Tag Archives: keep-showing

Rat Cow Butt Shot of the Day

Rat Cow…keeps trying…let this be your moment of very basic, low level, even depressing because she tries so fucking hard, resilience….and more importantly diversity…for a girl who has so many fucking social media followers that she will always be able to monetize…but has so little purpose in life or in what she does…but she can do two very basic and important things…show her ass when showing her tits seems a little tired and boring even though her tits are the only reason she matters…and show her ass or tits…is what she will do…because that is her skill set…one any primate can do…but that only the cleverest primate can make a million dollars a year with.. What a fucking joke…she’s garbage..but her ass..and tits…are great…so keep showing them, inspiring the youth…with your positive message to girls.. TO SEE SOME RANDOM PAPRAZZI PICS OF THIS WHORE CLICK HERE The post Rat Cow Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rat Cow Butt Shot of the Day

Karlie Kloss for WSJ of the Day

Karlie Kloss is one of Taylor Swift’s life sized barbie dolls, who I guess is on payroll to hang with Taylor Swift and give the illusion that Taylor Swift has friends, because without this gang of models she surrounds herself with, that scream “I had no childhood, I am richer than god, I can buy people, and pay them their day rate, to sit on my couch”…because power hungry people are creepy….but less creepy when surrounded by models…even if what she does with them behind closed doors and under contract is… I don’t know why, I dig this SpaceX head office photoshoot, maybe because Karlie Kloss has great legs, maybe because I know SpaceX and space mining is the beginning of the end of humanity which excites me…or maybe it is just the panties…it’s probably just the panties…. The post Karlie Kloss for WSJ of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Karlie Kloss for WSJ of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Ass of the Day

Old lady model Candice Swanepoel loves posting pics of her bare ass… Even though she spent the decade long career being non-nude and boring as fuck… ALl of a sudden she’s done a nude shoot or two and I guess she’s loved the attention or feedback…possibly even getting a wet pussy, soaking through panties over it…as girls do…when guys jerk off to them….making her come out of her shell… Luckily, it’s not in a too little too late situation…it’s in a just fine, keep showing the ass but next time spread it apart for me cuz I like asshole situation..which is a common thread in my life… The post Candice Swanepoel Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Candice Swanepoel Ass of the Day

Kat Dennings Busts Out For the 2013 CBS Summer TCA Party

So for some reason, 2 Broke Girls is still a thing that’s on TV, even though I was pretty sure that sitcoms are supposed to make people laugh, not worry that they might never laugh again. But hey, maybe that’s just me. Still, the silver lining in all this is that it means Kat Dennings ‘ cleavage will keep showing up to events like the CW, CBS and Showtime 2013 Summer TCA Party. So as long as I don’t have to watch it, here’s hoping the show stays on the air at least another 5 seasons. Or 20 Kat Dennings cleavage posts, whichever comes first. » view all 14 photos Photos: Fameflynet , WENN.com

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Kat Dennings Busts Out For the 2013 CBS Summer TCA Party

Will AMC’s The Walking Dead Be the Grossest TV Show Ever?

AMC is well-known for its cerebral dramas like Mad Men and Breaking Bad , but with the upcoming zombie serial The Walking Dead , the brainsss over at the channel intend to do something different: make you throw up. “The stuff that AMC is going to put on air is crazy,” says Robert Kirkman , who created the comic the show is based on (Frank Darabont is directing). “They keep showing me things and I’m like, you’re not doing that.” What kind of things? Read on, but put down that pastrami sandwich first!

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Will AMC’s The Walking Dead Be the Grossest TV Show Ever?

Mariah Carey Wears a Harness of the Day

I hear that Mariah is trying to get pregnant so that people don’t ask why her gut is so big and she figures that in another 20 years, she’ll be able to use her kid to meet new potential husbands (yes that was a bad cougar joke, it happens), unfortunately her menopausal pussy is makin’ it hard for this grandma’ that woulda been if she followed her destiny as being a half black chick from the projects, instead of getting all into herself thinking she can have a career singing 20 years ago, to get knocked up, so she’ll just have to keep showing up to events in bigger and bigger belts to cover her fuckin’ shit up and strap it fucking in. Pics via INF

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Mariah Carey Wears a Harness of the Day