Tag Archives: julianne hough

Julianne Hough Bathing Suit of the Day

The general consensus of these pics of Julianne Hough in a bikini is that they are pretty boring, and I would have to agree with the general consensus, even if I generally hate the general consensus and try to avoid the general consensus to come to my own conclusions. I’m a rebel like that, a punk like that, not really, I just hate people so I am naturally inclined to disagree with everything they say, in their pop culture, mall brand wearing, hostess twinkie candy coated bullshit… I think any bitch in a bathing suit, one piece or more…whether it is Julianne Hough or some other bitch is wonderful to look at…even if it reminds me of the 80s high school swim class when girls had thick bush and ill fitting swimsuits…and not of the instagram whores they are today… I think it’s nice to see a mormon who has been on RumSpringa for the last 10 years, turning her back on the church to be a dancing whore who fucks her brother on TV…finally finding some modesty…cuz modest is the hottest according to the MORMOM MEME account I follow on Instagram….because Mormons are the best… The post Julianne Hough Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Julianne Hough Bathing Suit of the Day

Julianne Hough Works Her Gram

Like Nina Dobrev, Julianne Hough went from being a TV star on Dancing With The Stars to an Instagram model. She is pretty solid at it. Not my favorite chick to follow, but every once in a while she posts something that Little Tuna can appreciate. Anyway, this is not her best work, but it’s better than a kick in the nuts.            

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Julianne Hough Works Her Gram

Julianne Hough is a Bad Mormon Mermaid of the Day

Do Mormon’s even believe in Mermaids, or do they just believe in all night cocaine parties featuring getting fucked up the ass by Ryan Seacrest….because you know that is what this girl did on her quest to become famous as a dancer…famous for dancing is a crazy fucking concept but apparently America likes dance, or the half retards on disability who sit at home in their trailer parks watching cable do….Dancing With the Stars was a hit show people….. I read somewhere she was sexually assaulted while learning to dance as a child, making her turn her back on the Church, or XENU or whoever Mormons worship….while being trained to be a stripper who can’t strip because of Mormonism… But look at her now, half naked on the internet like she was destined to be….John Smith would be proud… The post Julianne Hough is a Bad Mormon Mermaid of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Julianne Hough is a Bad Mormon Mermaid of the Day

This Is What 21 Looks like Now!

Man, I swear Kylie Jenner looks older than my mom and my mom is pretty old! Why would chicks do this to themselves? Let’s move along it puts me in a bad mood!          

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This Is What 21 Looks like Now!

Julianne Hough Is Still Working Social Media

I’m a fan of Julianne Hough . Even though I have no clue what she does anymore other than Instagram. I wonder what will happen when Instagram like celebrity blogs die a slow death and no longer has a revenue stream. Will it be too late for her to dance again? Time will tell…                

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Julianne Hough Is Still Working Social Media

Julianne Hough Mormon Bikini Pics of the Day

Julianne Hough is a stripper who never was… I always look onto professional dancers who have made it in the world as professional dancers….and think of what would have been had they been from a different ethnicity or socio-economic background…. I always think of the dance moves, the artistry that could be added to what would be their strip shows if they did what professionally trained dancers were supposed to do…and work as a stripper…before losing all hope and either killing themselves off….not able to accept that not everyone can be Janet Jackson’s back-up dancer and there is only so much room for Dancing TV Hosts…..and too many people can dance… But that doesn’t mean Julianne Hough isn’t a slut, she fucks her brother, something incest porn lovers can appreciate, and I know you’re out there cuz it’s always trending on porn sites….she also fucked Seacrest, a power tripping Napolean complex with a trashy girl fetish, despite everyone thinking he’s gay…it’s an angle to get away with MeToo movement behavior….plus she’s a Mormon…and when Mormon’s leave the church, they all end up fucking nuts….ass out on the beach nuts…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Julianne Hough Mormon Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Julianne Hough Mormon Bikini Pics of the Day

Blac Chyna Big Brown Nipple Slip of the Day

What is this WorldStar? Getting all the Hip Hop girls, doing some MediaTakeOut, covering some BOSSIP…. Because the Black crowd, the urban crowd, the Black Twitter is really the market I should be talking to, they are less uptight than you white people, they like to laugh at each other and make fun of each other, and it’s all in good fun. While white people are like “you made a rape joke, you were mean, you objectified her, you called her a whore or a slut, you’re mean”…. I think it’s time for a rebrand…. Blac Chyna Kardashian / TYGA fucker…bringing out the tits…like the sex worker she is.. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Blac Chyna Big Brown Nipple Slip of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Blac Chyna Big Brown Nipple Slip of the Day

Julianne Hough Topless Mormon Shower of the Day

Julianne Hough and her Rumspringa she never returned from has just gone nutty… Topless showering photos of her ass…. I mean this is what happens when you’re raised in a repressively wholesome religion, while you fuck your brother, thank to your parents putting you both into dance together, knowing that dance is the devil’s work….I guess they never saw Footloose.. Only to become Hollywood, to fuck Seacrest who I know for a fact, does coke off BUTTHOLES…women buttholes even…but that they SIGN NDAs to never mention because he worked too hard for this career… There is no way her Butthole wasn’t involved in that…maybe it was her idea…you know these oppressive religious people always get extreme….in their fundamentalism or in their anti-religious ways… That’s why it’s important to raise your kids in apathy. Ride the middle of the road…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Julianne Hough Topless Mormon Shower of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Julianne Hough Topless Mormon Shower of the Day

Julianne Hough’s Booty Pop

Thank God Julianne Hough is a blond again. The red hair was awful and I lost all attraction to her. But she’s blond now and when you are blond, you naturally sex things up. That being said, check out that booty pump. Calvin Klein would be proud.              

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Julianne Hough’s Booty Pop

Fame Whoring for America Because July 4th is a Good Excuse to Fame Whore of the Day

As far as I’m concerned, this is the American Dream… Being a famewhore on the internet that the paparazzi have decided you’re relevant enough to have your picture taken in themed photoshoots just because they are desperate for content to sell pics…and these famewhores aren’t even that creative in what they do but know if they post theme pics the fame will possibly grow…rather than just ignoring the opportunity to get posted about… It’s silly, especially since there are girls on instagram who are actually young and hot doing their own version of the famewhore for July 4th….who have more following and more celebrity in their eco system…but the paparazzi is dated and only take pics of nobodies no one cares about.. Weird. Alicia Arden – Not a Celeb – But a Famewhore and that Counts…. Arianny Celeste Still Exists…for America Anna Braga – 50 Year Old Sex Worker Allison Stokke – Pole Rider Nadeea Volianova – Whatever the Fuck THis Is… Blanca Blanco in a Bikini To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE ———————————- JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Fame Whoring for America Because July 4th is a Good Excuse to Fame Whore of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Fame Whoring for America Because July 4th is a Good Excuse to Fame Whore of the Day