Tag Archives: joe halderman

Letterman Extortionist Goes to Jail

And now, a cautionary tale for all the aspiring blackmailers out there. Robert “Joe” Halderman, the former CBS producer who tried to shake down David Letterman for $2 million, started his 6 month jail sentence today. Halderman pled guilty to attempted grand larceny in March and agreed to complete 1,000 hours of community service as part of his punishment. [ AP ]

See the rest here:
Letterman Extortionist Goes to Jail

RPattz Says He Smells And Can’t Get A Date

The Twi-Tri is taking overseas by storm. Robert Pattinson , Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart get fancy for the New Moon photocall at the Crillon hotel in Paris

The rest is here:
RPattz Says He Smells And Can’t Get A Date

David Letterman’s Extortionist Wants Case Dropped

David Letterman’ s accused extortionist, Robert “Joe” Halderman just left court and is asking the judge to drop the case against him. In papers filed, Gerald Shargel , Halderman’s lawyer states that this was not extortion, rather a “pure commercial transaction.”

More True Tales of Creepiness and Terror from the Letterman Staff

Just as America settled into a laissez faire consensus on office sex, some new confessions out of Fort Letterman have appeared to remind us of why we’re all against the bosses-sleeping-with-their-employees thing in the first place. Today’s exhibit: a piece on vanityfair.com by former Letterman staff writer Nell Scovell provides some stark reminders of why working in an office where the boss gets it on with their assistants is maybe not so fun if you are a female staffer who the boss is not getting it on with

Here is the original post:
More True Tales of Creepiness and Terror from the Letterman Staff

Letterman’s Accused Extortionist Surfaces

Filed under: David Letterman Joe Halderman — the man accused of trying to extort $2 million from David Letterman — was spotted at a Connecticut train station this morning, allegedly heading to NYC.The camera guy asks Halderman — who has pled not guilty to the felony charge of … Permalink

Read more:
Letterman’s Accused Extortionist Surfaces

Letterman’s ‘Bombshell Bussing Incident’

It seems like the actual Letterman scandal broke so long ago, yet the straitlaced scoops about the straitlaced funnyman’s straitlaced affair continue, forever.

Letterman’s ‘Bombshell Bussing Incident’

Letterman Suspect — ‘I’m Not Trying to Run’

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , David Letterman Joe Halderman, the man who allegedly tried extorting David Letterman, says he’s not running or hiding from anyone.FOX 5 WNYW got video of Halderman at his home in Norwalk, CT yesterday.

Read more from the original source:
Letterman Suspect — ‘I’m Not Trying to Run’

Gawker Exclusive: Letterman Blackmailer Lunched With Cop Days Before Sting

Joe Halderman , who is accused of attempting to extort $2 million out of David Letterman , ate lunch with a veteran Nashville homicide detective just days before he left a note demanding $2 million in Letterman’s car.

Continued here:
Gawker Exclusive: Letterman Blackmailer Lunched With Cop Days Before Sting

Letterman Scandal Shock: Fling Caused Love Letters, Anger

The Sexy Middle-Aged Man Interoffice Romance Scandal continues apace! Today in salacious pieces of information relating to David Letterman and the woman he smooched and her crazy boyfriend: A blackmail motive! Lusty letters! And a good guess at who’s leaking! That Dude Mostly Blackmailed Letterman Just to Make Him Feel Pain, Allegedly: The New York Post ‘s daily Letterman angle i s that Joe Halderman , the guy who tried to extort Dave for $2 mil, didn’t even care about the money that much—he wanted to see suffering! “He wants to hurt Letterman as much as he can — and he wanted to hurt the girl, too,” said a snitch.

Go here to see the original:
Letterman Scandal Shock: Fling Caused Love Letters, Anger

Did Letterman’s Blackmailer Get the Idea From One of His CBS News Stories?

One of the last 48 Hours stories that CBS Newsman and accused David Letterman blackmailer Joe Halderman worked on—airing just one month before he allegedly launched his plot to extort the late-night host—involved a ransom scheme. Weird, huh?

Excerpt from:
Did Letterman’s Blackmailer Get the Idea From One of His CBS News Stories?