Rat Cow…keeps trying…let this be your moment of very basic, low level, even depressing because she tries so fucking hard, resilience….and more importantly diversity…for a girl who has so many fucking social media followers that she will always be able to monetize…but has so little purpose in life or in what she does…but she can do two very basic and important things…show her ass when showing her tits seems a little tired and boring even though her tits are the only reason she matters…and show her ass or tits…is what she will do…because that is her skill set…one any primate can do…but that only the cleverest primate can make a million dollars a year with.. What a fucking joke…she’s garbage..but her ass..and tits…are great…so keep showing them, inspiring the youth…with your positive message to girls.. TO SEE SOME RANDOM PAPRAZZI PICS OF THIS WHORE CLICK HERE The post Rat Cow Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Rat Cow Butt Shot of the Day