to say that she’s making me feel pretty ‘manly’ right now…. Maybe a little too ‘manly’ for a Starbucks . I better get out of hear.

David Arquette Parties in Miami, Denies Flipping of Any Lids

Yes, David Arquette partied in Miami all weekend, living it up at the Fontainebleau, dancing the night away at LIV nightclub and being “surrounded by women” all evening, a witness reports. And, yes, the recently-separated actor Tweeted photos of himself in Florida, including one of him with a male friend that reads “Enjoying a little gay dance [party].” And, okay, Jasmine Waltz went on record last week with a less-than-flattering description of her time in bed with Arquette. Still, the actor has a message for everyone: CHILL . “I know people think I’ve flipped my lid but I haven’t,” Arquette Tweeted Saturday. “I’m cool. Listen to Bob Marley’s “Soul Rebel” you’ll know where I’m comin’ from.” Or just look at the pictures above. The guy looks like he’s doing okay to us, doesn’t he?

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David Arquette Parties in Miami, Denies Flipping of Any Lids

Jasmine Waltz on Sex with David Arquette: Quick, Mediocre at Best

Once you get over the shock of anyone purposefully having sex with David Arquette, there’s only been one surprising thing about this actor sleeping with this cocktail waitress : That is took so long for the attention-loving Waltz to speak out about it. But that’s no longer the case The woman who has bedded Ryan Seacrest and Vinny Guadagnino tells the latest issue of Life & Style that she first met Arquette at Premiere nightclub on September 30. The actor showed back up two nights later, took Jasmine to a house party where the pair got wasted, walked her to the Hollywood home in which he grew up and “mentioned that he hadn’t slept with anyone since separating from Courteney.” What was it like for Waltz after she changed that? “It wasn’t bad sex, but it wasn’t emotional,” Waltz says. “It was quick and painless. Nothing exciting. When we were done, he just looked at me and said, ‘This is the first time I’ve felt like a man in a very long time.'” Awww, that’s sweet! Jasmine insists she made sure Arquette was truly separated before letting him inside her. She also says it happened more than once. “I definitely got the impression that Courteney had made the decision to separate,” Waltz added. “David did not seem like the one in control of the situation. Not at all.”

Originally posted here:
Jasmine Waltz on Sex with David Arquette: Quick, Mediocre at Best

Woman Files for TRO Against Alleged LiLo Puncher

Filed under: Jasmine Waltz , Lindsay Lohan , Celebrity Justice , Fights The hottie who allegedly decked Lindsay Lohan at a nightclub last month is apparently no stranger to violence — because a woman has filed for a restraining order against her, claiming she punched her too! You’ll remember Jasmine Waltz from her run-in… Read more

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Woman Files for TRO Against Alleged LiLo Puncher